ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴠᴇʀᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ'ꜱ ʜᴏꜱᴘɪᴛᴀʟ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2

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This chapter contains mentions regarding hospitals and sick children, as well as thoughts about death.

Our teacher did not underestimate when we entered the large entrance hall of Severance Hospital. The interior looked like a large shopping mall with many shops and stalls along the sides. The lights on the ceilings illuminated the golden-yellow walls and made them shine. The floor, the pillars on either side of the entrance, even the metal holders to hold onto shone. Large high halls stretched out from the entrance on all sides, leading to the different departments. Large windows replaced the ceilings and let warm sunlight into the halls. Again and again, one came across tropical and indigenous green plants, which further supported the effect.

The Severance Hospital consisted of twelve building complexes, each connected to the other. Together they covered a huge area. Although Severance Children's Hospital was right next door to Severance Hospital, it took us almost thirty minutes to reach it. After many turns and signs, we finally stood in the large entrance hall of the children's hospital. In contrast to the previous entrance hall, this one was decorated in many different colours. Colourful sculptures and figures decorated the entrance hall or hung down from the ceiling. Each floor shone in a different colour and underlined the different departments. Small play areas for the children and lots of seating for the parents had been set up along the sides to make the waiting time more bearable. Slowly we followed our teacher to the third floor.

"Please wait here," said Mrs Jeon to us and walked towards the counter. I wasn't the only one who looked around the ward curiously. The paediatric oncology wing was brightly lit. The light floor shone under the lamps, -and sunlight. The walls had been painted differently. One section described space travel, another the animal or plant world. At first glance, nothing about this station suggested that it was intended as a children's oncology ward. Instead, one would have guessed a kindergarten or the corridor of a primary school from the pictures. However, the smell of disinfectant gave the place away.

Mrs Jeon beckoned us to come closer and moved away from the counter. In her hands were various papers.

"All right. I have the consent forms from the parents, as well as the medical and nursing staff. You have permission to talk to the children and spend time with them...as long as their parents and the children's condition allows it. In addition, you may also accompany them to examinations if they so wish." she explained calmly and we nodded.

"I will call each of you once in a moment and clarify the details with him or her. In the meantime, you are free to explore the ward, but do not obstruct the medical staff or the nurses in their work," she said and our group dispersed.

Slowly I walked down the corridor and peered into the corners of the ward. At the back of the ward, a circular area opened up, a play corner for the children. In the middle were two brown metal structures that resembled trees. Green, red, yellow and orange leaves hung from the ceiling, turning on their axis in the wind. The floor at my feet changed from hard to soft and cushioned. Beanbags were on the walls, as were fluffy cushions and blankets. Several shelves were under the windows, offering a wide selection of games without blocking the bright sunlight. Right next to me were two large elongated brightly painted wooden boxes that probably contained even more games.

"No...No...NO...I don't want..." I flinched at the increasingly loud voice of a child and turned around with a jerk.


Wide-eyed, I turned my back on the playroom and followed the increasingly loud crying to a room near the nurses' station. The room was double-occupied and a gaggle of adults gathered frantically around a girl's bed. Her black straight hair was slightly dishevelled as she quivered her lips. Slight tears came from her narrow eyes and covered her blotchy cheeks. Her arms were folded in front of her chest and trembling, just like the rest of her body.

"Su Bin...the nurse wants to draw your blood!" the Korean man said, his voice sounding impatient. The woman at his side was by now shaking as badly as the child and it took her effort not to burst into tears. Carefully she tried to reach for her daughter's arms, but they remained in front of the girl's chest despite her best efforts.

"No...I don't want this! I want to go home!" the girl cried desperately, staring at her parents. By now, the mother could not hold back either and turned away from her daughter's bed, sobbing slightly, while her father let out a deep sigh.

"Can I help you?" asked one of the two nurses who were in the room, staring at me. Unaware of the sudden attention, I flinched and my cheeks reddened as everyone present looked at me curiously. The grip around my handbag tightened and I nervously pointed my finger down the corridor. My mouth opened, but the situation threw me off unexpectedly, only making my cheeks redder. Quickly, I bowed.

"Miahnhamnida." I stammered and was about to turn away however, the girl's soft voice made me stop.

"Is your hair real?" she asked curiously, her dark red eyes staring at me. Dumbfounded, I looked at her and then nodded. Her mother had regained her composure by now and stepped to her daughter's side.

"Can I touch her?" she continued to ask and the eyes of most of those present widened at the girl's request. Her father just sighed while her mother spoke to her in rapid clear Korean. The girl ignored them and kept her gaze mostly on me. Slowly, I stepped closer into the room.

"Please...excuse my daughter...the day so far has been very tiring for her. She didn't mean to offend you." the mother stammered nervously, combing through her daughter's black hair. I just shook my head.

"Don't worry. Your daughter won't get too close to me." I replied with a smile and stepped closer to the bed.

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