Chapter Twenty-eight

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I continue to try and call Liam. Finally after like the twentieth call, someone finally answers the phone.

“Hello…? Who is this?” The voice that I hear on the other line sounds nothing like Liam’s.

“It’s Niall. Who’s this?” I am just hoping it isn’t some person telling me that Liam has gotten really hurt tonight. I have had enough injuries for the day and night.

“This is Chad. I found this phone in the middle of the road. It was shut off, so I turned it off to see if I could figure out who it belongs to.” So he must have dropped it for some reason, and it just automatically turned off.

I wonder if this Chad guy knows what happened.

“Hey man did you see the guy who dropped this phone? He is pretty tall…has brown hair, but it’s shaved.”

“Nah, I didn’t. Someone told me that there was a fight outside the club a few minutes ago, and the cops came, which cleared everyone out. I was inside at that time.”

Well at least I know Liam wasn’t hurt in anyway, at least I hope so. He probably just walked outside and got mixed up in the crowd. Knowing how drunk he is, he probably had no idea what was going on.

“Okay, well thanks.” I hang up the phone because there really isn’t any other reason to talk to this guy anymore. I slide my phone back into my front pocket, and turn around to make my way back into the hospital.

As soon as I get back in, I immediately see Morgan sitting in the chairs we were sitting in earlier. She gets up and rushes over to me.

“Hey, where were you? I came back from the room, and you weren’t here. It worried me.”

I wrap my arms around and bring her in for a hug.

“I am sorry! I got a call from Liam, so I stepped out to talk to him. He was completely drunk, and half way though the call the call went dead…”

Morgan instantly interrupts me.

“Oh my gosh is he okay?”

“Yeah I think he is fine. I ended up finding out his drunk self got in the middle of the crowd and dropped his phone on the ground without even realizing it.”

She lets go and looks up at me with a confused look on her face.

“Wait who’s Liam?” I completely forgot that I have never told her about him.

“He’s some guy I met on the plane when I was on my way back to Ireland a couple weeks ago.” The confused look on her face goes away, and she looks relieved. “So how is your brother?”

Her face lights up when I ask.

“He is doing really well actually! He gets to come home in two days.”

Well that is good news! I am so happy things went well tonight. It started off horribly.


*Two weeks later*

“Do you need anything else, Josh?” I hand him the cup of water he asked for and wait for his answer.

“No, I am okay for now. Thanks though!” I take that as a good time to leave the room and call up Niall. Before I even make it out of his bedroom, I hear his voice come from behind. “Thank you for staying here for me. I know you had plans to leave for Ireland that day, and you canceled them for me. It really means a lot that you did that.”

I smile as I begin to make my way to his bedside. I throw my arms around him and bring him in for a hug.

“It is no problem at all. I couldn’t leave you like this with any help, and Niall understands that. However, he and I will be leaving in two days. Is that alright with you?” He nods his head up and down. “I figured it would be.”

I kiss the top of his head before making my way out of his room.

I get back downstairs where the guest room is, which is where Niall and I are staying, and decide it is a good time to call Niall to see what he’s up to. I walk into my temporary bedroom and over to the night stand to unplug my phone from its charger. It doesn’t take long for Niall’s number to appear on the screen. It ends up ringing twice before he picks up.

“Hey, love!” I plop down on the bed to make myself a little more comfortable.

“Hey, Niall! Are you almost back?” I run my fingers through my hair and end up picking out a piece and twirling it between my index and middle finger.

“Yeah I will be checking out in a few minutes. You only needed milk, bread, and some fruit right?” I nod my head then realize he can’t see me. I always do that.

“That is correct! Now hurry home! I want to watch a movie tonight. I am thinking maybe Iron Man?”

“Sounds perfect! I will be back in a few, but I am checking out. I will see you when I get back.”

“Okay!” I remove the phone from my ear and end the phone call.

Afterwards, I toss my phone on the bed, hoping it wouldn’t end up bouncing off. I let out a sigh while trying to decide what I should do to keep myself entertained before Niall gets back. There is not much to do at Josh’s house. He travels a lot, so he doesn’t spend money on things like cable or a gaming system or things like that.

I look around my room, and all I see are tons of suitcases containing mine and Niall’s things. I can’t wait until he and I move into his place together. I just want to unpack and get settled already.

I have living out of my suitcase for too long because my friend already moved her things into my apartment. Staying for Josh was extremely unplanned, but I couldn’t keep my friend from having a place to live. I mean I don’t mind because Josh has an extra room with a bed, so it’s fine.

“There you are!” An Irish accent interrupts my thoughts. “I got home and called your name, but no one answered!”

I hop off the bed to go hug my boyfriend.

“Sorry! I was just thinking. I just cannot wait to finally leave.”

“I know, love.” He squeezes me tightly in his arms. “Now, someone told me they wanted to watch a movie?”

I look up at him with a smile.

“You know it! Race you to the couch…?” He barely let me finish before he took off out of the bedroom and over to the couch. It is just like it was when we were kids. He always wants to win.

“You forgot the movie?” I say while walking over to the DVD player with the movie in hand.

“I figured you were getting it!” He flashes a slight smirk.

I kneel down to place the movie into the DVD player and press play. I am kind of excited to be watching this movie. I haven’t seen it in so long.

“Hey before you sit down with me, can you turn off the lights?” I reply by switching the lights off. “Thank you, now get over here you cute thang!”

I let out a little giggle before scurrying over to him.

The New Camp Counselor [n.h au] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now