Planning a proposal

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Emilio pov- shit just keeps getting in the way from the shipments gone wrong, to The venue I planned on proposing to Serena in, nothing is going right.
The worst part is my family owns the damm hotel the venue is held at.
I am seating having lunch with Manny ( Emmanuel)

Emilio- cazzo fratello, giuro su dio che ucciderò e brucerò ogni stronzo che c'è se questa proposta non va come l'ho pianificata.
come cazzo ha fatto sparire tutto per la sua festa, voglio ogni corpo che è entrato e uscito da lì, qualcuno sta cercando di sabotare la mia proposta e voglio sapere chi è.
questo giorno deve essere perfetto se lo merita.

( fuck brother, i swear to god i'm gonna kill and burn every asshole there is if this proposal doesn't go the way i planned it.
how the fuck did he make it all disappear for his party, I want every body that went in and out of there, someone is trying to sabotage my proposition and I want to know who it is.
this day must be perfect if it deserves it.)

Manny- millo calmati, tutto andrà secondo i piani che la mamma ci sta lavorando ora e sai quando vuole che qualcosa sia fatto accadrà o ci sarà l'inferno da pagare.
per quanto riguarda qualcuno che cerca di sabotarlo, beh non lo so ma se c'è scopriremo che ho già chiamato Carlos lui e Markus ci stanno lavorando.

( Millo calm down, everything will go according to the plans that mom is working on now and you know when she wants something done it will happen or there will be hell to pay.
as for someone trying to sabotage it, well I don't know but if there is we will find out that I have already called Carlos he and Markus are working on it. )

Emilio- Spero che tu abbia ragione comunque devo andare Ti parlerò più tardi fratello, devo andare a prendere Serena e Gio meglio prepararsi sarà una sorpresa ricorda che saremo lì alle 7:30.

( I hope you are right anyway I have to go I'll talk to you later brother, I have to go get Serena and Gio better prepare it will be a surprise remember we will be there at 7:30 )

Emilio pov- I jumped into my car and drove to pick up Serena and Gio, Alejandro cut her work day short so she could have time to go home and unwind she usually doesn't work at the office but she had a few meetings, I hate when she goes to meetings but I let it go since Alejandro said he would be there and assured me nothing would happen I still didn't like it but I know she loves her work and I just want her to be happy.
I reached the building and as I pulled up I saw her my baby and our son in tow.

Serena- ciao amore mio come è andata la tua giornata.
( hello my love how was your day )

Emilio- molto meglio ora che ho te
( much better now that I have you )

( I turned to look at Gio would didn't look happy with my Answer lol )

figlio dai non fare quella faccia, sai che la mia giornata è sempre migliore quando sei con me.

( son come on don't make that face, you know my day is always better when you are with me. )

Gio - papa Mi sei mancato, non voglio andare a scuola, voglio solo stare con te.

( I missed you, I don't want to go to school, I just want to be with you. )

Emilio- ( I kissed his cheek ) è solo la scuola materna, ma è comunque importante che tu vada.
così impari e sii un ragazzo intelligente, lo so che lo sei.
ed è anche un bene che tu socializzi giochi con gli altri bambini ok ma prometto che troverò del tempo ogni settimana così possiamo passare la giornata insieme solo due se noi.

( it's just kindergarten, but it's still important that you go.
so you learn and be a smart guy, i know you are.
and it is also good that you socialize games with other children ok but i promise i will find time every week so we can spend the day together only two if we. )

Emilio pov - he gave me the thumbs up and I couldn't help but smile the only thing that is missing from this wonderful moment is my principessa can't wait to get home to see her.
As soon as we pulled up my phone went off in was Rodney from the hotel I swear he better have good news for me.
I looked over to Serena and Gio and told them to go in I would be there in minute.
Once Serena was out of ear shot I Answered.

Emilio- I swear to god Rodney you better have good news and fix what you morons fucked up.

Rodney-  y...yes.....Sir.....ever...y...think.....
is.....set.... I'm sorry.....but...everything was swiped from the computers....I don't know.....who sir....
But....I went ahead and told.....all the ....staff ...... that will be.....working that everything will go perfect I promise you.......sir

Emilio- it better be  or not only will you lose your job but you will also lose your life.

( End call )

Emilio pov- I walked into the mansion and went straight into the office where my papa, mama and fratelli was.

Emilio - everything is set , Rodney  told me is all been taken care of.
Mama thank you whatever you did worked and whatever you said  hahah well Rodney was talking in an even more shaker voice then usually.

Angel- anything for you baby, I want you all happy and this proposal to be perfect, you should have been married to her ages ago.
I am just happy you have finally opened your eyes to see she is prefect for you.
You should also be thanking god she didn't kick your stupid ass to the curb so don't fuck it up figlio you understand me cause if you do, If she doesn't kick your ass , I will be and you know you can't run from me.
( I kissed his cheek and gave me a tight hug )
Okay I will leave you boys alone to talk .

Emilio - so what did you guys what to tell me.

Junior - it's Leonardo, his been quiet for you but we still have people looking for him he was spotted not far from here, I also know that Franco just picked up Armarella, our inside guy said that he has basically built a  suite  in the West Wing Franco has had it converted into a mini psychiatric ward.
He also has his men looking for Leonardo apparently he now knows that Franco is handing the reins over to Armando and you know Leonardo this will not sit well with him, I guarantee you he's going to strike at the ball or he will kill his father before he announces it.
And of course he will try it with us because his stupid  to think that it will work.
I already have our best snippers at the ready.
We will have our men every where he will not get to make a single move.

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