Armarella Carmochi

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Armarella pov- I slowly opened my eyes my head was killing me.
Wait why can I see shouldn't my face be covered in bandages or something.
I told that stupid doctor I wanted every thing done at once wait till I get my hands on him.
I will have him torn from limp to limp.
I looked around the dark room there was no light.
I pulled myself out of bed to find a light only to discover that There was no lap near the bed I started to slowly feel around the room but it Felt like the walls were made with padding , what kind if walls have padding where the hell am I started to scream loudly then the door opened and the lights when on, I took a step back when I saw who it was, it was my father, "No he must have stopped me and brought me god knows where that is when I looked around and saw I was in a room which remind me of a Movie and the girl was put in a party room she was in a mental asylum, "no he didn't put me in one I am not crazy, I just know I am better for Emilio then that little bitch who had a baby with someone else and expected Emilio to play his daddy.
He needs a real son one who is his blood one that will have both powerful Mafia blood.

Armarella- dad where am I?
What have you done to me?
Why am I in a padded room I am not crazy let me out now!!

Francisco- I can't do that sweetheart, what I do is for your own good, Junior and his family already found out you and your brother where up to something just be lucky I found you before they did, you and your brother have cause enough discretion to there family which means that the alliance between our families have been broken and they may kill the both of you and I will not be able to stop it.
We may live in the Mafia world but we still have rules in place, rules in which you grew up knowing.
I am leaving you in this room for a month that should be long enough for you to learn you lesson hopefully then after that there is another room but make no mistake about it this is your own private psychiatric ward, I even have a leading World renowned psychologist to work with you.
You need help , I am doing this because your my daughter and I love you but what you were about to do was simply crazy there is nothing for you to gain with Emilio by changing yourself into Mila.
For one Mila was always after Junior and second she went crazy obsessive like you and now she is dead.
Don't think because of close friendship I have with Miguel will save you this time, because it won't, now you will cooperate and talk to the psychologist I will also have several of my men guarding you.
You have one month of isolation in here, you still have a bathroom in there and your food will be brought to you and at the end of the month that is where are your sessions will start and I hope and pray it will be the beginning of the New you.
But before I leave tell me where you brother Luciano is with unless you want him dead believe me they will find him and end his life.
So if you love him you will tell me where I can find him.

Armarella - "Never!!! I Hate you!!! I Hate You...., he will come back!!!! And then he will kill you and Armando and any other you have in line to take your place....
I will never tell you!!!!!!!
I didn't want Luciano to kill you but now I can't wait for him to do it and I will watch in delight.....
How could you keep me prisoner
"AHHHH!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!

Francisco pov - My heart slowly broke into he says that her words she is my only daughter so to here that ripped my heart.
I know I shouldn't take it to heart she is not well her brother brain washed her.
I know he was using her, I found out that he wanted to change her appearance to that of Mila to cause a huge destruction where the hold Cruz family will fly into a rage and kill her then he can take Serena.
That is what he wants but I can't let this happen, I was going to wait until the ball in 3 days to tell Miguel but this can not wait I have to tell him now.
I walked out of my home and went into the car and told my driver to take me to the Cruz Mansion, I didn't want to call or text him because well If I know my son he is probably monitoring all incoming calls and Text msg so it is best that I come see him in person.
As soon as I pulled up to the Cruz Mansion one of the guards taps on the window he immediately recognise me.

- Mr Carmochi I didn't know you where coming Don Miguel didn't mention anything.

Francisco- he wouldn't because I didn't, It is an emergency I need to see him right away.

- of course go right in

Francisco pov - As soon as the car stopped I got out and Jackson was right beside me as we both walked in, I told the maid to inform Miguel that I am here to see him.

Miguel- Franco Ciao so what do I own the surprise visit.

Francisco- ( I let out a deep sigh ) we need to talk I would get all your boys for this one.
( we walk to his office well his former office and all his sons walk in )

Miguel- so what is this about?

Francisco- well My men and I have just found my daughter and what she was going to do.
Thank god I stopped it in time because it was crazy which is why I changed part of my home into a psychiatric ward for her she needs help it is not her fault.
I will start from the information I received.
My sources say that Luciano got into Armarella's head that transforming herself into Mila will get her want she wants but is merely a distraction to send all of you in a rage which well result in Armarella getting killed and he then will take Serena.
She won't give him up, I have left her in a seven find room which she cannot leave she will stay there for a month so Emilio nothing should interrupt your wedding congratulations by the way.
I still have my men looking for Luciano but I wanted to let you guys know so you can put your guard up even more.
I don't even recognise Luciano or Armarella anymore, I have failed them and for that I apologise and also apologise to you all, I know they have both caused big pile of destruction and your family.
But I ask that you don't kill my daughter she is just very naive and gullible and will believe whatever Luciano tells her, and as much as it pains me to say it you may do as you wish to Leonardo.
But Junior as the new Mafia king I request that if Leonardo get to me first before I make my announcement that you make sure that Armando takes place.

Miguel- Franco I know Luciano has flown off the deep end but do you really think he will kill you his own father.

Francisco- I am afraid so as much as it pains me to think about it I know it is true he knows I'm handing over my reins to Armando and he hates that.
Look Armando was only 19 almost 20 I don't want him to take over until his 25 But if I do die I ask that you help him, I know he will do good but I still worry he is too young and hasn't lived his life yet.

Junior- you have our word. We also have our men looking for him to our family will protect yours even if it is from one of your own and yes if we can help it Armarella will not be killed.

Luciano pov- so the old man stopped my plans by taking Armarella and locking her up.
Ha he thinks that will stop me the plan will go ahead it just won't be the same as the first one cause now we have no time.
I am not going to strike at the ball too many mafia families and all loyal to the Cruz family even I know I will be dead the moment I step foot there which is why I will send Armarella.
I know my father is a smart man and he knows so I am sure his little visit to the Cruz Family was to tell him about Armarella so she will be a Enough of a destruction but I will move it before the I do's Serena is mine Emilio can keep the little bastards because Serena will give me my blood heirs.
Of corse I will also end my brother life and father's as well as Alessio my cousin.
Then there will be only me the one true heir, then I will build my army even more until it's more bigger and powerful enough to take out the entire Cruz family they all will die and I will be the new king of the Mafia and Serena my beautiful Queen but of cause she will need to be severely punished for having sex and having babies by other men it should have been me, I loved her when we kids but she always only had eyes for Emilio but not anymore because by the time I am done.
She will bow and worship at my feet knowing it is only I can ever love her.

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