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sending michael off to school was one of the best and worst decisions luke has made. he didn't have to worry about feeding michael and michael wouldn't annoy him while he did his work. but it was very quiet in the house. and lonely.

luke receives a text message in the afternoon. his phone screen makes a small sound and lights up.


hey, luke! I was wondering if we could meet up? I was hoping we could discuss something about that job opening...

luke texted him back quickly,


why don't we talk over coffee?


sounds good.

they decided to meet up at a nearby starbucks. luke got there first, ordering a tall tuxedo and sitting down near the windows.

calum walked in, and luke immediately stood up to greet him.

"hey, man. how are you?" luke asked.

"good, good. so, about that editing position..."

luke paid for calum's drink and they talked for what seems like hours in that tiny coffeeshop. most of the conversation was about work, but they tend to get off-topic and ended up talking about their favorite food or something like that.

luke checked the time on his phone.


his eyes widened a bit.

"oh, uh, I gotta go, calum. I had a great time." luke says, standing up and offering his hand.

"oh, where are you going?" calum asked, standing as well.

luke contemplated on telling calum about his furry. what if he thought luke was some sort of weird cat-pervert? eh, oh well.

"I gotta pick up my hybrid from school."

calum doesn't looked surprised. in fact, his smile widened.

"oh, I have a hybrid, too! what school does he go to?"

"river high."

"so does mine! she's a bit older because she never really got proper education. so I decided to plug her into the lower classes."

"what's her name?"

"britt!" he exclaimed, and started walking towards the exit. luke followed, eyebrows raised.

luke remembers the day he got michael.

he remembers seeing that blonde kitten with golden ears. her name was britt, wasn't it?

"shall we?" calum smiled, opening the door for luke. luke smiled, walking passed him.

"I guess I'll see you there?"

"yeah, see you."


second week into school. end of the day.

michael pulled his sleeves down his arms and over his hands again. he was a bit nervous, and he didn't know why.

his lab partner, ace, skipped up to him.

he was a furry, too, and around michael height and age. michael liked him. he was his first actual friend.

"hey. britt's looking for you." ace smirks.

michael groaned, eyes scanning the campus quickly. he's under the shade of a tree, the sun beating down a bit harder than usual in late january.

ace shook his head of charcoal black hair, his raven ears flopping around with it. ace wasn't a kitten-hybrid, but a puppy-hybrid. and michael was trying to get used to his energy.

he hid behind his friend quickly, checking the time on his phone.


luke should be here soon.

"what does britt want now?" michael groaned.

"to talk to you." ace said, looking kind of awkward just standing there. he pulled out his phone, trying to look more casual.

"she talks too much." michael whined. he got a text notification from luke.


I'm here. where are you


under the tree

he quickly responded. michael knew how much luke hated waiting for michael to reply.

luke's black bmw pulled up near the gates. michael saw, and tapped one of ace's shoulders.

"hey, my ride's here."

"okay, I don't see her. make a run for it." he winks.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ace." michael chuckles, jogging up to the car.

"hey, lukey." he smiles, opening the door and jumping inside.


don't forget to vote and comment on this chaptaa

it's a little shorter im sorryy

i'm on summer vacation now (whoop whoop!!!) so i might be able to update a bit more often weeeeee


ily, thanks for reading, stay happy !!

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