Chapter Ten

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I toss and turn all night long because I keep thinking about what happened at the bonfire.  I just couldn’t take seeing Greg getting all over Morgan like he was. It was making me so frustrated to see her uncomfortable like that. Honestly, I really just wanted to hit him. 

Because we were all surrounded by a bunch of kids, I had to resist and instead, just get up to remove myself from the situation. However, I really wasn’t expecting Morgan to follow behind me, but I'm actually glad she did.  There is just this thing about her that makes everything better, yet somehow she is the reason I am going crazy. Another thing that is making me go crazy is the fact that summer camp will be ending tomorrow, so it's clear as to what that means. 

Tomorrow morning will be the last time I will be able to eat my breakfast next to her as she talks about whatever is going on in that cute little head of hers.  Tomorrow will be the last time I can see her smile and her big brown eyes.  Tomorrow will be the last time I will be able to hold her in my arms and squeeze her tightly,not wanting to let go. Tomorrow will or actually is the reason why I am now realizing something. 

I’m actually falling for Morgan.

“Wake up, Mr. Niall, wake up! Come on. You can’t sleep through the last time we’ll see each other until next summer!” Barely being able to open my eyes, I see Adam standing over me, yelling in my face. Godo thing I have this little guy because I seem to have slept through my actual alarm.

“I’m awake.I’m awake Don’t worry,”  Due to the lack of sleep last night, I am practically dragging myself out of bed. Everything in me is telling me to get back in bed, but I know that if I do, I am going to be hearing about it from Megan, which is not what any of the campers want.

After finally being able to get myself up and ready for the day, the kids and I make our way into the dining hall for breakfast. I can smell the waffles before I even step inside the building, which makes me a little too excited. As I am getting my plate full of waffles, I see Morgan sitting at her table out of the corner of me eye. A slight battle goes on within me to figure out if I should go over there to talk to her or not. 

Unfortunatley, I decide against it and just go over to sit next to a couple of my kids. I feel as if I would be bugging her, so I figure if she wants to say hey then she’ll come to me. Everything in me is hoping she will.

In the middle of eating my waffles, my eyelids start to become heavy. The lack of sleep is showing up once again. Wanting to go back to bed but not being able to, I place my head in the palm of my hand as my elbow rests on the table. This isn't the most comfortable position, but it'll do for now. However, just when my eyes are about to close, I hear an all too peppy voice come up next to me. 

“Good morning! Wow. It looks like someone’s tired.” 

I slowly open my eyes back up, even though I don’t really want to. Looking up, I see her bright smile, which instantly begins to make my day better.

“Um, yeah. I couldn’t really get to sleep last night and only got about a couple hours,” My voice is low, almost a whisper, as I reach my hands above my head to stretch myself out.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Were you thinking about how much you’re going to miss me?”

'Something like that,' I think to myself.

“Sure, if that’s what makes you happy," My attempt to wink fails, making myself look slightly stupider.

“I knew it!” Morgan says, letting out a small laugh and nudging me on the shoulder. “So, are you going to eat those?” 

The New Camp Counselor [n.h au] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now