I want there blood

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Emilio pov- I stayed cuddled up with Serena in bed, I took her to our family's secret hideout when she passed out along with a shot from Jeremy to make sure she stayed asleep for the helicopter ride over.
I didn't want to let her go, I wanted to stay with her to comfort her and my fratelli find him but they are my responsibility and I need to release this pent-up rage I have been feeling since Gio got kidnapped and I need to release it on someone.
I suddenly heard a buzzing sound I looked over to my phone to see it was Junior, I slowly pulled myself out of my embrace with Serena and covered her up with the duvet and walked out the room.

Emilio- Fratello, this better be good, have they found that bastard Eriksson ?

Junior- no but we will, we do have Abigail on the other hand and we found very interesting news.
Papa has a face to face here with Francisco.
Come now, I will send Camila there to keep her company.

End call.....

Emilio pov- I called a few guards and told them to watch over her and make sure she doesn't leave, they all nodded and I walked back in the room to shower and change.

Serena pov - I heard the hole Conversation he had with Junior, if he thinks he can leave without me he has another thing coming, if it has something to do with my son and who took him then it is my Business, I am not a violent person but when it comes to my son, I will turn into a mass murder.
I quickly got out of bed and got dressed then I jumped back in bed and waited for Emilio to leave, I slowly followed him to the helicopter.
What I am about to do is completely nuts and if Emilio finds out he will lose his shit at me but right now I don't care all I care about is finding my son and bringing him home.
As the helicopter started to lift up I grabbed on to the bottom stand thing no idea what it's called but I sat there, thank god I am small, "shit this is high really  I am hanging on with nothing strapped to me if I fall, I fall to my death.
I had to keep reminding myself who I am doing this for.

( an hour later )

I took a deep breath and signed in relief as soon as the helicopter came to a stop, I quickly got of and hid and watched as Emilio got out and walked towards his brother's and they started walking toward the back of the Mansion so I quietly followed them making sure none of the guards saw me I watch as they came to a stop at a door and they all went inside I quickly made my way there before the door came to a complete stop knowing I would never get in Lucky I made it just in time I stopped the door from closing with my foot and suppressed a scream as the door was extremely heavy and closed hard on my foot, I hope I didn't break it.
I opened the door fully and winced in pain as I put full pressure on my foot as I began walking down well more like limping down it hurt so much but I didn't care all I cared about was the fact they I new that who ever kidnapped my son or had something to do with it was down there.
When I was almost there I peeked my head down and saw a woman it was Abigail the nanny that was supposed to watch Over Giovanni.
This made me madder then I ever been, I will slit her throat if she doesn't tell me where Giovanni is.
I decided that I would listen for a while to see what she said and why she did it.

Emilio - hai due secondi per dirmi dov'è mio figlio e perché pensavi di poter andare via liberamente dopo quello che hai fatto.
dov'è Ericksson, ti risparmierò la vita se me lo dici
( you have two seconds to tell me where my son is and why you thought you could leave freely after what you did.
where is Ericksson, I'll spare your life if you tell me )

Abigail- ( crying ) ( slap ....slap....)
I.....I  had no choice.....I wanted.......( crying) a better life , I WANTED MY FAMILY!!!
I wanted everything I never got......

Emilio- "What the hell are you talking about ?
What is Eriksson to you
( punch )
Answer me whore.....

Abigail- h....is..... my father.....

Emillo Mafia prince's Secret LoveWhere stories live. Discover now