Chapter 23

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Ally's POV

I wake up in the same position that I was in last night and look up to see Hayes still asleep.

I really don't know what I did to deserve him.

I get up slowly so that I don't wake him up and tip toe slowly to the bathroom.

As I'm just about to open the bathroom door, out comes Lauren with her headphones in, screaming out song lyrics.

"Lauren shut up! Hayes is asleep" I say as quietly as I can. "Oh sorry" Lauren giggles.

I hop into the shower and do my thang, and then hop back out again.

I come back out to see Hayes still asleep. Lauren's lying on her bed playing temple run so I start to get ready.

Since we've only two hours until the Magcon event I decide to wake up Hayes. "Hayes" I whisper into his ear as I shake him gently.

"I'll do it" Lauren says. "Hayes!" She shouts into his ear. "Lauren!" I shout at her.

Hayes hops up with his confused, morning face look. "Good morning beautiful" he says as he pecks me on the lips. "Morning handsome" I reply as I bite my lip.

"I better go get ready" he says. I take out my iPad mini to FaceTime my mom and dad.

"Morning sweetie" mom and dad say. "Ally!" Abby shouts into the camera.
"Hey guys, I miss you" I reply.

After about 10 minutes of mom and dad yapping about visiting my cousin, we all say goodbye to each other.

I hear a knock on the door so I answer it to see Nash and Tiff at the door.

"Morning sunshines! Bart sent me to collect ye because we have to go practice for the event" Nash says.

"Okay" I reply and we all head to the event.

"Wow this space is really big" I say. "Ya apparently they sold loads of tickets" Nash replies.

Soon all of the boys join us as we wait for Bart.

"Here he comes" Cam says as we all clap when Bart arrives.

"Hey guys. Did y'all sleep alright?" He asks and we all reply "yep".

"That's good. Now first of all we are going to put ye up on that stage and we have planned things for ye to do with the fans such as truth or dare, dance offs, etc" Bart says.

"Then afterwards, ye will do a meet and greet. No kissing the fans. Got it? They can kiss you on the cheek but you can't kiss them. Alright?" He continues.

After his instructions we all just messed about and checked the schedule and back stage.

The couches and the food and everything backstage is so amazing. As I was checking out the food I noticed a poster up on the wall with all the members of Magcon on it.

And for some reason I was in it. As I was very confused I asked Bart about the picture. "Well since your a member of Magcon you're on the poster?" Bart said sarcastically.

"I'm not going on stage or to the meet and greets though?" I said. "Yes, yes you are. And your sister and Lauren" he said.

I couldn't believe it. I'm apart of Magcon.

"Hayes I'm apart of Magcon!" I said excitedly as I hugged him. "Seriously?" He said and hugged me back.

Suddenly I could hear screaming girls inside the big hall. As I was very curious, I took a little peep outside the curtain.

The hall was already half full and everyone started to notice me and scream my name and take pictures.

"Omg there's so many people there" I said to Hayes as I began to get nervous.

"Don't worry babe. I'll be there to hold your hand when they call our names" Hayes reassured me.

"Okay guys it's starting in one minute" one of the back stage crew said.

DJ Mahogany began to shout our names into the mic as the song 'Lipgloss' played in the background.

"Nash Grier!!" She shouted as he walked out dancing.

"Hayes Grier and Ally Wilson!!" She shouted as the fans screamed out "Hally". Hayes grabbed my hand as we both danced on stage.

The atmosphere was incredible. The hall was full and I could tell that the fans were enjoying this experience as much as I did.

"Now who wants to play truth or dare?!" Mahogany shouts as the fans screamed.

We all sat down around the stage and I sat beside Hayes.

"Ok first up Jack J" she said as Jack stood up and danced. "Dare" he said with a smirk. "I dare you to pick a fan and give her a piggyback" she said as the fans were nearly jumping on stage.

"Okay I pick you" he said to a girl as she nearly cried. He then gave her a piggy back and ran around the stage.

"Next up is Hayes! Truth or dare?" She said. "I'm going to go with dare" he replied.

"Alrighty! You have to kiss your true love for 3 seconds" she said.

Hayes grabbed my hand to pull me up. Then, he twirled me and dipped me as he kissed me. After our three seconds Mahogany spoke again "Alright three seconds is up". But we kept kissing.

Fans started whistling and Hayes twirled me again before he knelt on one knee and kissed my hand.

After truth or dare, Jack and Jack sang. And then Shawn Mendes did.

Afterwards we did our meet and greet which was absolutely so fun.

After our long day we all head up to our rooms have a nap we deserve.

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