Chapter 34

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Wilbur sat on the roof, staring up at the sky. He fiddled with one of his ribs. That super strength he got from his new species was helpful with climbing, especially paired with the agility he had been training since he was a kid. He did wonder if he was stronger than Techno, but he was so knowledgeable and skilled that there was no way Wilbur could actually win.

Tommy floated up, his little red strings hardly visible to Wilbur. Wilbur offered a small smile, his hand dropping from his chest and lowering his shirt back over it. Tommy smiled back, sitting next to Wilbur. They sat for a while in a comfortable silence, staring up at the sky.

Eventually, Tommy spoke.

"Phil said that you need glasses now, he's trying to find you so he can take you to an optometrist."

Wilbur hummed, closing his eyes and listening to his heartbeat. Of course Phil wanted to sort out Wilbur's weaknesses for him. Typical. Tommy leaned on his shoulder, listening to WIlbur's heartbeat too.

"How bad was death?"

Wilbur wrapped his arm around Tommy's shoulders, flinching as Tommy's voice berated him for being stupid, not being able to protect him. He focused on Tommy's slim frame, telling himself that he was real, the voice was not. Tommy loved him. Eventually, he had gathered himself enough to answer Tommy's question.

"It was hell. I was all alone for most of the days, when the hallucinations left me alone."

Tommy frowned, glancing up at Wilbur.

"Hallucinations? Is that why..."

Wilbur nodded, pulling Tommy closer to him and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"It's one of the reasons I hated you and the others.'

Tommy hugged Wilbur tightly, sending more love down the string connected to Wilbur's back. Wilbur let out a happy sigh, relaxing against Tommy. They sat quietly for a while, listening to each other's breathing and Phil's voice calling out for Wilbur and Tommy. Eventually, Wilbur sighed and let Tommy go.

"Well, we better get going. I'd like to see again."

Tommy reluctantly let go as well, standing and holding a hand out to help Wilbur up. WIlbur accepted the help, smiling softly at Tommy before jumping off the roof. Tommy's eyes widened and he jumped after Wilbur, sending his strings to try and catch him... and missing. Tommy hovered in the air helplessly as Wilbur hit the ground in a roll. Wilbur jumped up at the end of the roll, grinning up at Tommy. Tommy sighed in relief, floating down to stand next to Wilbur.

"You should have seen your face! I know how far I can jump without getting hurt, don't worry-"

Tommy slapped WIlbur across the face, shocking the older.

"Idiot. I don't want to lose you again."

He scowled at Wilbur, who simply smiled and ruffled his hair. Tommy relaxed, huffing indignantly anyway.

"Screw you."


Clay sat in Thomas's room. He stared up at the ceiling. Numbly. Wilbur was gone. Now he was lonely again. He rolled over to stare at the wall, staring at the mask on the dresser. Could he ever get Thomas back? Ever? He seemed so attached to these people, maybe it would be better to let him go.

A knock on the door woke him up from his self pity. Clay sat up, staring at the window.


Sapnap appeared in the window, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Open up Clay, we need to talk."

Clay scoffed, rolling over to stare at the ceiling.

"Well it all started when I was nine and killed my little brother."

Sapnap sighed, leaning on the window.

"Clay for the love of Prime just open the door."

Clay shrugged, pushing himself off the bed and opening the window. Sapnap stared blankly at the gap, before sighing and beginning to shove himself through the window. Clay sat back down, watching Sapnap wiggle through the gap.

Sapnap grunted, pushing against the wall and window as his ass got halfway in then refused to go any further. He struggled there for a few more seconds before giving up and looking up at Clay sheepishly.

"I'm too thicc to get through the window."

Clay's lips twitched into a smile, trying to hold back a laugh. Sapnap tried to wiggle back out the window, but his ass refused to budge. That's what broke Clay, him bursting into tea kettle laughter. Sapnap grinned at Clay's elevated mood, not actually minding being stuck in the window.

Half an hour later Sapnap changed his mind. Clay snorted, now outside tugging on Sapnap's legs.

"It's a bit late to be regretting climbing through the window."

"You're the one who opened the window!"

"And you're the one who decided he could fit through the window."

Sapnap kicked Clay in the gut, causing the blonde to reel back.

"I'm calling Spore, he's got that size changing mushrooms right?"

Sapnap shrugged.

"I don't talk to Spore very much since we left the heroes."

Clay huffed and pulled his cracked phone out of his pocket. He tapped on George's contact, humming as the phone rang. It rang six times before George picked up. His voice was cold in Clay's ear but it made him happy to just hear his old friend's voice.

"What do you want Dream."

"Hey Gogy! Could you come help us out? Sapnap got stuck in the window."

George sighed on the other side, curiosity seeping into his voice.

"How the hell did he manage that?"

"I'll explain when you get here, my address is 52 fakestreet."

George began to protest, but Clay had already hung up. He sat next to Sapnap's legs, leaning on the wall of the house. Sapnap kicked him clumsily, smirking.

"You just gave your address to a hero Clay, may have to move."

Clay shrugged.

"I trust Spore."


Spore showed up ten minutes later, adjusting his red fluffy cape with a sigh. Clay jumped up with a grin, and Sapnap wiggled in his window.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Spore!"

Spore glared at Clay, sauntering over to Sapnap's legs. He turned back to Clay, looking very disgruntled under his mushroom hat and white goggles.

"Before I do this, are you ever going to turn yourself in?"

Clay shrugged. That was one option if he didn't want Thomas anymore he supposed. Spore allowed himself to smile, patting Clay's shoulder.

"I'll make sure you get a comfy cell in Pandora when you do."

Clay smiled back, biting back a sour remark. Spore couldn't control what happened after Clay was arrested and he knew it. Clay would go to solitary confinement with power restrainers, and the president himself would see to it that Clay's life was a living hell. Turning himself in was a last resort He held back all those thoughts, and instead opted to watch Spore scattering his mushroom dust over Sapnap.

Sapnap instantly shrank, screaming as he tipped forward into the room. Spore snorted, turning back to Clay and saluting before he left.

"See you around Minecraft."

Clay waved as Spore ran off, turning back to the house and walking inside to where a toddler-sized Sapnap sat on the bed with his arms crossed.

"Okay, now that I'm inside, let's talk."

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