Chapter Twenty-seven

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I should have known that I wouldn’t be allowed back in the room with Morgan and her family.  I just wish I am because I want to be there for my girlfriend when she needs me, and she needs me more than ever right now.  Since I am stuck here in the waiting room, I guess all I can do is sit and…well…wait.

I am beginning to become really bored as time passes.  I fiddle around with my fingers…bite of some pesky hang nails…play with the strings on my sweat pants. Nothing seems to keep me entertained for very long.  My mind begins to wonder.


I feel so bad for Morgan right now.  I know Josh is alright, but this whole night has been such a roller coaster for her and her family.  I would never know what to do if this happened to me brother.  I would probably be on the first flight back to Ireland. You know…I was really looking forward to leaving and finally getting settled in with Morgan, but I completely understand the decision she has made.  I am just glad I can be here for her. 

I am going t have t try and change our flight times.  I have no idea how to do that or if I even can, but I will have to see.  Man they have been back there for awhile.  I hope everything is okay.  They may just be catching up and making sure he has everything he needs for the night.  I wish I could meet him now that we are older.  I think the last time I saw him was when I wasn’t even a teen yet.  That was more than six years ago! Morgan has told me a lot about him and he seems like a pretty cool guy that I could get along well with. 

Wow, these chairs are hurting me butt.  How do they expect people to sit in these things? Oh look some magazines.  I didn’t even see those before.  Hmm…”People”… “Us”…no… “Golf”… sure. Why not? That looks cool.  Wow that is a nice golf club. I wonder where that green is…? Man that guy is such a legend.

Buzz, buzz.

That’s a weird noise…? Where is that coming from? I look around try and figure out where the buzzing is coming from.

Buzz, buzz.

I look down at the table next to me to see my phone lightening up.  Oh! Someone is calling me! I totally forgot I had put my phone on vibrate previously. While picking up my phone I notice it is Liam who is calling me.  This is weird.


“Heeeeeyy maaaaaan!” He practically yells in my ear. I turn down the volume on me phone before I go deaf. “Where are you? I miss you!”

I automatically can figure out that Liam is completely wasted and probably has no idea he is even calling me. This should be interesting.

I hop out of my chair and walk out of the exit. There is practically no one here, so it is extremely quiet.  The nurses at the front desk a few meters away can probably hear Liam yelling through my phone.

“Where am I? Where are you, mate?”

I hear a few beeps meaning he is pressing buttons without even realizing he is still talking to me.  He is probably trying to call someone else.


“Liam, you are still talking to me…Niall! Where are you?”

There was a short pause while he yells at the people around him. All I hear is ‘yeah man’, ‘hey over here!’, ‘wassup?’, followed by a ton of laughter. 

Wherever he is he is obviously having a good time! He finally speaks into his phone again.

“Hey, is anyone there?”

This guy is so drunk right now.  I can tell this conversation is going t go nowhere.

“Yes! It is me…Niall! You called me a few minutes ago.  Can you tell me where you are?”

“Oh heeeeeyyyy! Yeah  I am at this place with a lot of people in it.  There are pretty lights on the walls and…” I can hear him cough on the other line. “…smoke everywhere. Man where are you? I can’t find you anywhere!”

I cannot help but to laugh.  This kid has no idea what is going on right now.

“I’m in a totally different country, mate!”

“Whoa really? I could have sworn I saw you like two minutes ago. Guess not! But yeah…uhh…where are y…Hey watch out!” I hear him yell followed by a few noises I don’t recognize, and then the line goes dead.

I try to call him back, but it goes straight to voicemail meaning his phone is shut off. What the heck? What just happened?

I continue to try and call him back, but his phone is still shut off. I am beginning to freak out because he is drunk and has no control over his actions. 

Anything could have just happened, but I have no idea how to find if anything did because the only way to get a hold of him or anyone there is through is phone…which isn’t working.  Man, can anything else happen tonight?

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