Luciano's torture

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Angel- "you , your the one who shot my son, my husband may say we have to send you back to you father but I will make sure it will take you a least a year before you can even take your first steps again.

( I started raining down the whip across his backside the only thing I could here was his mournful cries which only makes me want to torture him harder, I drop the whip and switched to knife even with both eyes barley open know he started screaming and pleading as soon as he looked at me with the knife my sons and son in law along with Markus and my husband Miguel stood back with smirks on their faces. )

Luciano- s...stop..... send me back to my father ( coughing) you know you have to "Ahhhh!!!! ( I could feel the knife run down my abdominal , then it started again right on my kneecap only differences is it goes right through my right leg starts to become num.... )

Angel- you will go back, just not now.
Miguel amore figli maschi ( sons ) we all need to clean up and go to see Emilio and please one of you call that girl he loves so much but won't admit it.

Alejandro- si mama I will do it, she does work for me , I will call her after I clean up, I will drive to work and get her.

Angel- grazie figlio ( thank you son )

( we all leave the basement to get cleaned up, I know Emilio if he is alone for to long with nothing to do he will go crazy I hope Serena gets here soon )

( the hospital wing with Emilio )

Emilio pov - I swear I have only been awake for a few hours and I am already going crazy, I don't have my phone so I can't check in with Serena.
I know I told my mama that I would stay but I have to get out of here, if she just left my phone I could call Serena and I would okay.
Just as I was about to pull the IV out again my family enters the room and of course Emmanuel just had to tell mama on me I swear his still a little kid and loves when I get scolded by mama.
I sent a glare his way.

Angel- " what did I tell you huh? Do you want me to put a bullet in each of your legs to keep you in that bed.

Emilio- mama Even you would have left me my phone I would have been okay.
I just had to make a phone call and since I don't have my phone I have to check myself.

Emmanuel- chill figlio Alejandro called and is getting Serena but for now we have ( before I could finish Miracle comes in with Gio in her arms is eyes glossy with tears crying out papa )

Emilio- ( I felt a sting in my heart as Miracle walked in with a crying Gio , crying out papa, he was crying for me , I have been gone for two days he must of been looking for me, Miracle take him straight to me and gave me a kiss on the head and punch me )

Miracle- that is for been stupid and not using your hear causing you to get shot, I could say more but this little guy needs so reassurance.

Emilio- ( I put my attention but to Gio who's tears have stopped as he seen me he puts his arms around me and rest his head on my chest )

Figlio non piangere sono qui ora, papà scusa sono stato via per un paio di giorni.
Ti prometto che non ti lascerò mai più così a lungo, almeno con il facetime )

( Don't cry I'm here now, papa sorry I've been away for a couple of days.
I promise you I'll never leave you that long again, at least with the facetime )

Gio- papa.... Papa....

Emilio- ( I can't help but smile and feel a warmth take over my heart when he calls me that, I kiss his head and hold him back to my chest as the doors open again and Alejandro and Serena walk in, she immediately runs to Me and puts her arms around Gio and I fresh tears come down on her face but now my family have left us )

Ciao cuore mio
( hello my heart )

Serena- thank god your okay....., I thought....
( crying)

Emilio - ( I wiped her tears and pulled her closer kissing her forehead, I really hate seeing her cry )
It will take a lot more then that for me to leave the both of you.
Now give me a smile
( she gave me a tight smile, I could tell she hasn't slept probably worried about me )
Baby doll I want you to do something for me

Serena- what is it, what do you need

Emilio- I need my baby doll to go home and get some rest, leave Gio here cause I know he will wake you up, I want you to get a full nights rest I can tell you haven't slept.

Serena- bu...( cutoff)

Emilio - no buts now go and get some sleep don't worry about Gio.
Get Lucas to take you home okay.
( I gave her a sweet passionate kiss before letting her go, she diggs in her bag and pulls out my phone and the charger and hands in to me )
Where did you get my phone from.

Serena- you left it at my home, ( I left out I saw the msg and calls from Bianca, because I don't have his passcode I couldn't see the hole msg but it still hurts a lot , I had a feeling he was still seeing other girl but that just confirm that for me. But for the life of me I can't hate him, I know I need to get away for him but as soon as I was told what happened I felt my heart been crushed the pain I felt when I thought we lost him, I felt a kiss on my cheek and was brought out of my deep thoughts)

Are you sure about leaving him, I can take him you are still healing.

Emilio- of course I am go baby doll We will be perfectly fine you need to sleep, I don't like you looking so exhausted I know you haven't slept since I have been out.

Serena- umm okay if you are sure
Hey my baby boy mama will see you tomorrow you be a good boy okay( I gave Gio a kiss and went to leave when I was pulled back and right into Emilio's arms and once again kissed me passionately.

Emilio - now you can go.
( I watched as she left I plugged my phone in and turned it on and saw all the calls and msg from Bianca and I prayed that Serena didn't see it.
I swear that little slut better not be messing with Serena.
She wants to know about the upcoming ball
And what I am wearing god she is so
Annoying, I only take her to these things because as sick as it sounds I don't care if she gets targeted and yeah we mess around she thinks I am her man, like hell I am she is nothing but a quick and easy lay.
I snapped out of my thoughts as my papa and fratelli walked in, I know why they are here and I can't wait to get out so I can truly have a real piece of that stronzo.
My papa calls in my mama and she comes in and takes Gio from my arms and walks out of the room.

Emilio- so did that bastard say anything as to why he is after us more pacifically me.
I know he wants to be king but that has nothing to do with me.
( I look to my papa as he turns to face me )

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