Chapter Thirteen

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“Your final exam will be on May 8th, and I will be posting the study guide next week, which will give you a week and a half to complete it. Try not to procrastinate because this is a big part of your exam. I’ll see you all on Thursday.” 

Being in maths class just makes everything worse. I am absolute crap at this subject and am only taking it because I have to. I'm honestly surprised I'm surviving with a B in the class, but I think I have to thank some of my classmates for that, especially the ones that sit around me. They may not know it, but they have helped me a lot. 

I can’t believe it is already May though, and I can finally go back to helping out at the camp again. I want to actually go outside and enjoy myself in the beautiful weather Tennessee has to offer. Plus, there is a certain someone I would like to see because I have something big to tell her. I would have told her sooner, but Morgan and I have been pretty distance lately. I'm not sure what caused it, but we hardly talk anymore. I think the last time I had a genuine conversation with her was on her birthday in April, and even then what we said wasn't much. I guess I would be the one to blame considering how busy my life has become. 

Nothing is how it used to be.


“Hey, mom. Yes, I am doing good. Yes, I am studying. Okay I will. Mom, I have to go. Alright I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you too. Bye!” 

With all my finals coming up in the next few days, I have been more stressed than ever, and a phone call from my mom is definitely not what I need right now, especially when she is constantly calling me to see if something's wrong. I know she only means well, but to be honest, I don't know the answer. With the stress of school and the lack of communicating with Niall, my mood has been anything but joyful, which my mom has clearly begun to notice, but I never feel like talking about it. I would much rather just try and get through this last week of school without going crazy then head off to camp.

Up until the end of winter, all I had been looking forward to was seeing Niall because I thought things might be able to finally take off since we will actually be together again. Now, I have just been kind of blah about the whole thing. Of course, I am excited about all the kids I get to see for yet another year, but thinking about being with Niall makes my stomach feel queezy.

There is just this strange feeling I keep getting that someone has taken my place with him. I would understand if he found someone to be with since we live so far away, but I hope he hasn't. Why did our relationship or friendship have to be this confusing? We went from barely talking to friends to flirty friends and back to barely talking again. 

I hate it, and I can’t really talk to anyone about this because once I moved away and went to college, I lost a lot of my friends. My busy schedule has made if difficult to try and become friends with anyone, so Niall was all I have or well had. My mom was the only choice I had for awhile, but I didn't want to give her all the details of my life, so it was just too weird to talk to her. Granted, talking to her about boys has always been hard, so I shouldn't have expected anything different. Back when I was fifteen, I had a boyfriend, and my mom didn’t even know about it til she found me in my room crying when we broke up.

The only other person I would even think about talking to would be my older brother since I have actually gotten closer with after I moved out. I used to never talk to him about anything because he's my brother, and when he and I were younger, no matter what I said, he always had a quick remark to come back at me with. It used to be so frustrating to have a conversation with him, so I gave up until I moved out and didn't have to see him everyday. That ended up bring us closer in some way, and the two of us talk quite often. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what he thinks about Niall and I.

“Hey Josh! Are you busy?” I ask into the phone. 

“No, I’m just at my house about to make dinner. Why? What’s up?”

“Um, well, you remember Niall, right? The guy I used to hang out all the time with when I was younger? He and I kind of met up again at the camp I volunteer at, and things started to, well, at least I think they started to go in a certain direction. Except, after being away from each other from so long, I think he's beginning to ignore me again for some reason. I don't know what to do.”

Confessing to him how I'm feeling really isn't as hard as I thought it would be. However, I have already begun to pace back and forth from one end of my room to the other. I'm afraid he's going to tell me that I'm being dumb and too get over it. 

“You really like this guy, huh?”

“Yeah, I do. We went from talking everyday to not talking at all. Why would he do that?”

“Have you asked him about this?” I reply with a no, then I can hear him let out a soft sigh on the other end. "I think you should try to talk to him about this, sis. Things may just be busy on his end. Try not to worry about it too much." 

“I guess you're right. Thanks, Josh.” Making my way into the living room, the time on the clock hanging next to the television catches my eye. It's only six in the evening here, so it's eleven in Ireland. I might as well call him now to get things off my chest and find out what's happening. "I'll talk to you later. Love you."

“You’re welcome. Love you too.” 

Hanging up the phone first, my fingers couldn't get to Niall's number quick enough. Unfortunatley, I call him three times, and not once did he answer. I don't remember him ever ignoring any of my calls or texts, so why would he start now? Is he really that busy that he can't even talk to me now? I bet it's that Kathleen taking up all his time. What am I going to do?

Slamming my phone against the couch in the living room, I rush off to my bedroom. Right now, all kind of emotions are beginning bubble up, and I'm losing control. All I can do at this point is curl up into my comforter on my bed and allow for my tears to roll down my cheeks freely. I might as well get them out now before I have to see him in a few weeks. 

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