New job

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Emilio pov- I woke up early  looking at the Beauty that is my baby doll peacefully sleeping in my arms her head rested on my chest as I stroke her head lovingly , I don't want to dreading for today to come, why , well it's simply Serena and Gio are moving to the place I got them, I know I gave her a choice but I didn't really think she would pick to move but on the other hand she and Gio would be save and it would hide the fact that she and I are together, yes she is my woman even if right now she says otherwise.
I start to kiss her cheeks calling her name to wake her up her new internship with mio Fratello Alejandro will start today and with her working their I can take Comfort knowing that she is safe and no one will try anything with her.

Serena pov - I started to open my eyes and slowly wake up to feather like kisses all over my face, I started giggling, once fully awake I came face to face with the very hot god like man Who is none other then Emilio, god he makes it hard to refuse him. He told me I am his woman, but He can't publicly knowledge me for my and Gio own protection, I do understand because I know who he is and what he does but it still hurts, I don't want us to be his dirty little Secret.

Emilio -  good morning beautiful, come on baby doll time to get up we have to get ready,  we will take Gio to the Mansion and then I will drop you off , I have to talk to Alejandro and Junior.

Serena- morning, let me go check on Gio first then I will have my shower and get ready.

Emilio- no go get ready now, I will check on him and get him ready ( I kissed her cheek and  left to go check Gio leaving her no room to protest )

Serena- Emilio, I can do it, you Do..( I stopped what I was saying as there was no point , one he already left and two he won't listen, It's not that I have a problem with him spending time with Gio but I am just scared that what ever we have will end and he will no longer be in Gio's life and I just don't want Gio to get to attached to him only to be hurt at the end when it doesn't work out , but I think it's to late Because since we hav been here I swear my son prefers him to me.
He is always saying papa it's cute but annoying at the same time, I don't know maybe it's just me been jealous , I push those thoughts behind me and quickly stripped and jumped into the shower letting the hot water pout down and relieve some of my stress and tension that I am feeling, I guess there bond with slowly lesson since at the end of the day Gio and I will have our own place.
It will also give me some space to truly think if I want what Emilio is asking am I going to be okay with this arrangements in the Long run, I know my heart beats like crazy when I am around him, god why is this so hard.


Emilio pov - I was down stairs playing with Gio waiting for Serena to finish getting ready.

Gio- papa....papa...

Emilio - I couldn't help but smile at this little boy in my arms he warms my heart whenever he calls me papa, I started kissing his cubby cheeks he started giggling, till I felt a presence behind me, I could smell her sweet and intoxicating scent, I looked up and it felt like all the oxygen in my lungs stop flowing, she was absolutely stunning.

Emilio- you look beautiful absolutely stunning.
Come on lets go, we will stop for breakfast.

Gio- papa....papa.....

Serena- good morning mama's baby boy , can you say mama...come on say mama... ( I grabbed him from Emilio and he started crying calling for him which made Emilio just laugh and take him of me )

Gio- papa.... Papa....

Emilio- hahah come on doll don't pout no need to be jealous, he loves his mama, he just loves me a little bit more hahaha ( I started laughing which earns me slap on the chest by Serena )
Okay ....okay I'm sorry, I'm only joking baby, papa is just easier to say, he will say mama soon.
( I kissed her cheek and pulled her along with me )

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