Chapter 2

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Wilbur winced as Techno examined his bruised arms, recoiling.

"Hey! Be more gentle!"

Techno stared unblinkingly back at him, his long pink hair tied up in a bun.

"At least I'm not the person who pushed you off a building this time."

"The blast scared me! What would you have done in my position?"


Phil interrupted them, sighing in exasperation. Wilbur and Techno both shut up, glaring at each other.

"Please continue Will, you said you saw his eyes?"

Wilbur nodded, frowning at the floor.

"They were blue and sad, he sounded like he didn't want to kill me but he needed to because Dream told him to."

Techno perked up.

"Blue? Are you sure they weren't green?"

"Yes Techno, I'm not colourblind. I was right in close and there was definitely strings connected to him but they didn't seem to control him."

Phil sucked in a breath.

"Not everyone's eyes are green under Dream's control, and you said he looked sad?"

Wilbur nodded. Phil sighed, continuing his thought.

"Dream could be holding something of his hostage. Whatever the situation is, we need to get him away from Dream as soon as possible."

Techno sarcastically butted in, grabbing the ingredients he needed for a healing potion for Wilbur.

"How are we going to do that? He seems to be serious about fighting us now. We don't stand a chance."

Phil was quiet. Techno and Wilbur looked up at him, pretty much hearing the idea forming in his head.

"Techno, do you think we have enough for a splash potion of freezing?"

"You want to trap the kid in ice???"

Wilbur jumped up, his eyes a blaze with anger. Phil spread his wings, making himself appear bigger.

"I'm doing what's necessary."

"He's a child! He'll be conscious in the ice and I know from experience it's fucking uncomfortable."

"So what do you suggest?"

Wilbur hesitated, stepping back from Phil. Techno watched the exchange, amused.

"Just get Will to put him to sleep."

Phil blinked at  him, a bewildered look on his face.


Wilbur scoffed, throwing a potato handed to him by Techno at Phil.

""Oh" Indeed. We're not villain's so we need to at least try to be civil."

"We're not heroes either."

Techno pointed out, picking up his axe. Phil gave him a look.

"We can still be decent people."

"Says the one who wanted to trap a child in ice."

"... You're not going to let that go are you?"

Both Wilbur and Techno grinned, and Phil sighed.

"Fucking brats."


Huios jumped as Dream punched the table, pictures of the Syndicate leaders smiling up at them from the files there. Dream continued his rant, not caring if Huios heard or not.

"They won't stay still long enough to crush them! If only we could separate them..."

Huios cautiously raised his hand, asking for permission to speak. Dream snapped at him.


The masked boy flinched, gently stating his case.

"I could take two on and separate them, I've been training hard-"

"Out of the question." Dream butted in, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "They're far too dangerous and you're still weak. We can probably set up several distractions around the city and take them down one by one..."

Dream continued making plans while Huios watched, his words fading into the background. Carefully, Huios tugged on the string he had connected to Seirin, feeling a flood of sadness and stress. He sent a tiny burst of hope down the string, smiling behind the mask as it flooded with warmth and relief.


He jumped and let go of the string, looking up at Dream who had stopped pacing to stare at him. He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry.


"I asked you to recite the information we have on the Syndicate leaders."

Huios nodded, looking down at the files.

"Icarus, the oldest and presumed father of Seiren and Thanatos. He has large black wings and can speak to his crows. Majority of sightings are in districts 5 through to 17. He had another kid but they went missing soon after birth."

Dream frowned.

"Where did you hear that?"

"He mentioned it in one of our fights."

Dream nodded slowly, gesturing for Huios to continue.

"Thanatos seems to be the next oldest and has super strength as well as being stupidly lucky. Most of his sighting are in districts 15 to 20. He really likes reading mythology books."

Dream gave him another weird look.

"I see him reading different mythology books while on patrol. Finally Seirin, the youngest and sold be most dangerous if he trained. He can get people to do what he says as long as they hear him. Most of his sightings are in districts 0 to 7. He's fun to banter with and gets really weird whenever anyone mentions fish."

Dream snorted.

"How often do you see them?"

Huios shrugged, reaching up to take his mask off.

"Dunno, 4 times a week? They don't always see me."

Dream grabbed his wrist, securing the mask to Huios's face. The younger felt the anger radiating off Dream and stayed quiet, not wanting to go back in The Maiden. Very quietly, Dream spoke, another green thread tightening around Huios's neck.

"We're doing business, only when we're going out as civilians you can take off the mask. What if someone burst in and saw your face? They'd take you away from me."

He nodded slowly, not wanting to jerk on the thread. Dream nodded and walked back around the table to look at the files.

"The information you have is appreciated, is there anything else I should know about the Syndicate leaders?"

Huios shook his head, not trusting his voice just yet. Dream sighed and waved his hand.

"Fine. Dismissed."

Huios ran away from the table, leaving the base and sneaking back to his and Dream's house. He ended up on the roof of a nice little house on the edge of district 10, climbing in a window that was always slightly open for him. As soon as he was in the confines of his room where no prying eyes could see, he changed into civilian clothes and slowly took off the mask. He turned it over and stared at the smiling mask. Slowly, he put the mask in his secret closet with the rest of his villain wardrobe. A last lingering glance before he walked out his door, down the stairs and out the front door.

He took a deep breath and stretched, grinning at the sun on his face. The destruction of the police station was fun, he could still see the building smoking in the distance. Huios smiled at his handywork and began walking to his favourite cafe.

WC: 1125

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