Chapter 25

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Ally's POV

I wake up in the arms of Hayes as he breathes his hot breathe on the back of my neck. I look up at him to see that his mouth is slightly open and he looks so adorable. His eyes begin to flutter open and he begins to yawn.

"Good morning beautiful" he says with his raspy, morning voice as I start to blush.

"Morning handsome" I say and he pecks me softly on the lips.

We stare into each other's eyes and I start to smile as I treasure this moment. Before Lauren interrupts us.

"Hey guys" she says while she sits on the side of her bed, staring at us.

"Morning" we both reply.

Since yesterday was our last Magcon event here in Dallas, we now have two days left to chill and hopefully have no drama.

"Wanna go for a swim" Lauren asks energetically and we both nod.

I head into the bathroom to change into my blue and white bikini. I wash my face and brush my teeth before heading back out. I slide my sandals on and I go on my phone as I wait for Lauren and Hayes to get ready.

"I'll bring my water proof camera so we can take pictures" Lauren says excitedly.

"Alright are we ready?" Hayes asks before we all head out to the hall.

We walk out to see all of the boys and Tiff waiting for the elevator.

"Hey guys" Matt says and we all wave.

"We're just heading down to the pool" Jack G adds. "We are too" I reply. "I brought my waterproof camera" Lauren adds. Hayes and I both look at her and laugh. "What? It gonna be my first time using it" Lauren replies.

We all head down to the pool and jump in. "I'm gonna just tan over here" Tiff says. "No you're not" Nash says as he lifts her up over his shoulder.

Tiff begins to kick and shout "Nash let me go!!".

"Let you go? Okay" Nash says as he throws her into the pool. She comes back up from under the water and screams "Nash I'm going to kill you" as she laughs.

"Aw they're so cute" I say but I turn around to see that Hayes isn't beside me anymore.

"Hayes?" I call. "Hay-" I call but my foot gets pulled and my whole body is pulled underwater. I try to break free but their arms stretch around my torso.

We both go above the water and I turn around to see that it's Hayes. "Hayes, you scared me to death" I say.

He starts laughing and then begins to tickle me. "Hayes stop!" I shout but I keep laughing. I hate being tickled and he knows that.

"Hayes!" I shout again and he soon stops. He wraps his arms around my torso and crashes his lips against mine.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I reply with a smile.

He releases me and we both go under water. We open our eyes but it's quite fuzzy. I give him a peck on the lips and we both go above water.

"Cuties!!" We hear a voice say and we both jump as we look in their direction.

Lauren is floating there with the camera against her eye. "That ones a funny one to be fair" she laughs.

We all laugh and then swim over to the others. "Just in time! We were just about to play a game, I like to call 'It takes two' " Taylor says.

"What's that?" Hayes asks.

"Basically, you get someone to partner with and they must go on your shoulders. Then we get a ball and we all have to try knock each other down" he explains.

"That sounds fun" I reply.

Here are the partners:
Hayes and I
Lauren and Matt
Cameron and Taylor
Aaron and Carter
Jack and Jack
Nash and Tiff

We all get ready and Tiff gets the ball.
"3,2,1 go!" She shouts as she throws the ball at Cameron in the face which causes him and Taylor to fall backwards.

Lauren throws the ball, aiming at me which I punch. It then backfires and knocks Lauren off of Matt's shoulders.

I literally nearly fell off Hayes' shoulders because I was laughing so much.

Soon it was only me and hayes, and Jack and Jack standing. "You're going down" I teased as I threw the ball at Jack J which caused him to fall.

"We win!" Hayes shouts as I dance on his shoulders with hands. "Victory is ours" I shout.

"Should we go now?" Carter asks and we all agree.

We all head back up to our floor and go into our rooms. We all lie down on our beds and relax. "Guys come over here I have to show you something" Lauren says while she's on her laptop.

Hayes and I walk over to her bed and look at her screen.

"I connected my camera to the laptop and now I can show you the pictures" she says.

There was so many pictures of us. We didn't even realise she was taking pictures to be honest. She took pictures when we were kissing, and when we were staring into each other's eyes.

There's also one of Hayes looking at me smiling as he tickles me and I'm laughing so much. It looks adorable.

She also had one where we were both looking at the camera and we look really scared. That was when she said "Cuties!!" And we both jumped.

The last picture was definitely my favourite. It was when we were under water kissing which actually turned out really cool.

"Lauren these are amazing" I say as I hug her. "Thanks sweet cheeks" she replies.

"I don't know about you, but I'm really tired. I'm off to bed" Hayes says as he yawns.

"Okay, I'm just gonna go for a quick shower and then I'll hop into bed with you" I say.

"I'll wait for you" he winks.

I laugh and wink back and then go for my shower. Once I come out, I dry my hair quickly and change into an oversized t-shirt.

I hop into bed beside Hayes who wraps his arms around me. "I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'm so lucky that I have you" he says which makes me go red.

"Hayes I would be lost without you. I'm the one who's lucky to have you" I reply.

He smiles down at me and kisses my cheek.

I tuck my head onto his chest until I finally drift off to sleep.

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