Chapter Twenty-six

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I can see the fear in her eyes the whole way to the hospital.  Her hands were clenched around the steering wheel so tight, almost as if she was trying to keep it from floating away.  Since it is almost three in the morning, there isn’t much traffic meaning Morgan doesn’t even think twice about speeding down the road. 

I keep trying to tell her to slow down just a little bit, but she ignores me. I eventually give up and look out the window to my right to watch the trees rush by almost as if they are a blur.

I have never met her brother except once or twice when we were kids.  He never was around when I was over at their house because he is so many years older than Morgan and I, so he was always out with his friends.  However I still feel bad for Morgan because I do know that the two of them are extremely close, so this whole thing is killing me to see her like this.

“Babe, are we almost there?”  I ask her.  I haven’t been in this area since I was nine so I have no idea where I am at.

“Yeah I think so.  Can you call my mom to see where I should park?”  She hands me her phone since I don’t have her mum’s number.

“Hello? Mrs. Brown?...Yeah this is Niall. Morgan is driving, and we’re almost here, but she wants to know where we need to park…okay…alright, I will tell her. Thank you…okay I will see you shortly. Bye.” 

I press end to end the call between Morgan’s mum and me, and transfer the information I had just gotten from Mrs. Brown to Morgan.

A few left turns here and a couple right turns there, and we are finally parked in parking spot.  Before Morgan can even turn the car off and take the key out of the ignition, she has her seatbelt off and is opening her door. 

I don’t think I have ever seen her do something so quickly before, but I don’t blame her.  If anything like this happened to one of my family members, I would be acting the exact same way.

She practically runs towards the waiting room where her parents are, and I am only a few steps behind her.  We see them pretty quickly sitting together.

“Mom…dad…have you heard anything yet? How did all of this happen?”

Her dad is the one to answer.

“No honey, we haven’t.  All we know is that he was on the way back to his house from one of his friends when a driver that was texting and ran a stop sign causing him to hit Josh’s car on the driver’s side.  Josh is back there getting surgery done on his leg. I think they said he has a few broken ribs and some other cuts and bruises. That is all they told me so far, but he should be out of surgery any time now.” 

The fear in Morgan’s eyes hasn’t disappeared…it probably even grew.  I seriously just want to take her in my arms and hold her until everything is back to normal.

“Morgan…are you going to be okay? “  She looks over at me and tears start to fall from her eyes.  She walks over, wraps her arms around me, and buries her head in my chest.  I can start to feel my shirt becoming wet from her tears.  I rub the back of head to try and calm her down. 

I suddenly hear footsteps coming up from behind me followed by a female voice. 

“Are you Josh Brown’s family?” Morgan lifts her head up off of me and just stares at the woman waiting for some news about her brother.

“Yes we are.  Did something happen?  Is he alright?”

The woman walks closer to all of us.

“Yes he is alright.  He just got out of surgery, and it went very well. I will let you know when you will be able to go back and see him.” 

I look around and see sighs of relief come from everyone.  That is exactly what this family needed to hear.

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