Chapter 41

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Ally's POV

After the Magcon event everyone goes back to their own rooms.

"I can't believe we're going to Hollywood to record our own song and music video" I say to Lauren.

"I know but I can't believe the only people we can bring are our family" she says sticking out her bottom lip.

"I know, I'm going to miss you two." I say to Hayes and Cody. "I'm going to be lonely without you" Hayes replies.

"Well I'm buying you a smoothie to celebrate" Cody says to Lauren taking her hand. They head downstairs to the hotel café.

"Congratulations Ally" Meghan says giving me a weak smile. "Thanks" I reply.

"Well I better go call my Mom and tell her the news" I say excitedly.

"Okay babe" Hayes smiles back.

I go out of the room and sit down at the wall to call Mom.

**ring ring**

"Hey Mom!" I say. "Hi Ally, can I call you later, Abby just fell off her bike and cut her leg. Hope you're having fun. Love you" she replies.

"Oh ok, love you too" I say and hang up.

I walk back to the room and open the door.

"Mom was too busy so-" I say but I can't finish my sentence. I stare in disbelief at.. Meghan and Hayes kissing. And it wasn't just a peck, it was full on kissing.

They break apart and stare at me. "Ally" Hayes mumbles. I just stand there with my mouth wide open because I can't even move.

"Ally" Hayes says walking towards me. "Hayes leave me the fuck alone" I say and run out the door. I continue to run to the elevator as tears stream down my face. I look into the mirror to see my mascara is starting to smudge and its rolling down my cheeks.

The elevator opens to reveal Lauren and Cody standing there holding smoothies.

"Ally are you ok?" They ask in unison. "Ya I want to be alone" I cry. "Ally?" Lauren shouts.

I continue to run out of the hotel and onto the street. Why the hell would Hayes do this to me? What did I do wrong? He obviously doesn't love me anymore if he's going to do that behind my back.


I open my eyes to see I'm lying on the road and there's a car parked in front of me. A man runs towards me panicking and there's blood and glass surrounding me. That's the last thing I see before I shut my eyes.

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