Chapter 9

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AN: This Doc is going to be hundreds of pages long. I was writing the chapter and checked how many pages I wrote and it's 43 for nine chapters.

Much longer than any of the other stories I've written but I think it's worth it.

Anyway, Enjoy some Family bonding :3


ommy froze up and glanced at Wilbur, who was guiltily staring down at his food.

"Wilbur, what did you tell them?"
Wilbur sighed and took out his phone, opening his files app and sliding across the screen as a video played. It was security footage from the last day Tommy was with Clay, with what sounded like a phone recording layered over. Tommy felt sick, watching Clay hit him. He shook his head, pushing the phone away.

"Clay doesn't know that I helped Dream. He's usually at work."

Wilbur glanced at him worriedly, not calling him out yet. Icarus sighed, taking off his own mask. He looked tired, and at least double the age of Thanatos and Wilbur. Thanatos took off his own mask too, flicking his hair out of his face. Tommy glanced between the two of them, frowning.

"Tommy, do you want to go back to your life with Dream and Clay?"

Icarus's voice was softer than the voice changer made it out to be. Tommy thought it sounded oddly comforting.
He contemplated Icarus's words, comparing the last day and a bit with the rest of his life. He felt safer, happier, and like he wasn't alone. Wilbur listened to him, and it seemed like Thanatos and Icarus genuinely cared about him. All in all, going back to Clay now would probably kill Tommy. He shook his head, gently leaning on Thanatos's arm.

"I want to stay with you guys. Please?"

Thanatos ruffled his hair as Icarus grinned at him.

"We'd love to have you, Toms."

Tommy glanced over at the pan, seeing it beginning to smoke.

"You may want to focus on the pancakes."

Icarus turned to see why Tommy redirected his attention and panicked, taking it off the stove. He gingerly flipped the pancake, groaning as he saw the burnt surface.

"It's fine Icarus, I usually burn my food anyway."

Icarus huffed, binning the pancakes.

"I refuse to feed you anything burnt. And you can call me Phil. Or Dad if you want."

Phil whispered the last part under his breath as he poured more pancake mix in the pan, not expecting any of them to hear it. They all did though, and Wilbur grinned and elbowed him while Thanatos ruffled his hair again. Tommy flushed in embarrassment, a funny feeling in his belly. That was rather fast to be accepted into the family-

"Oh I nearly forgot, my name is Technoblade. Although you can call me Techno if you want."

Tommy stared at him like he was crazy, his eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Your name is fucking Technoblade and you decided your vigilante name would be Thanatos?"

Techno groaned, seeing Wilbur already agreeing with Tommy.

"That's what I said! He totally should have called himself "The Blade," it would have been so cool."

Tommy nodded enthusiastically, grinning at Wil.

"That would have been epic! It really fits him too."

"I'm right here."

Phil laughed as he gave Tommy a plate of pancakes, smiling fondly at them.

"He just loves Greek mythology, he'll probably give you a Greek nickname as well."

"Again, I'm right here."

Tommy turned to Techno, hugging his arm.

"Hey Techie, could we do the Greek mythology stuff after breakfast? I wanna have a badass nickname too!"

Techno cringed at the nickname but nodded, watching Phil making him potato pancakes.

"Sure Tommy, I think we'll find a good one for you pretty easily."

Phil glanced over his shoulder, cocking an eyebrow.

"Didn't you give me the name Icarus because, as I quote: "You seem like the kinda guy who would fly as high as you can and end up dying in the process, you fool. You moron." You do brutally honest nicknames."

Techno shrugged, sipping a cold cup of black coffee he had left out.

"It's not like you told us what happened when you got your wings and that's what inspired me."

Tommy glanced between them, gathering little bits of the story. He waited for further clarification but when none came, he leaned towards Phil.

"So... what did you do when you got your wings?"

Phil sighed, flipping the potato pancakes.

"I launched myself into the air and flew as high as I could. I ended up passing out when I went too high because of the lack of oxygen, but I regained consciousness before I hit the ground so I barely survived."

Tommy stared wide eyed at Phil.

"No wonder Techno calls you Icarus."

Phil shrugged, plating Techno's pancakes and sliding them to him. Techno dug in happily as Tommy finished his pancakes.
Tommy watched Techno for a while, noting his red eyes and prominent eyebags. As he watched, a lock of hair fell out of the bun his hair was in and covered the man's eyes. Techno flicked his head and grumbled in annoyance, the hair moving out of the way. Tommy snorted and leaned on Techno, feeling like he could trust him. Techno tensed, glancing over at the kid. Wilbur popped up on the other side of Tommy and mouthed to him

If you move you're dead.

Techno scoffed but relaxed again, finishing his potato pancakes and leaning his head on Tommy's. He didn't think sparring would tire the kid out so fast but he wasn't complaining. Phil sat with his own pancakes, grinning as he took a photo of the pair.

Techno made a mental note to pull out his blackmail folder so Phil would delete it.

Tommy nuzzled Techno's shoulder, huffing.

"You don't mind, do you big man?"

"Nah it's fine."

Tommy sat up, grinning at Techno.

"Really? Man, if I even touched him without being told I could, Clay would hit me."

Phil frowned and reached over, gripping Tommy's hand gently. Techno's gaze darkened and he glanced at Wilbur who also had a dangerous look on his face. They nodded to each other, unnoticed by Tommy.

"Mate, we'll never hit you here. You're safe with us."

A knot twisted in Tommy's stomach, and he drew his hand back to him. That's right. Clay wasn't safe to live with. Clay was so bad that he had to live with people he barely knew (other than Wilbur of course.)

Clay would lock him in his room or The Maiden if he misbehaved, he'd hit him if he made a mistake, he'd break bones if Tommy was outside without permission.
He still wasn't sure what the three worried men would do if he messed up but he assumed it would be less physical than Clay was.

He wanted to throw up.

Tommy turned to Techno, smiling shakily at him.

"Can we go look at Greek Mythology now?"

Techno nodded, standing up and offering an arm for Tommy to lean on. Wilbur and Phil watched silently as Tommy stood up, practically using Techno as a crutch. He nodded and Techno lead him away to Techno's bedroom. Phil and Wilbur met each other's eyes, a silent agreement passing between them.

"We're keeping Tommy no matter what."

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