Chapter Twenty-two

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"Yeah he asked me like a week ago! It was almost too perfect. I honestly never thought things like this happened in real life! Caroline, am I the luckiest girl or what?"

"Oh my gosh, Morgan! I wish I had your life right now! You have like the most perfect boyfriend ever...I really hope you two last long!"

"Thanks!" Caroline smiles at me and extends her arms wanting me to give her a hug. I gladly hug her. I am in such a good mood that I would hug anyone that asked!

"Am I interrupting something?" As soon as I hear his voice, I quickly let go of Caroline to turn around and run over to Niall.

"Hey! We were just talking about you!" He leans down to kiss me on the forehead.

"Oh really? Only good things I hope!"

"Always!" I giggle because I can't be any happier right now.

"Hey Caroline...could I talk to Morgan alone?" She nods her head and scurries out of my cabin. "So I know you're all happy and I don't really want to bring this up, but I think it needs to be done."

I quickly lose my smile that has pretty much been permanent all day. I know exactly what he is talking about.

"Yeah I know." He brings me in for a hug and starts to rub my back because he can tell I am starting to get upset.

"Morgan, I know we are going to work...okay? I just want to know what you're thinking about. Camp is almost over, so we are going to have to come up with something soon." I look up at forcing him to loosen his grip on me.

"I honestly haven't really thought about anything...this has all happened so fast. What do you think we should do?" He leans down and kisses me lightly on my lips which cause me to faintly smile.

"Well..." He pauses for a second, "I was thinking one of us could move...whether it's me to here or you move to Ireland. We are both in college so we can just transfer and we both already have flats so wherever we choose to go we have a place to live."

I honestly don't know what to say. I break away from him and step back a little.

"I know we have only been dating for a week, but we have been friends...heck best friends since we were eight, so it really isn't that weird...right?" He continues.

I still don't have any answer. I have never lived with anyone besides my family, so I have no idea what it is like to have a real roommate, and I have no clue what my parents will think about this. I know they have loved Niall since we were kids, but still. This is a huge step! One of us would be moving across the world to a totally different country.

"Can I have some time to think about this?"

He nods his head and brings me back in for a quick hug.

"Of course you can, love!" He kisses me goodbye before he heads off to the dining hall for lunch.

I sit on my bed and start to think. I can't believe Niall pretty much just asked me to move in with him. If I move to Ireland with him what will do about my family. I am close to them, and I am so used to always having them there for me when I need help, well I guess I will have Niall's family over there. I can still call mine or skype with them I need to. Well what if he came here? I don't think I could be the cause of tearing him away from his family. I would always feel so guilty. Plus, I know he has so many friends and a job there while I pretty much have nothing here.

I mean, if I moved there I guess we could both come back to Tennessee for the summer that way I can see my family for a couple weeks then work here at the camp, so we both kind of win. Also, I have always wanted to go somewhere outside of the United States! My family doesn't really travel that much, plus Niall tells me that Ireland is amazing.

The New Camp Counselor [n.h au] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now