Chapter 19

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Seirin wandered in through the door at about 7, rubbing his temples. He looked quite a bit paler than usual, but other than that he seemed fine. Tommy flung himself at Wilbur, hugging him.

"Oof- ... Miss me that much, did ya?"

"No fuck you."

Ranboo dished up the fish and chips, grabbing sauces from the fridge. Tubbo had packed up computers into their bags and set up the TV for a movie night, grinning at Wilbur.

"How long were you even asleep?"

Wilbur sighed, patting Tommy's back while waiting for him to let go.

"Well I ran away from Dream at about 9, then I was hiding and waiting for him and his friends to go away for about half an hour so probably eight and a half hours?"

Tommy let go, his stomach grumbling as he wandered back over to the plates Ranboo was patiently waiting by. Tubbo frowned, pulling out his phone and clicking onto his notes.

"Who did he have helping him?"

"Arson and Rex Iris, do you know them Toms?"

Tommy nodded, grabbing the plate with the least amount of food and covering it in salt and sauce. Dream sometimes worked with other Villains but Huios never got to talk to them, only watching the meetings through a one way mirror.

"Arson has been friends with Dream for as long as I can remember. He doesn't entirely agree with Dream but he gets to set things on fire so he doesn't mind. Rex Iris recently started dropping by and giving us gear, the bitch is either rich or a really good thief."

Wilbur nodded. More information was always good, especially from Tommy. He never looked very happy when recounting memories but he needed info so he could fight Dream better.

"Thanks Tommy. I'm gonna go change, make sure to leave some food for me!"

The teenagers agreed, Ranboo taking a plate and storing it in the microwave. Tommy flopped on the couch with his plate, Tubbo following soon after. After Ranboo grabbed his bland fish and chips (Tommy tried to bully him into adding at least one sauce, but that just made the enderian hybrid smother everything in ketchup), he also flopped next to them. Tubbo twisted his head around, nodding at the other two.


Ranboo and Tommy both responded in sync, nodding once and replying.



Wilbur wandered in, grabbing his plate and sitting next to the teenager pile. He took advantage of the fact that their limbs were tangled together and started playing the hamilton musical. There was a chorus of groans as Tubbo and Ranboo untangled themselves off Tommy.

"Why again?"

"You always choose this!"

"WIlbur whyyyy."

Wilbur scoffed, switching over to the Heathers Musical instead.


Tubbo nodded frantically, Ranboo sighing but agreeing and Tommy watching curiously.

"What's this about?"

"Girl likes a guy who's crazy and people die."

Tommy nodded slowly, grinning.

"I can get behind this."

Two hours of singing and murder jokes later, Wilbur regretted turning on the show.

"Come to think of it, Will has a similar style to JD."

Wilbur glared at Ranboo, who had an evil grin on his face. Tommy giggled, agreeing instantly.

"Yes, he does! And he randomly burst into song."


Tubbo butted in, playing a certain clip on his phone.

"JD can't count to three and neither can Wilby."

Okay that was crossing a line for Wilbur.

"Wilby? Really?"

Tubbo smirked, turning off his phone and hitting Wilbur's forehead with his phone.

"It rhymed better."


Tommy woke up early in the morning, when the sun hadn't even risen above the horizon yet. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and glancing around. Tubbo and Ranboo were slumped on either side of him, sleeping peacefully. Wilbur, on the other hand, had curled up on the other side of the couch and slept restlessly, twitching and flinching. Tommy glanced around, looking for ghostbur.

"Ghostbur? Are you there?"

Silence met his question, causing Tommy to frown. He checked Wilbur's string, but it was connected to his physical form so it only showed the numb sleep. Gently, he slipped out of the grasp of Tubbo and Ranboo. Ranboo stirred a little bit, but after he wrapped his arms around Tubbo he relaxed again.

Tommy let out a breath and wandered through the apartment, searching every room for the blue ghost.

"Ghostbur? Are you here?"

Ghostbur didn't respond. He sped back to Wilbur, shaking his shoulder to wake him up. Wilbur groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Tommy, what's up?"

Tommy frowned. Wilbur's eyes looked dull and tired, like he hadn't got any rest.

"Ghostbur isn't here."

Wilbur shrugged. Ghostbur wasn't always in the same house, maybe he decided to explore. Then again, he hadn't gotten any Ghostbur memories since he fell asleep last night. That and he was in excruciating pain. He didn't want Tommy to worry though.

"I'm sure it's fine, he'll come back eventually."

He pulled Tommy into a hug, stroking his hair gently. Tommy relaxed, trusting Wilbur. Wilbur was the one with a ghost, so he would know if he should worry or not.

"Do you have to go patrol again?"


Tommy sighed, his grip on Wilbur tightening.

"Do you have to?"

"Yes Tommy, it's my job."

Tommy scoffed, letting go of Wilbur. Wilbur missed the warmth but stood up anyway, walking off to his room to change into vigilante getup. Tommy wandered away to the kitchen while Wilbur changed, humming quietly. He grabbed some cereal, pouring it into a bowl and eating the chocolate pieces one by one.

Wilbur emerged a little while later, snorting at Tommy.

"Have you been eating those that way every day?"

Tommy nodded, putting another in his mouth as he glared into Wilbur's eyes. Wilbur snorted, walking towards the door.

"Make sure to not play Minecraft all day today, okay?"

Tommy huffed, throwing a piece of cereal at Wilbur and using one of his strings to make sure it impacted. Wilbur yelped, flipping off Tommy as he left.

"See ya later gremlin!"


Wilbur closed the door, leaving Tommy in the apartment with the sleeping duo on the couch. Tommy glared at the door, wishing he could have followed Wilbur.

He wanted to become a vigilante.

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