Serena/College internship

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Serena pov - today is my first day of collage I only have two classes then I have to head down to the site on Hernandez corp for my internship, I am both excited and nervous for my first day, I heard the owner of Hernandez corp is a real hard ass not to mention a real womaniser but hey if I can handle Emilio I can handle him right, speaking of Emilio I haven't told him where my internship is I have a feeling he won't like it.
I was finishing getting ready so I can get Gio ready my Zia Grace said she would watch him while I am at work and no I don't mean the internship although they pay it isn't enough cause it is just for a few hours a week and I and Gio have expenses well mainly Gio and no Emilio doesn't know I rather he not but I am worried about his reaction when he does find out cause that man seems to find everything out.
I looked in the full length mirror and went into Gio's room as soon as he sees me he has a little on his face.

Serena- hey mama's good boy, you didn't even cry and you let me get ready.


Serena- ( I picked him up stunned for a moment, he said his first word, his very first word, god is it petty of me to be upset that he said papa, he must miss Emilio )
Sorry baby boy but papa is busy, don't cry mama is here, we have to get you ready, can you say mama... ma mama

Gio- Papa ( crying)

Emilio- ( I was walking back to the room when I saw Serena not there I went into the Gio's room and what I heard made my ice cold heart melt , he said papa his calling for me )
Figlio..... non piangere io sono qui, vuoi che papà ti prepari
( don't cry I'm here, you want papa to get you ready  )

( I go to his closet where all the new clothes I have gotten him much to Serena's protest , once I change him I look to Serena to see her dress all nicely in Business attire and fuck she has got me hard but I thought she told me she was going to her College classes )
You look beautiful baby doll but why are you so dressed up

Serena - oh um I will be starting my internship today anyways we have to go so I am not late ( I went to grab Gio of Emilio but he pulled him away. )
Emilio please give me Gio I have to go.

Emilio - I am on my way to the Cruz mansion, I will take him you go ,Luca will take you ( I walked out with Gio in my arms before she could protest and Sent w text to Luca to take her )

Serena pov- he didn't give me a chance to protest, I don't want Luca to take me I know if he see where the internship is he will tell Emilio, even though we aren't together kinda I don't know what we are it's confusing.
Maybe I can sneak passed Luca or pray he is not here yet.
I made my way to the elevator feeling incredibly nervous as soon as I reach the bottom I can see Luca waiting, I try to make it out of the building but are stopped immediately.

Luca - Serena ( I yelled out to her as she tried to walk out of the building and away from me )
Stop Emilio told me to take you come on, you don't want to be late and you certainly don't want Emilio to find out he will have my head and your ass.

Serena- ( I reluctantly turn back around and got into the car, I know Emilio will loose it at him and I don't want Luca to be in Emilio's rage of fire ) um okay let's go...

Hernandez corp

Julius/Mr Hernandez

I was in my office going through some paperwork waiting for the new intern to arrive her College transcript is impeccable, truly impressive.

Knock knock

Miss Taper -Mr Hernandez Miss Del Ria has arrive should I send her in.

Mr Hernandez - send her right in.

I heard the door open, I signed the last of my papers then looked up to See a real goddess she took my breath away.

Julius - Hello Miss Del Ria welcome to Hernandez corp I hope you will enjoy your time here.

Serena - Hello it's wonderful to meet you Mr Hernandez it is an honour to do my internship here. Everyone has been very welcoming thank you.

Julius- please call me Julius , I will give you a run down of  all your duty's , you can shadow me, I also have a meeting today, there are a couple of designs and I would like your opinion on which one so chose wisely okay.
And if you do good I will allow you to design your own in a up-and-coming project in a months time.

Serena- really that will be..... ( pause ) I mean It will be an honour, I will not let you down.


Serena pov - This day has been incredible, I didn't think I would be able to be this involved in the company  Denis had the last intern here and when I told him everything I was doing he said it must be new because he never did that he basically sat back and just observed and got coffee.

Julius- hey Serena I was wondering if you will allow me to take you out to lunch as a congratulations on a excellent job on your first day.

Serena- ( well I never told Luca what time I finished mostly because I have a shift at the cafe so I guess it would be okay, it is just Lunch his just been nice I guess those rumours or false )
Sure I would love too but I do have to hurry I got to get to my job in an hour.

Julius- not a problem I know a quaint place close by.

Serena- sounds good lets go


Emilio- Luca What time did Serena say she would finish, I will go puck her up myself.

Luca - she didn't say she said she didn't know but she will let me know.

Emilio - what do you mean she didn't tell you, where is this internship at ( I looked at Luca and I saw him swallow a breath )

ora Luca, dimmi, potresti essere come un fratello per me ma se menti o nascondi qualcosa ti giuro che ti taglierò la testa dalle spalle

( now Luca, tell me, you could be like a brother to me but if you lie or hide something I swear I'll cut your head off your shoulders )

Luca - il suo stage è presso Hernandez Corp

Emilio - quel bastardo, diavolo no, le farò un altro tirocinio

( that bastard, hell no, I'll give her another internship )

Luca- maybe you should let it go, she is a smart  girl you should trust her

Emilio - Mi fido di lei, ma di sicuro non mi fido di lui, è peggio di me quando si tratta di donne.

( I trust her, but I sure don't trust him, he's worse than me when it comes to women. )

Emilio pov- I didn't give him another chance for him to open up his mouth I walked out of the building and jumped into my car, she is in so much trouble when I get my hands on her and if I find out that he touched her I have a bullet for his head.


Third person pov

I am buying my time I know Emilio Cruz is behind it, I will come at him with an army far greater then his.
I will have them trained and only pick the best I will get my revenge

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