Chapter One

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*Present Time*


Finally arriving at Camp Crazy Adventure, I step out of my small beat up '99 Volvo car. Not the greatest, but I bought it myself with the money I have been saving from all the years working during the summer. Plus, it's my like my baby, and I highly doubt I would give it up for anything...until it just completely dies. Once my feet hit the gravel parking lot, there is an instantly content feeling in me. Without a doubt this is still one of my favorite places to be. 

Taking a deep breath in then letting it out, a smile grows on my lips, and I reach inside the back seat of my car to get the couple bags full of clothes I have brought for the summer. I don't even have to go to the main building to find out what cabin I have been assigned to because Megan always assigns me to the same one, Cabin three. To the kids, it's actually known as Cabin Awesomeness, which I have no problem callng it. 

“Hey guys! I’ve missed you so much! You have all grown so much since the last time I saw you,”  I run into the cabin as all the kids instantly get up from the places they're in and coming rushing towards me. Seeing all of their happy faces just makes me even happier, which I didn't even know was possible.

The past couple years I have been a counselor here at the camp, and I actually started when I was sixteen.  This was my absolute favorite place to go to when I was younger, but the oldest you can be to come here is twelve and to be a counselor you have to sixteen.  After a few years of not coming here, I immediately signed up to help the summer as soon as I could. 

“Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan! Miss Morgan!”  My ten little munchkins begin screaming my name and trying to all give me hugs at the same time. 

I guess they missed me just as much as I missed them. Most of these kids I'm in charge of started coming to this camp about the same year I began helping out here.  I would say that it has been about three summers since then, so all of us have become fairly close to one another, making me feel as though I am their big sister. I have even been a part of some of the biggest moments in a couple kids lives. My favorite one has to be when one of the eight year old boys had a major crush on another girl, and by the end of the summer they were holding hands.

“Are you guys ready for another awesome summer?” They all answer simultaneously.  “I have no idea what you all said, but I am taking that as I yes! Now, let’s go to the dining hall to see what is up for today.” 

The dining hall is pretty much the center building in camp where we eat, have camp meetings, have movie nights, and so much more. 

 As soon as we get in there, we seem to be the last cabin to make it. Megan gives me a quick look then starts her annual speech she does every summer right in the beginning. For the first day of camp, she usually likes to dress fairly nice to greet the new parents and campers that will be joining the camp this summer. She has her nicer black shorts on with a black and pink floral shirt on top, and to no surprise her shoes are black flats with simple studs on top. 

“Hi de ho campers! Welcome back to Camp Crazy Adventure!  We are going to have so much fun this summer!” Her hands are thrown up in the air in excitement. 

I am so glad she is still at this camp, or else I would have never gotten this job and stayed here as long as I have.  As she is talking, I kind of start looking around the room to entertain myself because I have heard this speech about a hundred times it seems like.  To be honest, I could probably recite it if I wanted to. 

On the other side of the building, my eyes catch someone that I haven’t seen before.  It’s a blonde headed guy who looks really familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.  He seems like he is about my age, and I swear I have seen him before.  Throughout Megan’s speech, I make it my goal to and figure out who this guy is.

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