Chapter Eight

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“Activity one is to your right, activity two is next to that one, and it continues down the field. Okay? Now, go on and have some fun!"

Today is the day of the festival we always have during camp. There are multiple activities set up for the kids to roam around to as they please, and at some, they even earn prizes for winning. This year there is only five main activites and ten counselor, meaning we have to pair up once again. However, we weren’t allowed to pick our own partners this time, so I end up working with one of the counselors I met last summer.  Her name was Caroline, and she is probably the sweetest girl I have ever met, plus she really loves working with kids. Until Niall came here, she was the one I always worked with, so I'm glad we get to be paired up.

As I set my kids free to do what they would like, I turn to see her bouncing blonde hair from across the field. Since I'm not too sure about which booth I will be keeping watch at, I take the opportunity to see if she has any idea.

“Hey, Caroline! Do you know which activity we are doing today?” 

“Oh hey, Morgan! Umm, I think we are doing the three-legged race. It should be fun!”  She smiles and skips off to the area we were assigned.

She seems to always be in such a good mood, which I don’t really mind because I have been the same way for the past few days.  I don’t know what it is, but after Niall was so amazed by my artwork, I have not been able to stop smiling. There is just something about that boy that makes me so happy, and I have no idea how to describe it. 

Before I know it, kids are already lining up to do the three-legged race, which actually is really surprising. When I heard that I'm in charge of the three-legged race, I was thinking that the kids here won't be in the least bit interested becasue thet would rather do something no so "lame." I seem to be wrong though. 

Pairing up the first six kids into twos, I begin to tie their ankles together with some sort of rope we were given. All three of the pairs line up on the line I quickly spray painted with shaving cream, and I prepare them to get ready and run.

“Okay, on your mark, get set, GO!”  

Each of the kids all struggle to get in rythym with each other and make it down to the finish line. One of the pairs of girls even falls down half way through, but they quickly pick themselves back up and make their way down. I don't think I have ever seen these kids work so hard just to win a piece of candy, but I guess to them it's worth it. Not to my surprise though, two of the boys who have been pretty much insperable since Niall talked to them end up winning. 

“Whoa good job, Adam and Ryan! You two are the winners! Come pick out which candy you two want, and be sure to only get one, so there is enough for the other.”  

“Are we allowed to get back in line, Miss Morgan?” Ryan asks, already sucking on his sucker. 

“Of course, Ryan!  You can race as much as you want as long as you wait your turn,” I give them a smile, and they both quickly rush to the back of the line to wait for their next turn.

“Wow, seems like you two are busy!” A thick Irish accent comes up from behind followed by a pat on the shoulder and almost makes me jump.

“Ugh, scared me. What are you doing here?  Shouldn’t you be helping out at your activity?”

“Sorry, I didn't mean to, but Greg and I got stuck with the bouncy house. Right now there are only two kids in it, so I think Greg can handle it. Plus, I wanted to see how your activity thing was going, and it looks like it's going fairly well,”  He walks around to the side of the table straight to the bucket of candy. “Your shirt turned out really good too.  I am impressed!  My shirt jut ended up being a solid green t-shirt." 

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