Chapter 24

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Theseus floated down holding a woman gently in his arms, handing her over to the ambulance crew. As the crowds surrounding the burning building began to close in, Theseus pulled down a loop of his strings, sending himself up into the sky and rolling into a standing position next to Thanatos. The pig man nodded approvingly, ruffling Theseus's hair.

"Well done kiddo. Someone's bound to have gotten you on camera by now."

Theseus nodded, watching the woman being wheeled into the ambulance. He sighed.

"I wish we could stop it before people got hurt though."

Thanatos shrugged, walking off the building and landing on a fire escape. His gaze swept the street as he spoke, a bored expression on his face.

"We're doing the best we can. You can't save everyone Theseus, no one can."

Theseus huffed in annoyance, but followed Thanatos, pulling on the strings around him and landing next to Thanatos. They travelled across the city, the rest of their patrol reasonably quiet.

"This is nice and quiet."

Thanatos adjusted the grip on his axe, scowling around him.

"Too quiet."

Theseus floated in a hammock of strings, swaying slightly in mid air. He scoffed, until he heard a scream from a nearby alleyway. He tugged in that direction, flying to land at the entrance to the alleyway. A guy on his phone was pulling away from a woman that looked like she wanted to hurt him. She raised her hand, the guy flinching away, but her hand was gripped by one of Theseus's strings that held her wrist in an unshakeable grasp.

"That's not very pogchamp of you."

She tugged at the invisible grasp, crying out when she felt the string tighten around her wrist. The guy backed up against the wall, holding his phone up to his chest as he watched Theseus advance on the woman. She backed up, grabbing her phone.

"I'll call the cops on you! You shouldn't be protecting these f@gg0ts!"

Theseus sent strings around her, lifting her off the ground. He stepped closer as she squirmed, glaring through the visor.

"Ma'am, respectfully reexamine your values if you think you're in the right to be hurting a kid for being who they are. I hope you won't mind hanging around for a little while."

She glared at the wall, so Theseus gave up and turned to the guy.

"You should go home now, I'll take her to the police and she won't be harassing you any longer."

The guy shook his head, holding up his phone.

"I've been recording so the police would believe that I'm being harassed, please take me with you."

Theseus forced himself to take a deep breath. This guy had recorded that whole interaction. Well that was one way for people to start talking about the new vigilante in town. He flicked his wrist, the strings moving to carry the lady as he walked out to the police station.

"Come on then, I have to get back to patrol."


Techno and Tommy sat on the couch, watching the TV intently. The news was going to come on any second now, no doubt with Tommy's appearance as the leading news. New vigilantes had always been the first thing discussed at midday.

"What if they don't like me?"

Techno ruffled his hair, his eyes fixed on the ads that rolled across the screen.

"Well some might not like you, considering how some dicks think about people different from them, but I can guarantee that a bunch of the LGBTQ+ community is going to feel safer knowing that you're a vigilante."

Tommy grinned. He didn't mind that. LGBTQ+ people were pog! He just hoped that no one had edited the footage to look like he was the one being homophobic.

With that thought in mind, they turned their attention to the TV as the News began to roll.

"Hello and welcome to L'manburg news, I'm your host Charlie and today do I have a juicy story for you! A young man was being attacked earlier today, but a mysterious individual stepped in to help!"

The screen began to play the clip, Theseus's voice floating through the screen.

Clay swore, punching the already cracked TV. That was Thomas. He knew those mannerisms. No one else acted like that. If Thomas was really against him, he couldn't win this battle on his own. His gaze wandered to the little blue ghost in the corner that watched him curiously.

"Thomas cares deeply about Seirin, right?"

Ghostbur nodded slowly, watching as Clay stood and walked to the door. He opened it for the ghost, a crooked smile creeping across his face.

"Come on Ghostie. We have to go get a book."

Ghostbur frowned, but stood and followed Clay. Clay led the way out to the car, starting it and heading towards the centre of the city. Ghostbur sat in the seat next to him as he drove, squirming uncomfortably. Finally, he spoke.

"Are you going to bring Seirin back to life?"

Clay shot him an apologetic glance, reaching over and rubbing his knee. Ghostbur laid his hand over Clay's, his cold hand shaking lightly.

"Just until I have Thomas, I swear. He'll be gone as soon as I'm finished with him."

Ghostbur rubbed his thumb over Clay's fingers, humming quietly. Seirin would just get in the way.

"If he cares about Seirin that much, he's bound to care about me as well. We don't need to bring him back Clay, please."

Ghosbur didn't care that he was begging at this point, he was going to get what he wanted. He was. Clay always gave in. Every time. Right?

Clay shook his head, and Ghostbur's heart sank. He gripped Clay's hand tightly, the blonde rotating his hand so that his fingers could intertwine with the ghost's. He blinked away tears furiously, the tears burning his face.

"I'm scared Clay, please, I'm scared. What if I disappear when he comes back?"

Clay pulled over, turning to the ghost and pulling him into a hug.

"You'll be okay Ghostie, I promise you. Nothing bad will happen to you."

Clay held the ghost close, comforting him the same way the Ghost had to him several times in the couple months. Nothing bad would happen to Ghostbur, Clay would be sure of that. As sure as he could be.

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