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michael was extremely clingy the next morning, arms constantly around luke's waist and lips kissing luke's sides.

"baby, I'm not leaving until eight tonight, please get ready for school."

michael sighed, "but I won't be seeing you for a week. can't I stay home just today?"

luke shook his head, folding up a black shirt and throwing it into his suitcase, "the whole reason I'm leaving you with calum is so you don't skip school."

michael let go of luke's waist finally, dragging his feet into his room to get ready and groaning a bit.

"hey, no attitude!" luke called, his tone playful.


"you okay? you seem down." ace was the first (and only) one to notice how sad michael was once he arrived at school.

"yeah, luke's leaving for a business trip today and I can't come with him." michael pouted.

"mmm." ace hummed, "for how long?"

"a week."

"don't worry." ace said, trying to comfort his friend. he slung his arm over michael's shoulder, squeezing gently.


once lunch came around the two sat on the grass (as per usual) and ate quietly.

"so..." michael mumbled with a mouthful of sandwich. "did you ask liam?"

"about the..." ace looked deep in thought. his eyes suddenly widened, "oh... I-I, no, I didn't."

michael stuck out his bottom lip, "how come? you didn't have to word it bluntly, ace, come on."

"I know, I know, I just got nervous." he said quietly, "y-you know how he is..."

michael glanced over at his friend curiously, "not really. you never talk about him."

"o-oh. michael, don't worry about it. I didn't mean for it to sound like he's... you know... not fine. he is. just don't worry about it, okay? I'll ask him sometime this week, but-"

"ace, you have never blabbered so much in your life. chill." michael laughed as he interrupted his friend. "if you're not comfortable with asking him, you don't have to. just be safe if you, ya know, get pregnant."

ace nodded, taking a deep breath.

the rest of the day seemed to go by quickly, and the two were sitting under the tree as luke's car pulled up to the gates.

"bye, ace."

"bye, mikey."


"okay, kitten, I packed your bag. you'll be staying at calum's for a week - maybe less. you have extra panties, shirts, socks and three pairs of jeans as well as some sweats and a hoodie or... or did I pack two? shit, hold on," luke went down a small check list and read out the items to michael.

"yeah, and then your toothbrush and shampoo and stuff is in the carry-on."

luke talked on and on, but all michael could do was stare at him.

for fucks sake, michael said he loved luke. and luke said he loved him back.

"I love you." he said randomly, making luke stop talking and eye him.

the blond didn't say anything, but dropped down on his knees and knelt in front of michael, who was sitting on his bed.

"michael, you know I hate that I have to leave you, right?" he whispered, electric blue eyes staring into green. (whEN BLUE MET GREeN!!! srry i love larry a lo t.)

"I know." michael whispered.

"I love you, too." luke kissed michael's soft lips and michael sighed.

* (sorry for the choppy scenes. it's annoying me, too :/)

calum picked luke and michael up at their house, driving to the airport and dropping luke off. michael was in the backseat the whole time, only speaking when he bid a final goodbye to luke.

calum sped off towards his house, the car uncomfortably quiet.

"the only reason I wanted to take care of you this week, michael, was just to make sure you weren't at the house alone." calum explained in his booming voice, "and I didn't want you in the arms of someone you were uncomfortable with or... you know, someone you didn't know too well."

michael nodded.

"but, while you're here, you're gonna have to follow some of my rules." the raven-haired man cleared his throat, "you must call me sir and obey me at all times. no talking back, no cursing, no disrespecting me. okay?"

michael nodded.

"good boy. just like old times, yeah?"

michael nodded.

once they got to calum's house michael dragged his suitcase through the front door and placed it, as quietly as he could, near the couch. michael shivered, he forgot how cold calum's house was.

"take off your shoes, baby boy. and go to your room. you know where it is." calum ordered, taking off his coat and getting a glass of wine in the kitchen.

michael dragged his suitcase upstairs and opened the door to his room.

surprisingly, everything was still the same.

the room wasn't the biggest, but it was good. dark blue was painted onto the walls and the bedsheet was white. nothing covered the walls, no pictures nor posters, but it was so familiar to michael. he sat on his bed, curled up into a ball, and slept.


next chapter will be longer ok I promise!!


share an awkward story in the comments lol

 have way too many lol

thanks for reading babyyyyy

love youuuuu + stay happyy

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