Chapter 36

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It was tricky getting back into the swing of things, but Dolus officially debuted just one week after Techno forced Wilbur to embrace his Warden-ness. Dolus stood over the buildings of the inner districts, fully dressed in dark greys to blend in with the architecture. Merling apparently made it for him. To keep him out of trouble, the entire outfit was padded. He doubted he needed it though, his Warden powers seemed to be making him pretty durable as well as strong. Merling also included goggles to his exact prescription, just to make sure he wouldn't break his glasses while on patrol.

Dolus stared down at the streets, the sun setting over the city. His see-through cape fluttered in the wind that stirred up the city. It glittered, mimicking the night sky. He sat down on the edge, digging a cigarette out of his pocket. He dug around in his pockets, searching for a match while holding the cigarette in his mouth.

"Dude, do you usually smoke cigarettes on the edge of buildings on your patrols?"

Dolus glanced over his shoulder at Void, scoffing and taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Void stepped to his side, his tail flicking behind him.

"Just since I got out of limbo, it's a good stress reliever. Where's Theseus? I haven't seen him for a while."

Void stole Dolus's cigarette and threw it over the edge of the building, giving Dolus a reproachful glare. Dolus huffed, giving up on his match search.

"For your information, Theseus is stuck at home with a fever. He got sick because of "a random kid who coughed on him," in his words."

Dolus scoffed, leaning back to stare up at the sky. That did sound like a Theseus things to say. Void waited to see if Dolus wanted to comment before continuing.

"I don't think I caught your name."


Dolus sat up with a grin, opening the flap on his chest to reveal his blue organs that glowed in the setting sun. Void winced.

"Ew- Why do you have a chest flap?"

"Scare factor."

They fell into a comfortable silence, watching the sun setting behind the buildings. Their friendship was rather strange. Wilbur did stupid stuff and Ranboo found out then just listened to whatever Wilbur wanted to say without judging him or telling other people. Wilbur assumed it was what having a best friend felt like.



"You're my best friend."

"I'm sorry."

Dolus glanced at Void with a confused frown. Void smirked back at him, flicking a crappy lollypop into his hands. Dolus ripped off the wrapper, opting to suck on it instead of smoking.

"I'm sorry that your best friend is a kid who's just nosey and good at keeping secrets."

Dolus scoffed.


Void leaned forward on the building.

"Old man."

"I'm not-"

Void ignored Dolus and pushed himself off the building, teleporting away to the rooftop on the opposite side of the street. He turned back, saluting to Dolus before teleporting away to continue his patrol. Dolus groaned and stood up as well, walking off to continue his patrol as well.


Two hours later, Dolus was hopping from rooftop to rooftop in the darkness when he heard a cough from behind him. He swung around to see Bad Boy Halo standing on the roof he had just landed on. He wasn't dressed in his usual hero outfit, instead in a fluffy grey pyjama set.

"Bad? Uh... You good?"

Bad nodded, waving his hand.

"Yeah I'm fine, who are you and why is your chest open?"

Dolus glanced down at his exposed chest, watching the heart beat a little bit faster at the anxiety of meeting Bad for the first time in forever.

"I'm Dolus, the newest member of the Syndicate. The chest is a side effect of my Warden powers."

Bad's pure white eyes widened, his mouth falling open.

"Warden??? What the- like The Warden? The leader of the hero agency? Holy- You vigilantes are getting powerful, huh?"

Dolus shrugged, shifting from one foot to the other. Sure, now the Syndicate had Huios's power and the power of the warden, and a teleportation guy, and another guy who makes bombs, and a guy who could fly, and two people who could control water and lava, but they weren't that powerful, right?

Bad scoffed.

"At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to overthrow the government. Schlatt is really off recently and Dream has been going crazy. I give my condolences for Seirin's death to the Syndicate by the way. He was a good guy, I didn't talk to him much but he did a really good job protecting the inner districts."

Dolus held back a happy grin. He'd actually been noticed by the heroes. Bad cared that he had died. He felt kinda bad for lying to the guy, he was the nicest of the heroes and definitely Dolus's favourite after this interaction.

"Will do buddy, thanks for the support. You're a great hero."

Dolus saluted to Bad and ran off, a happy grin spreading across his face. HIs day couldn't get any better. 

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