Emilio Tortures Luciano for answers

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Emilio pov- I stare down at Luciano pacing back-and-forth thinking exactly the way I am going to start.
I Signal the guards  to grab him when I have an idea of how I'm going to start.

Emilio- beh, visto che affermi di essere un ragazzo così duro, penso che inizierò con il waterboarding ma non preoccuparti, non lo fermerò lì abbiamo tutto il giorno e non vorrei sprecarlo facendoti solo una forma di tortura ahahah resta lì e goditela perché sai che non hai detto niente ti farò mai parlare.
se non ti rendi conto che non sono mio padre né i miei fratelli non esiterò ad ucciderti
solo a causa di tuo padre nah a me gli sto facendo un favore

( well since you claim to be such a tough guy i think i'll start with waterboarding but don't worry i won't stop it there we have all day and I wouldn't want to waste it just doing you some form of torture hahaha stay there and enjoy it cause you know you don't have say nothing I'll never let you talk.
if you do not realize that I am not my father or my brothers I will not hesitate to kill you
just because of your dad nah I'm doing him a favour )

if you do not realize that I am not my father or my brothers I will not hesitate to kill youjust because of your dad nah I'm doing him a favour )

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fammi sapere quando vuoi iniziare a parlare di te figlio di puttana

( let me know when you wanna start talking about you son of a bitch )

Luciano pov - water filling my lungs I try my best not to swallow the water but it is hard.
I have watched my father do this but never for this long Emilio is one sick bastard, I know he thinks I am sick but he has something wrong with him especially if he thinks I will talk and tell him.

Emilio - fammi sapere quando vuoi iniziare a parlare di te figlio di puttana

( let me know when you wanna start talking about you son of a bitch )

Luciano - Ahhh!!! ( gurgling sound , coughing and heavy breathing, I may have seen it done but I didn't think it would be this bad and painful and I know Emilio's psychotic game of torture has just begun.
Maybe I should give up Mr Eriksson's name after all he wants Serena son which I was going to happily give him as long as I get Serena.
Why should Emilio get her he is undeserving of her.
I know he will let me go, thank god for who my father is.
I can last and handle a day of this. I slowly try to make the words out but they are muffled my the Constant water been poured onto my face down my throat. )
M...r Erik...sson...( gurgling )

Emilio- guarda questo fratelli sembra che stia gettando la spugna ed è pronto a parlare.

( look at this brothers looks like he's throwing in the towel and ready to talk. )

Emilio pov- I call to the guards to seat him up so he can get the water out of him so I can hear him better .
Once I see his breathing has studied I slap him in the head to gain his attention.

Emilio- perché stai cercando loro, non mi importa di te e dei tuoi tentativi falliti di provare a catturare il titolo di re della mafia perché so che è qualcosa che qualcuno come te non capirà mai no dimmi perché stai cercando Serena e Giovanni.

( why are you looking for them i don't care about you and your failed attempts to try to capture the title of king of the mafia cause i know it's something someone like you will never understand no tell me why are you looking for serena and Giovanni. )

Luciano- ( coughing ) Mr Erikssion ........( coughing )
lui è Lianna padre sa che hai ucciso sua figlia e suo genero vuole Giovanni lo calma come suo legittimo nipote ma ha detto che si chiamerà Alfred

( he is Lianna father knows that you killed his daughter and his son-in-law wants Giovanni to calm him as his legitimate grandson but he said he will be called Alfred )

Emilio- quel vecchio bastardo patetico pensa che lo prenderà, diavolo no non è David figlio è mio e nessuno voglio dire nessuno tocca o pensa anche a prendere ciò che è mio e che dire di Serena se solo vuole suo figlio cosa vuoi tu con lei, bastardo malato, rispondimi.

( that pathetic old bastard thinks he'll take it, hell no it's not David son he's mine and nobody I mean nobody touches or even thinks about taking what's mine and what about Serena if she just wants her son what do you want with her sick bastard , answer me. )

Emilio pov- this fucken idiot just looks at me and smiles, he doesn't have to see it I can see it in his eyes the moment I mention her name he wants her but he can't have her she is mine she belongs to me.
Have it his way it's time to take this up a notch.
Oh the fun I am about to have it is going to be a wonderful day.
I see my papa and brother's watch me carefully to make sure I don't take it too far, huh it will never be to far, it is the only price you pay for touching what is mine, or least attempting to.

Metal stick in my hand grimacing smirk on my face, the cold pale stare of  Luciano the fear evident in his eyes no matter how he tries to hide it gives me immense pleasure I'm going to enjoy this I never liked this asshole

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Metal stick in my hand grimacing smirk on my face, the cold pale stare of Luciano the fear evident in his eyes no matter how he tries to hide it gives me immense pleasure I'm going to enjoy this I never liked this asshole.

( A Whippin sound along with a crack and screens can be only heard as the long metal stick comes across his body, you can hear his bones cracking upon the hard impact.
Sadistic laughter of Emilio and has his own family worrying about him )

Luciano- Ahhhh!!!!!!........ fu....uck you....

Emilio- usually I hate to speak english specially when I'm this mad but I know your Italian is horrible and you can barely speak such a shame on your family and your cultural heritage aren't you.
Well since you don't want to tell me after that I guess I must turn it up even more huh hahaha...... ( cutoff. )

Junior- abbastanza fratellino
( enough little brother )

( I walked right up to Emilio and pull him aside and whispered in his ear so Luciano couldn't hear , Fratello let him go send him back to his father we will have him watch 24/7 he obviously won't tell you the last part but if we watch him we will know why he wants Serena for then and only then will I allow you to do whatever you want with him we already told his father if he crosses the line again he will be dead he will not get a second pass )

Emilio- fine I will take him back
( I look at the smirk of Luciano so I punched him in the face knocking him completely out I told one of the guys to pick him up and take him to the car, I told Luca to be ready downstairs, as soon as we got into the car we made are way to his father's house , this bastard thinks he really won this round ha he is dreaming )

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