Chapter 11

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Hayes POV

I wake up to see Ally lying on my chest in the same position we were in last night.

I smile to myself and kiss her on the forehead before getting up without waking her.

I don't even care how bad I look in the morning. I go downstairs to see my mom sitting at the table.

"Morning darling" she says. "Morning" I reply

*Ding dong*

"Are we expecting a visit or something?" I ask.

"Um maybe" mom replied with a smirk on her face

With that I walked towards the door and open it to see someone I wasn't expecting. I just stare in shock.

Ally's POV

"AIDAN!?" I hear Hayes scream

I jolt from the bed to see that Hayes was not in the room.

I start to get scared as I run down the stairs and into the hallway.

At the front door I see Hayes and someone his age bro hugging. I give a sigh of relief because I thought something was wrong

Hayes sees me standing there and speaks up.

"Ally this is Aidan my best friend from NC, Aidan this is Ally my girlfriend"

I get butterflies when he says I'm his girlfriend but I don't know why.

"Hey nice to meet you" I say and stick out my hand. Aidan denies it and hugs me. I hug him back but I was kind of confused.

"Ally is it okay if we all go to the mall and of course you can bring a friend or something".

"Sure I'll bring my friend Lauren" I reply. Wait. Lauren. Oh shit I forgot to tell Lauren about Hayes.

"Will you excuse me for one minute" I say and run upstairs

I grab my phone and immediately call Lauren. It may sound dramatic but we tell each other literally everything.

"Hey Lauren. I was wondering if you could come to the mall with me and a few friends" I say

"Sure what time?"

"Am 30 minutes? Oh and Hayes Grier is my boyfriend" I reply.

I close my eyes and bite my lip because I know she's going to scream or something

"You mean the guy you were fangirling over? Is that him? OMG what does he look like? Does he-"

"Yes Lauren that's him. I'm sorry I gotta go but I'll see ya later"

I hang up and start getting ready. I put on my top that says 'Life of the party' and put on high waisted jeans. I comb my hair, brush my teeth and go back downstairs.

Hayes and Aidan are sitting on a couch in the sitting room still talking. "So you're staying for one week here?" Hayes asks. "Yup" he replies

Hayes sees me and gets up. He walks over to me and kisses me on the lips. I smile and ask "What was that for?"

"Because you look beautiful as always"

He goes upstairs to get ready while I stand there awkwardly. Aidan gets up walks over to me.

"Do I get a kiss too?" He asks and I don't know if was joking or not.

I laugh and say no. "I was joking by the way" he says and I laugh at him.

"But seriously I was joking" he repeats. "Okay okay" I reply and Hayes runs down the stairs

"We better get going" he says and grabs my hand

"Nash can you drop us to the mall" Hayes shouts up the stairs and Nash comes running down

Nash drives us to the mall and we meet up with Lauren.

"Hi I'm Aidan" he says while smiling. "Hi I'm Lauren" she weakly smiles back

We all make our way through the mall doors

I feel a tug at my top and Lauren whispers "Ally that's him! He's the one from holidays at the mall! And Hayes is the guy who I thought was your type and Aidan oh Aidan"

"And Aidan's your future husband?" I question. "Yup that's him"

"I'll see what I can do" I wink

"What's that supposed to mean" she asks

"Oh you'll see"

A/N: Guys Madi Burton followed me on Twitter yuss

Do the boys follow any of ye?

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