Waking up to heartbreak

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Serena pov- I slowly opened my eyes as the slight touched my face.
The soreness between my legs made me wince in pain but at the same time, I couldn't be happier, I gave my innocence to the man I love and he said it to me first he told me he loved me.
Once my eyes adjusted to the light I slowly got up.
I didn't see Emilio there he is probably downstairs, I decided to have a shower 1st to relieve some of the pain.
After I had a shower I put the shirt that Emilio gave me and slowly walked down the stairs, I could hear voices coming from his game room the door was slightly opened I was gunna walk in but stopped in my tracks when his Friend Starts talking, so I quietly listen by the door.

Tommy- so I see you banged that chick Serena, she hot by the way, but isn't she way to innocent for you haha... what do love her, your brother's certainly fall for the innocent type

Emilio- Shut up Tommy it was nothing okay nothing but a hit and run and easy lay.

Serena pov- I didn't need to here anymore, I put my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't cry out loud I don't want him to see me, I quietly made it back to his room I didn't want to wear that dress or anything that he got me. But I had to wear something so I grab one of his basketball shorts and threw them on along with some socks and grabbed his wallet to get my card, I took my phone and headed to the Elevator where is brother Emmanuel saw me with my silent tears, he tried to reach out to me but I pushed him away and pressed the button to go down.
I ran for like 10 minutes ignoring the pain I was already in for my emotional pain was far worse, I stopped by at a Cafe ignoring the stairs and called and Uber to come and get me, I probably waited less then 10 minutes before it was there I jumped in and headed home.
Once I got to the Cruz estate I ran all the way to my house, as soon as I got into the door I ran to my room locking my door throwing myself in my bed crying.
My phone kept going off , when I saw it was Emilio I threw my phone into the wall, I don't want to talk to him.
I feel like a Complete idiot how could I forget that he is a play boy, he used me like I was one of his whore, I never thought he would do something like this to me.
His always been soft and gently  and protective when it came to me well I guess that was all an act he got what he wanted, I can't believe that I actually thought he meant it when he said he loved me god I am such a fool.
As I laid on the bed with my shattered heart my laptop went off there was a ding telling me I have mail. So I slowly picked myself up and grabbed my laptop and there is was the Email I have been waiting for, I got excepted to go to school in Italy now I don't start until after Christmas break but I don't want to stick around, I know he will be here after all I live in his families home well the servant in guards houses.
I didn't want to waste any time I packed my bags and told my Zia that I got excepted but I wanted to leave now so I can get a feel of Italy now my way around she didn't question me further she was just upset that we wouldn't spend Christmas together.
I had another shower got dressed and headed to the airport the uber was waiting outside the gates, I kept looking around scared and freaked out that Emilio would show up and he is the last person I want to see.
I looked at my Zia grace giving her one last hug before I left.
I sat in the car looking out the window and Quietly said to myself , Serena it's time to start a new chapter and put whatever happened with Emilio behind us.

Emilio when he realise that she is gone:

Emilio pov - after those words left my mouth I felt sick to my stomach for putting her in the same category as one of the whores I  mess with because my sweet baby doll is not of those she is a walking Angel but like I said I can't have anyone thinking I found my queen.
Mio Fratello Emmanuel walks in and slaps me at the back of my head and tells Tommy to get out which he does well he more like ran out, I got up quickly to knock some scents into mio Fratello

Emilio- what the hell Fratello why did you do that, you maybe my Fratello but I will still knock you out.

Emmanuel- well why don't you tell me, why I saw a crying, scared, distraught looking Serena running out of here, "what did you do to her.

Emilio- ( I automatically frozen she left, no....no please tell me my sweet baby doll did not hear what I said, fuck!!! )
What do you mean she left, why didn't you stop her or call for me, she wouldn't have ever left if I told her to stay.

Emmanuel- please tell me you didn't, she is the sweetest most innocent girl, look Fratello I love you love her, quit being a pussy about it because not only will you hurt her but you will hurt yourself you will lose her, she will shut your dumb ass down and find someone worthy of her love that isn't a pussy little bitch to show it . ( I new I over stepped , I know he lover her and his afraid to bring her into our world but technically she really is, her Zia works as a maid that is still somewhat involved and she lives on the Cruz estate. I just want to see him happy but by the looks of things he doesn't appreciate it the next thing I know you punches me in the face which I reciprocate we go out at for few minutes before we will apart that's when he starts punching the walls leaving a trail of holes every where, I grab his arms and pull it behind him.

Emmanuel- calm down Fratello

Emilio-no dove cazzo è lei, ho mandato un messaggio a una delle guardie del Manison che hanno detto che non c'è.

(no where the fuck is she, i texted one of the manison guards who said she's not there)

Emmanuel- rilassati fratello, probabilmente è andata solo per calmarsi da qualunque cosa le hai detto, cosa le hai detto comunque
( relax bro, she probably just went to calm down from whatever you told her, what did you tell her anyway )

Emilio- non sono affari tuoi, andiamo alla villa, devo trovarla e parlarle.
( it's none of your business, let's go to the villa, I have to find her and talk to her. )

Emmanuel- perché non chiami Grace, sono sicuro che lo farà sua zia ora, lì molto vicino.
( why don't you call Grace, I'm sure her aunt will now, very close by )

Emilio- diavolo no, non glielo sto chiedendo, la troverò da solo, ora stai zitto su questo cazzo e andiamo.
( hell no, I'm not asking, I'll find her by myself, now shut up on this dick and let's go )

Emilio pov- we both head to our car's without saying anything else he knows when to let it go.
My heart and mind our racing like crazy, I don't think I could live with myself if something where to happen to her.
She left before I could explain my plan so we could be together but also keep her safe it will just all be a secret, I know it may sound stupid but I can't lose her this way no one knows where together and she stay safe.
But know this , I may have been an Ass for saying what I said even if I didn't mean it but her little ass shouldn't have run off like that.
She will get it from me when I get my hands on her.

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