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(this is the first time I'm not gonna write in luke or michael's perspective... enjoy!)

ashton woke up with a groan. he turned around in his bed, hands feeling for his furry.

he's probably making breakfast. ashton thought to himself.

he sat up, a headache striking his brain and groaned, lying back down.

"baby, I need an ibuprofen." ashton grunted, loud enough for louis to hear him downstairs.

no response.

"baby, please." he huffed.

it was silent, which was odd. usually louis played music in the morning, which was nice to wake up to.


ashton sat up, trying his best to ignore the headache, which was a lot harder than expected. he untangled his legs from the bed sheets and trudged downstairs, eyes searching for his baby boy.

his head was killing him and he tripped over — what was this? — beer cans?

he walked into the kitchen only to find it empty.

"louis?" he called, getting a bit worried. he tried remembering what had happened last night but nothing came to mind. was he drinking again? fuck, did he throw a party and someone took lou?

he searched for his phone, finally finding it under the couch cushion and immediately called up luke. it rang a few times before he picked up.

"what do you want?" luke spat, sounding pissed.

"you alright, mate?" ashton asked cautiously. did michael do something to piss him off?

"why are you calling me, irwin?"

"j-just wanted to ask if you saw louis? o-or if I threw a party? mate, my house is a complete mess and I don't remember a thing, help me out."

ashton's voice was small and desperate and he almost whimpered. he was scared and confused and — fuck — his head was pounding.

"ash..." luke sighed on the other end. ashton paced around the room, which wasn't the best idea because he tripped on a beer bottle and fell, cursing into the mic.

"ashton, you were drinking." luke stated simply.

ashton got up, searching for those small tablets that would hopefully take this stupid headache away and — wait... what?

"I was drinking?" ashton asked himself in disbelief. he heard luke sigh.

the young man looked around the room, which had bottles and cans littering every corner.


"yeah, buddy, you messed up bad." luke's voice carried exactly 0% sympathy. in fact, he sounded disgusted.

"your furry is safe, but only because he's not with you. you have to stay away from louis, alright mate?" luke said, hanging up before ashton could respond with anything.

ashton dragged a hand down his face.

"fuck. what have I done?"


louis paced around the room frantically.

"luke, please, I'm begging you! take me back to him! he's not drunk but he'll continue to drink if he becomes sad again!"

luke shook his head, "lou, he has to learn. what he pulled with you wasn't okay. he was being abusive. punishing without reason."

louis shook his head, "he had his reasons. I wasn't cleaning fast enough, I didn't cum, I-I tripped over something..."

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