Chapter Seventeen

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I can't believe I cried yesterday. Over Niall! I don't know why I do this to myself.  I keep trying to remember how whatever feelings I had for Niall was a silly crush. I'm over it. He's has a girlfriend now, which means all those tears I shed because of him aren't even worth it. I need to buck up and move on. Preferably as soon as possible.

He and I were so close though after summer last year. I was easy to see that I fell for that boy - hard. All of a sudden, things just changed.  It's as if he realized that he liked me too but became too scared to admit it because I know he felt at least something for me. All of fall and the beginning of winter he and I would flirt non stop. It was like second nature almost. But he randomly stopped acting like himself, starting dating someone else, and for some odd reason, brought the girl here. It hurts my head thinking about what happened in only the few months.

As much as I want to hate Niall, I honestly can't.  Just the simple look into his eyes causes all kinds of butterflies to flutter around in my stomach. My heart even starts beating faster from the cute smirk he does all the time. When he says my name, I feel as if we are the only two people in the world.  

Then Kathleen comes in and ruins everything. Why can he not just leave her already and - 

Quickly my thoughts are interrupted by a few pokes on my shoulder. "Miss Morgan? Are you awake?"  

Pulling back the covers from over my head, I see two of my kids standing next to my bed staring at me.  They couldn't have been waiting there for very long. Right? I mean, it can't be more than just passed - oh crap, it's almost ten o'clock.

"I'm up! I'm up! Let's go get some breakfast!"


"Two pancakes please."  With an annoyed glare, the cook flops down two pancakes onto my plate.  "Thanks?" 

I still don't quite understand why the camp continues to hire that guy as the cook. He's been here since I was fifteen, and every year, he seems to get grumpier. Maybe a smile will help he cheer up. After giving him the biggest one I have, I realize there's not really much hope for the guy. Oh well. He's not going to ruin my mood this morning, but today is the day I'm going to finally push away all my thoughts about Niall. I'm going to focus on me and my happiness for once.

With a smile still pasted on my lips, I stroll over to the condiment table to get syrup for my pancakes. There's no such thing as eating pancakes without syrup. At least in my world there isn't.

"Looking for this?"  I jump at the sound of his voice. He wasn't even here a second ago. I'm not letting his ruin the good streak I have going.

"Uh, yeah thanks,"  I answer without looking at him.

"You're welcome,"  With that and nothing else, Niall walks away. What the heck was that?  He just comes out of nowhere, hands me what I need, then walks away with nothing else to say. What bull crap.

Stay positive, Morgan. Just stay positive. I remind myself while walking over to my table. Taking a deep breath in and letting it out, I sit down and begin eating my, um, okay looking breakfast. I am in no rush to finish my food though, so I end up being one of the last ones at my table as the kids leave to play outside.  Stabbing two pieces of pancakes with my fork up to my mouth, I hear an unfamiliar voice come from behind me. 

"How is a pretty girl like you sitting here alone?"  Curious to see who's obviously trying to flirt with me, I quickly turn around.

Oh what a pleasant surprise? The southern accent belongs to a nice tall brunette guy with hazel eyes and a deep voice that could melt any girl's heart. Why in the world would he be talking to me?

The New Camp Counselor [n.h au] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now