33~Thank God for everything

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7 months later

Clutching Rachel's bridal bouquet, Annie's gaze drifted to Ty's throughout the ceremony.

Something powerful passed between them, an invisible connection that left her with the distinct feeling he was making silent promises.

Tearing her gaze from the man she loved, Annie returned her attention back to Caleb and Rachel. The love shining in their eyes for one another filled Annie's heart with joy. It was as if just the two of them were there instead of a church packed with family and friends.

The only thing more beautiful than Rachel was the look on Mary Jo's face as she brushed a happy tear from her cheek. Rachel's parents appeared as emotional as Mary Jo.

Caleb was dashing in his black tuxedo and snowy-white shirt. Rachel looked like she'd stepped out of a bridal magazine in her white, off-the-shoulder, little puff-sleeved gown with a fitted bodice and elegantly flared skirt with a pretty bow in the back.

"Caleb, you may kiss your bride," the pastor announced with a triumphant smile.

Ty's gaze held hers and Annie's belly dipped.

Caleb's smile was straight from his heart. With trembling fingers, he lifted the thin material of Rachel's veil, dipped his head, and kissed his bride.

Cheers filled the sanctuary, and still the kiss went on. When they reluctantly pulled away from one another, Rachel turned to Annie with a radiant expression as she reached for her bouquet of white roses mixed with baby's breath.

A reception in the fellowship hall followed, and the guests were served cake and coconuts. Annie couldn't stop smiling over that detail.


Josh bounced his son, shifting baby Jacob to his shoulder.

"Jacob is reminding us he has a birthday coming up. Two months is a big deal." Annie made a silly face at the baby. "I can hold him."

"I think there is another guy who needs your attention now," Josh answered, his gaze slipping across the room to Ty. "I'm glad he was accepted to a seminary school close to home. God listened to my prayer."

"Of course he listens to you, Josh. He loves you." Annie lightly brushed her fingers along Jacob's back and inhaled his sweet baby smell. "He's blessed you with this precious child."

"I know, Annie." Like it did any time someone mentioned his son, Josh's face glowed with pleasure. "Jacob helps keep me on the path of righteousness. I won't let him down or God."

Tanner and Olivia walked up along with Parker and Jessie.

"How is my little man Jacob?" Jessie asked, rubbing his back.

"He cried for an hour after you left the other night." Josh smiled, his eyes shining with adoration. "My boy is a lady's man. He's in love with you, Rachel, and Annie."

With a smile, Annie dropped a kiss to Jacob's cheek. "We love you back, sweet boy."

"Hey, now," Tanner chided playfully, giving the baby a little high-five. "He loves his Uncle Tanner and Uncle Parker too."

"Yes, he does," Parker agreed. "And Uncle Ty and Uncle Caleb. Watching them act out Goldilocks and the Three Bears made my week."

Annie's heart swelled with adoration and she laughed at the memory. The others did too.

"It was hilarious," Olivia agreed. "I had no idea they were so talented."

"Ty and Caleb should have been in the movie." As soon as he said it, Tanner's smile faded and he cast a worried look at Josh.

"Relax. You can say 'movie' and I won't fall apart." Jacob made a little sound and Josh shifted his son and patted the baby's back. "Dani started her new film this week."

Annie put her hand on Josh's back. She knew how much Josh had wanted to work things out with the mother of his child, and how much it hurt him to lose her. Josh had asked her to marry him again, but Dani told Josh that as much as she loved him she wasn't ready.

Dani agreed not to have the abortion and she signed over custody to Josh. As soon as Jacob was born, Josh and Jacob moved back home. Josh got a job giving string instrument lessons, and he performed during worship services.

"I'll always love Dani. She's Jacob's mother, but I know God has a plan."

Several beats of silence followed Josh's comment. It was a difficult situation, and pretending otherwise wouldn't help.

True to character Tanner tried to cover the tension with humor. "Jacob loves everyone, but he loves his Uncle Tanner the best."

Caleb cleared his throat, holding Rachel's hand. "I step away to get married and you try to brainwash my little dude. We all know he loves Uncle Caleb most."

Annie knew Ty was behind her even before he put his hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him and her breath caught.

"Hey, now," Tanner laughed.

"It's the sandcastle competition all over again," Rachel said with a smile.

"So tell us Josh, who does Jacob love most?"

A few heartbeats long pause followed while they waited for Josh's answer. It came with confidence and joy.



Annie awoke to her mother urgently calling her name.

"Annie? Wake up."


"It's your dad."

She shot up and followed her mother into her parent's bedroom where Tommy was standing over her dad, holding his hand.


Her dad's gaze found hers. Something in his eyes was different, softer more vulnerable than Annie had ever seen him. "I'm ok, sweetheart. Nothing to be concerned about."

"The ambulance is on their way, Thomas," her mother said, kneeling beside her father.

Tommy mouthed one word to her that stole her breath. Heart.

Annie clasped her dad's hand and noticed the way his left arm was folded over his chest.

"We gave him an aspirin," Tommy told her.

"Honey, do you need anything else?" her mother asked.

Her dad's eyes found Annie. "Call Ty."

The next few hours passed in a blur of hospital activity and waiting rooms. The only still moments were when they bowed their head in prayer. Just when Annie felt like she couldn't bear the waiting another moment, Ty's hand never let go of hers.

"He's going to be ok, mom." Tommy's gaze met hers.

Annie put her arm around her mother, but she couldn't bring herself to say the words her brother wanted to hear. Only God knew His plans for her dad. She prayed with all her heart that her dad would be healed.

Finally, the doctor appeared. "I have good news," he announced, wasting no time in getting to the point. "It wasn't a heart attack." The doctor went on to explain her dad would need to reduce his stress level and watch what he ate.

Thank you, Jesus, for giving my dad a second chance.

Tears of happiness flowed. Annie's mother folded her arms around both her children. "You too Ty." She motioned him to join the group hug.

"We'll let two of you in to see him at a time," the doctor said with a close-lipped smile. "But first he's asking to see Ty."

Annie's chin lifted and her eyes found Ty's.

"Oh. Well, yes, of course." Annie watched her mother smile at Ty, saw the flash of surprise in his eyes and then the flicker of hope.

Thank you, Lord, for everything. A feeling of peace floated through her, and Annie knew that God was working everything out. 

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