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Serena pov - Hi everyone my name is Serena Annabella Del Ria I am 18 well I will be in 2 weeks I was originally born in Italy but I moved with my Zia Grace when I was 6 after my parents died she has raised and loved me like her own.
She is a maid in the Cruz Mansion the home of the Notorious Royal Mafia family they maybe Mafia but they have always treated us like family, I grew up around all the Cruz children but I was always close to one and that would be Emilio he is the second set of triplets the Belladonna Angel had.
He would get mad when anyone made me cry he even went to the school and beat up Tyler Morris because he keep picking on me pushing me over and pouring a milkshake on my head he said I was too much of a baby.
When Emilio found out he went to the school and every one was trembling in fear as they know he is the brother with the worst temper and no empathy let's just say that after that day no one messed with me well not directly there was still a lot of girls that said  mean things to me, because they all want Emilio so they often tell me that he doesn't really care about me that he is only doing it because he feels sorry for me because every one knows that I am a big cry baby which always made me sad, I didn't tell Emilio about that though I don't need them thinking I always run to Emilio when someone is been mean and nasty to me.
Anyways on good and exciting news prom is coming up and I am so excited I can't wait, mostly because I will graduate and go to college, I am going to Study architecture.
I applied to study in Italy, I did apply to other colleges but I'm hoping I get the one in Italy my Nonno and Nonna left me a bed and breakfast and some money for collage so I know if I get in I will have a place to live.
But a big part of me doesn't want to go there cause of My Zia I will miss her and then there is Emilio.
I shake my head and snap out if it, it will be good if I go that means maybe I will get over this crush I have on him.
He wouldn't want me, I am a no body and he only does one night stands mainly with. Models and actors or rich socialites and I am just the Maids niece.
After I finished getting dressed I headed out and started walking towards the front gate we live  in  a townhouse which is in the Cruz property all the people who work here well the servants anyways leave in the town house around the property.
Once I get to the gate I am about to open it when I hear a car behind me I move to the side not looking back and just continued to walk until someone pulled me back.
I look behind me to see who it was, It was Emilio and he doesn't look happy,well it's nothing really new it doesn't take a lot to make him mad, I wonder what made him mad this time.

Serena- umm Hi Emilio, sorry was I in the way, I will just wait in the side for you to leave.

Emilio- no Serena you are not in the way, I just stopped to see where you are going dressed like that, that skirt is far too short, you shouldn't be walking around dress like that you will attract the wrong attention especially with you face then you combine it with your outfit there will be a lot of perverted guys are there looking and lusting after you.
So tell me where you are going?

Serena- w..what is wrong with it, ( I looked down I could feel my eyes start to water , that's when he cupped my face and made me look at him )

Emilio- Serena baby doll tell me where are you going?

Serena-( even though he said it as calm as he could I could still hear the hint of  anger in his voice but he was trying to be soft well as soft as he could be )
Ummm I am going to the mall....It's prom and I wanted to buy a dress, I even saved up all my money working this year to buy it myself( I looked at him with a big smile because I was truly proud that I worked hard and now I get to buy a nice dress, I stared at Emilio for a second before I realised I made a mistake he had no idea I was working at the Mansion as he doesn't live there anymore.
I mean it took at lot of convincing to make his parents and his brother agree they told me they would pay for it but I wanted to work for it, it would be wrong to Mooch of them. )

Emilio pov- I wanted to yell and scream at her because she shouldn't be working she should just concentrate on school that's it, why didn't anyone tell me she was working, well that will end today I will make sure of it.
I had to pull all my will power to calm myself down, I could see the pride in her eyes as she told me that she worked hard and earned the dress she will get, she will get the dress of her dreams but I will be paying for it, does she have a date I hope not or I will have to kill what ever bastard that thought he could take my sweet baby doll to her prom, I will take her but she can never now of my true feelings it will only put her in danger, I know I am a selfish bastard I should let her go with someone that will show her off to world that she can walk and go out on dates with in public without been a target.
I will do that or at least try but not now , I will take her to prom, I will be her date.

Emilio- baby doll do you have a date to your prom.

Serena- no...., none of the boys at school ask me they all avoid me after what you did to Tyler, ( I gave him my best glare to which he only chuckled at )

Emilio- good then I will take you to prom, now get in the car I will take you to the Mall.

Serena- don't have to do that, I know you are busy all the time and why would you want togo to a high school prom anyways, you don't need to feel pity on me I am okay going by myself.

Emilio- baby doll firstly I don't pity you I want to take you and I will now get in the car so we can go shopping then after that I will take you for a nice lunch, sound good.

Serena- ( I couldn't help but blush, I can't believe I will be going to prom with Emilio it's like I an dreaming) okay...sounds good ( he opens the car door and helps me in he even buckled me in to which I laughed at and told me I am bot a baby I know how to buckle myself in. )

Emilio- ( I sent a text to Corey and told him to book out Del Marta I don't want anyone there but a few staff, I want 5 blocks barricaded off , I can't risk any one seeing me with Serena it would be to dangerous for her and I can't let anything happen to her )
Of course you can and your not a baby, your my baby doll.( I kissed her forehead lightly before I started driving)

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