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"South Korea seems like a very interesting country," my father murmured next to me and I nodded. The three of us stood in the lift of the YG Entertainment building and went to the top floor where the contract meetings were to take place. Kim Soo-Ri, a Korean lawyer was standing next to us.

My hands trembled with each floor that lit up on the display. My heart pounded loudly and uncomfortably in my chest as my body struggled with the tension. This situation resembled a test I had set for myself. Through my research on the internet, I was able to get a first impression of the upcoming contract. It would not only include the length of the contract, but also the conditions of the entertainment to my person. Like avoiding scandals in private as well as in public. Avoiding relationships, smoking and drinking alcohol. From my point of view, the last three points were among the less worrying.

Rather, it was the scandal surrounding my background that worried me. All it took was one rumour and it would spread through the building and among the trainees, like an epidemic, and do damage.

"Are there any other matters we need to address here and now? If not, we would hand over the revised contracts to your clients." one of the suits next to Yang Hyun-suk said, looking intently in our direction. Next to me, Kim Soo-Ri tensed and shared a long look. I nodded briefly.

"There would be one more important point to discuss, however, we would like to discuss this matter privately with Yang Hyun-suk," our lawyer explained and all eyes turned to the CEO of YG Entertainment. He nodded in agreement, his lips drawn into a thin line. The men and women surrounding him began to move chairs and disappeared from the room one by one. I felt their curious and appraising glances at us before the last one closed the door behind him.

Silence reigned in the room.

I met Yang Hyun-suk's gaze and silently we stared at each other. Besides me, our lawyer cleared his throat. "As I was saying...my client is facing a personal and private difficulty that your entertainment..." began Kim Soo-Ri, but was immediately interrupted by our counterpart. He had not even taken his eyes off me.

"Your family and social background should not prevent you from signing this contract, Miss Swan.". The lawyer beside me tensed as my body slid back into the back of the chair. Stunned, I stared at Yang Hyun-suk. By now, a small smile had appeared on his lips. My father beside me noticed the situation despite the language barrier and his grey eyes slid anxiously between the three of us. His warm hand on my forearm broke the eye contact between Yang Hyun-suk and me. Blinking, I looked at my father and placed my hand on his.

"It's all right. Just...a more than a surprising turn of events." I said, turning back to the dark-haired Korean. He placed his arms on the table in front of him.

"You thought I didn't know," he said and I nodded. I glanced at my father.

"Not many people know who we are. Even in England, the interest of the British nobility is mainly limited to the family of the reigning monarch and his descendants. My family, similarly to many others, lives quite secluded, away from the spotlights and the press," I explained carefully and my counterpart nodded in understanding. Curiously, I watched him.

"How long have you known about this?" I asked and my counterpart smiled slightly.

"Ever since I first heard your voice, you had my attention, Miss Swan. I knew who you were from our first meeting. Who your family is. It didn't stop me from making you this once-in-a-lifetime offer of my entertainment. And it shouldn't stop you from signing this contract either, Miss Swan. As I said when we first met, you have the potential to be developed. Potential and talent that you should use!" he said and I looked at myself.

I swallowed slightly. I had not expected his statement.

"But it's not just her pedigree that's stopping you from signing that contract...is it?" he said after a while of silence, looking thoughtfully at me. I avoided his gaze and lowered my head onto my hands. The next moment, the table shook and I recognised Yang Hyun-suk's reflection on the glass table as he slowly walked around the table. Finally, he stopped in front of me. I looked up.

Yang Hyun-suk leaned backwards.

"You cannot change the past, Miss Swan. You cannot change the day, the month or the year. Nor can you change the family you were born into. But you can decide for yourself what your future will be.".

His hand gripped the contract and pushed it towards me.

"Despite all this, you are willing to sign me in your entertainment? To take the risk with me?" I inquired incredulously. Yang Hyun-suk straightened up again and looked at me with a serious expression.

"I take risks every day by searching for talents, training them and, if necessary, grouping them to present them to the world. In doing so, I can win or fail! No one guarantees that you will debut as a K-Pop star by signing this contract. It is only a two-year contract. When that expires, the decision is yours." he explained.

"I am willing to take the risk with you, Miss Swan. The only question I have to ask myself is...are you willing to take that risk too?" he asked, glaring at me. I lowered my eyes and stared at the pile of white leaf paper. My mind was racing. Only in the background did I catch the CEO finally leaving the room, leaving the three of us in the conference room.

"I must admit, his arguments are quite convincing," my father said after a while. My grey eyes were still fixed on the contract.

"They are not only convincing, but they are also true," I whispered to him and finally managed to take my eyes off the paper.

"How many times have I heard people talking about me behind my back? Their appraising glances, their scrutinising eyes that peered at me at every opportunity. Curious to know if there was a part of her in me. Like she was alive again through me." I said, tears burning in my eyes.

"Dear..." my father sighed lightly and wrapped me in a deep hug. His short greying hair tickled my nose and cheek. I sank my face into his neck and breathed in his deep familiar scent. Just being around him made my body slowly calm down. Even after almost three months in South Korea, I was only now realising how much I missed my family.

"What should I do...?" I asked softly, breaking away from him again. My father gave me a reassuring smile and his grey eyes shone slightly. He glanced briefly at the contract and then back at me.

"I can't tell you what to do, Josie. You alone make that decision. But...whichever of these two paths you choose...you will do great things. In your way and not the way others want to impose on you," he replied, wiping the wet tears from my cheeks.

I closed my eyes and focused them on the contract in my hands. Never would I have thought that a simple trip to a karaoke bar would suddenly change my life. And now I was sitting in an entertainment conference room, having to decide on the next two years of my future.

The small print on the white sheets of paper gradually blurred. But I couldn't take my eyes off it, my thoughts were too tied to the words of my father, my friends and Yang Hyun-suk.

The next moment I blinked and looked at Kim Soo-Ri, who had been sitting silently beside us until now.

"Do you have a pen?" I asked. 

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