Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up this morning proved to be a ral challenge since my eyes were practically glued shut. Well, not really, but I was so tired from all the studying for exams I have been putting myself through that I wanted to stay in bed all day. I even feel asleep around ten last night, but that didn't help my situation at all. 

I did manage to get out of bed and into the toliet, but as soon as I was finished, I actually climbed back under my comforter. Being in the same position for about twenty minutes now, I realize that I wll have to get up officially at some point today. There is more studying to be done as well as cleaning my place. Before I attempt to muster up my energy, I roll over to check my phone that lyes on my bedside table. Since I did fall asleep so early, I figure there is at least one message or missed call from me. Surprisingly, I was right, and there's a missed call from Morgan. Actually there's three. Why would she need to call me so many times? 

Because it is only morning time here, about nine o'clock, that means that it is four in the morning where Morgan lives. I couldn't possibly call her back at this time and expect an answer. Plus, I would feel bad for waking her up in the middle of the night. However, I do want her to know that I saw her missed calls and that I was not intentionally ignoring her, so I decide to send her a quick text. She'll see it when she wakes, and all will be good.


Waking up and rolling over onto my side, I notice that my pillow is covered in evidence of what happened last night. There is mascara and tear stains covering most of the pillow case. I wish I wouldn't have cried as much as I did, but the thought of losing Niall to someone else was just something I couldn't handle. Maybe crying was a good thing, and I got all of the feelings towards him out of my system. 

The time on my cable box below my television reads ten o'clock. I honestly don't see any reason to get up at the moment. There's no class today, my house is clean from my mom coming, and all my energy was taken out me from crying last night. I should just stay in bed all day and watch old movies or something. I mean the only thing I would need to get up and get is - almost right on time, my stomach begins to make the sounds of a hungry bear. I guess for right now, I can get up just this once to grab breakfast. A girl's gotta eat.

On my way into the kitchen, I avoid the two mirrors hanging on my bedroom wall as well as in the hallway. I think if I saw myself, I may never want to leave my room because I can tell by the mascara marks on my pillow that my face looks the same. That is just something I do not have the need to see right now. Finally making it into the kitchen and pouring myself a bowl of lucky charms following with some milk, I take a seat on one of the barstools with my breakfast. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my phone lying on the couch, blinking, which only means I have a text message from someone. 

To my surprise, when I unlock the device, the text says that it's from Niall. So he isn't ignoring me? The thought of him sending me a text makes me want to smile, but I can't quite get myself to yet because I have no clue what he's said yet. 

Niall: Hey Morgan. I am really sorry I missed your calls. Whenever you wake up just call me. I’ll have me phone with me all day, so I won’t miss it this time.

I think for now, I should try and stay away from talking to Niall because I am in such a vulnerable state. Maybe later on in the day, I will be able to, but I don't have the strength too just yet. Setting my phone back on the couch, I head back over to finish my cereal and place the dirty dishware in the sink to clean later on. All I want to do is climb back into bed and pop in one of my favorite movies, Mean Girls. 

Seeing how dark my room is when I make my way back there, I figure a little sunshine won't hurt anybody. It might make my day a little better. However, when I pulled back the curtains to the window behind my bed, all there is gray clouds and rain coming down. Well, that's just a major damper on things. I can't help but let out a slight sigh as I push the curtains closed and slip under my comforter. I am in desperate need of a good laugh, so hopefully this movie does the trick.


Music blasts throughout my room, signaling the end of the movie as well as waking me up from my little nap. I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep once again, so I guess I was much tired than I thought. Although, neither the film nor the extra sleep really helped my mood. I almost feel a bit worse. I just can't but think that there is only one thing, or person, that will improve how I feel right now. Unfortunately, that one person doesn't feel the same way I do and has already found someone else to make him happy. If only he could see what he's missing out on and what he could have all to himself if he just gave me a chance.

Before I know it, I'm pushing my comforter off me and to the other side of the bed. I need to get to my phone as soon as possible, which I don't think my tired legs can do fast enough. Plucking the device off the couch, my figures begin to scroll through my contact list and stops once I see Niall's name appear on the screen. Okay, this is it. Now may be one of my only opportunities. 

“Hello? Morgan?”

“Hi, Niall.”

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