Chapter 1

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People said Dream was a villain. The worst villain. A perfect example of what a villain should be like. He kidnapped, he robbed, he manipulated, and most of all, he was powerful. Some said that he had telekinesis, others said he had a persuasive demeanour. Wilbur, having (illegally) fought him several times now, knew exactly what Dream did. And honestly, he should rename himself the puppeteer.

People crying, people screaming, people who couldn't control their bodies as they attacked him barehanded or with weapons. Then there were the people who could only watch as the said and did things they never would have otherwise.
Of course, Wilbur could do a similar thing but he only did short command. Dream had them strung up to his network for months on end, doing horrible things and whittling away at their mental state.

One such case was the reason Wilbur and the other vigilantes were having a meeting.

Icarus stood across from him, with Thanatos reading over his shoulder.

"Icarus, why would Dream go after a kid? Are you sure he's not just a crazy fanboy? He does like to banter with us after all."

Thanatos pointed at the picture, a boy with a slight build and messy blonde hair standing Infront of a bank with one hand on the chin of his smiling mask. At first glance most people would assume he was Dream, but the crimson red cloak was a mark of this particular kid.

Icarus sighed, fluffing his wings momentarily then letting them fall behind him. Wilbur answered for him, the voice changer in his mask distorting into Seiren's signature voice.

"This kid is no fanboy, he's doing things that others his age can't. Levitating, jumping really high, sometimes collapsing to the floor like a severed puppet, Dream is clearly controlling him. Not to mention the green glow in the mask's eyes."

Thanatos nodded, his gaze scanning over the page. His gaze lingered on all the empty boxes.

"Could we really find no information on him? We know what his face looks like, right? Any missing child reports?"

Icarus shook his head. "None as far as I can see. There's nothing about him other than the crimes he's done and the obvious connection to Dream."

The three men were silent, their gaze fixated on the masked boy in the photo. Finally, Seiren spoke, asking his first question of the night.

"Do we have a name for him?"

Phil nodded, flipping to the page of references.

"It's not concrete, but there is footage of Dream talking about a favourite of his called-"


The masked boy looked up from sharpening his sword, locking eyes with Dream's mask. Dream nodded to the sword.

"Getting ready for tonight? I hope you're going to actually take out the vigilantes this time."

Huios glanced down, back at the sword. He huffed, thinking for a second before flipping him off.

"They're fun to tease though, can't we keep them alive?"

Dream flipped him off as well, tilting his head to the side.

"Do you want them to take me away? You know you can't survive without me."

Huios flinched, the tool skittering off the blade. He looked down at the floor, the sharpening stopping.

"Sorry Dream."

Dream sighed, crossing the room and placing a hand on the top of his head. Barely visible strings floated around the pair, red and green mingling and intertwining.

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