Still can't find them

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Emilio pov- it's been almost a year in fact it will be a year in 2 weeks and nothing, I asked Alejandro he said she called out of courtesy to tell him that she will no longer be working there but that is all she said, part of me doesn't believe it or anything anyone says, I feel they all know and they are enjoying my misery I don't think I had a full night sleep in a year because I can't sleep knowing that they are out there and could be in danger everyone knows what they mean to me I miss Serena her soft sweet voice her even softer skin the way she sounds when she moans when I make love to her.
The sound of son as he calls me, all the secretive shares with me make sure I won't tell his mama.
Recalling the first time he ever said papa is the first time I saw him it was his first word , me I was his first word.
I took another swig of my drink then threw it against the wall.

"AHHHH!!!!! ( punch...punch..... )

I started smashing everything in sight I couldn't hold this in, it's been a year I miss them I need them, where the hell are they

( Smash....smash....smash.....)

Junior pov - we all walked into Emilio's penthouse to find most if not everything smashed up We could here his screams and cries regret washed over all of us especially because we found out some news the other day, we didn't know at the time but as soon as we did we decided to tell him will not really tell him what to send him to where she is so he could see for himself we had it all planned out so he would see them, well we also did it this way so he wouldn't lose his shit at us, it was wrong but truth be told we did lose her at some point that was the time we we are first going to tell him when we found her again well we wish we new and told him right away.

Junior- Fratello calmati, cazzo, devi metterti di qui sfoga la tua rabbia repressa su qualcosa quindi ti mando in Italia abbiamo bisogno di alcune cose gestisci lì alcune persone ci possiedono soldi con cui vai Emmanuel.

( calm down, fuck you gotta get out of here vent your pent-up anger on something so i send you to italy we need some things you manage there some people have us money you go with Emmanuel)

Emilio pov - I didn't want to talk not to them not any one I only want Serena and Gio.
But maybe torturing and killing someone will calm me down a bit.
That and I know she knows people there so maybe I can ask around check maybe they know something.
I grabbed a bag and threw some clothes in it and left with Emmanuel, Dominic and Johnny we have more of our men Who reside in Italy they will pick us up at airstrip.


Serena pov - it's been a year a busy one at that but one thing hasn't changed my love for Emilio I thought been far away from him would but it only made me miss him more and want nothing more then to have him wrap his arms me kissing essentially stripping me slowly taking me hard and deep slow then fast, "Oh god I need to get a grip I am making myself flustered with heat.
Anyways on other news I had a baby girl Arianna Aria for short and yes she is Emilio's I found out 2 weeks after I got to Italy and I was going to go back but then I didn't, I was to scared to, I new he would mad would he deny her because I left but he knows why I left he was with some whore who I know he messed around a lot with.
I feel even more guilt when it comes to Gio he hasn't been himself since we left and it's been a year, he cries every night calling for Emilio and it breaks my heart that I am the one that did that, I took the only papa he had and new and now I am doing it to Aria, she is only 1 month old.
I went to put Aria down so we could get ready we are going to have lunch with my work colleague Andrew his a nice guy very sweet and I know he has a thing for me but my heart still beats for Emilio and I am going to tell him that I am thinking of going back even if things don't happen with me and Emilio the us we once new is gone, I need him to be there for them, it is my fault that right now none of my kids have a father.
Suddenly I hear the cries coming from Gio room so I peek through the slightly cracked open door and listen.

Gio- hi god it's Gio , I miss my papa, I still don't know why we had to leave or why I couldn't see or stay with papa or if he knows about Aria, but please send papa here I need him Aria needs him and even though mama won't say it she needs him too and you have to be quick because I know that Andrew is trying to take mama away... 'NO that can't happen he isn't my and Aria papa we only have one papa and his name is Emilio please send him God and I promise I will be a good boy the best please, I hope this time you will answer my prays, I know mama said some times prays take time to be answer cause so many people pray to you and there will always be people who's prays i'm not urgent then Our own.
Thank you for listen god your child on earth Gio.

I had to hold back my tears at my sons words , oh god what have I done , I know Emilio hurt me but he didn't do anything to them and I took them away and gave away his right to be apart of her life and Gio he was so close with Emilio and I broke his heart by taking that away from him.

( knock....knock )

Serena - Gio time to get ready we are going out to eat, ( I kissed his forehead ) I will get ready and I will meet you in the living room.

Gio - okay where are we going mama

Serena - we are going to eat brunch with Andrew

Gio- Arggg!!!! Why ( I got up heading to the bathroom, why does she have to go with that butthead I hope papa gets here sound so he can beat him up, he will know how to handle him. )

Serena- Giovanni I know your upset but he is a work friend and he was kind enough to invite to brunch  be nice.

Gio- "No I want papa.... "I WANT PAPA!!!! And if Aria could talk so would she, you took him away... , papa is going to be sad and mad and won't want us anymore cause of you.
Go away I don't want to talk to you....

Serena- ( I wanted to just break down and cry at his words he was right I did do that )
You don't need to talk to me if you don't want to but you will be coming so be down in 10 minutes.
( I walked out feeling completely helpless and depressed , knowingI hurt him this much completely breaks me, we definitely need to go back I need to make things right at least for my kids and Emilio )

( ring....ring)

Andrew - hello my dear are you guys ready for Brunch then I thought we could take the kids to park or the museum.

Serena - yes we are just tell me where the place is and we will meet you there and thank you again, it's been awhile since they went out somewhere, I have been so swamped with work, I haven't had time.

Andrew- the pleasure is mine no need to thank me.
But I was also wondering if you would like to join me for dinner just the two of us, if you don't have one I could arrange a babysitter.

Serena- that is very kind of you but I am not sure about that but I will think about it and tell you after, it's just that...

Andrew- I get it, you are still in love with father of your children but you left for a reason and never told him about Aria so he must of done something really bad and it's been a year and he still hasn't come for you.
All I am saying is give us a chance I can be the man to take care and love you and be the father that your kids need, I know Gio remembers him but Aria doesn't if we where to she would see me as her father, we could be happy, one big happy family.

Serena- you are a sweet and caring man but I need time please.
I will see you soon okay we are about to leave bye.
( end call )

Oh god What am I going to do, he has no clue who Emilio is and what he is capable of.
Andrew is nice but he is no Emilio and Gio his happiness matters and he has never once connected with Andrew, I mean Andrew has tried but Emilio never talks when he is around he reminds silent.
And the biggest thing is I have no feelings for him no attraction nothing, I am still deeply in love with Emilio.
I will tell him at brunch well maybe at the museum a park and I was playing so Don't have to talk in front of him.

Emillo Mafia prince's Secret LoveWhere stories live. Discover now