We can't lose him

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( okay the picture is not them more symbolic because it matches with the age in the gender of the children I couldn't find one that looks like how I picture them. )

Serena pov - yesterday was supposed to be one of the happiest day of my life and it was until, ( crying) all hell broke lose and we at a war zone.
Thankfully none of our guess died a few minor injuries and then yes Emilio he was the worst of all of them, he still hasn't woken up yet and it's breaking my heart.
His Brother's and papa have gone in a rage rampage over this.
They have been down there in the basement for hours torturing Luciano but of course as promised Francisco got to talk to his son first and his daughter is back on a tighter locked down where she's given daily sedatives it doesn't put her to sleep but it certainly keeps her in somewhat of a vegetative state.
I have been spending most of the day by his side, I leave to eat and to see our kids Gio keeps asking where his papa is and I don't have the heart to tell him, I will take him to see him when I know that he is okay awake and back to his self .
Carlos looked over the footage and it seems Luciano's gun fired before he hit the ground.


Angel-  sweetheart it's getting late why don't you go get some dinner and be with your kids, I will watch over him and I promise I will let you know when he wakes up.
He will be extremely pissed off if he wakes up and fine's out you have barely eaten or slept I know it's only been a day but you know how he is especially when it comes to you, so please sweetheart go eat a proper meal I don't mean eating the kids leftovers scraps they leave I mean your own plate.
( I saw the tears forming in her eyes when she looked down at Emilio )
I promise you he will be fine, Emilio is very stubborn and very strong you know it will take a lot more that to take him out.

Serena - okay , I needed check in on the kids ( crying) I...just don't know what to tell Gio he....( crying) keeps asking for him..., he is ( cutoff )

Angel- you don't need to tell him anything not know it has only been a day just tell him his working.
Now go have a shower get something to eat and spend some time with those babies of yours.
Right now you are what they need.

Serena pov - I just nodded my head leaned over and gave Emilio a kiss on the cheek and told him I would be back soon.
I headed straight into our bedroom and had a long awaited hot shower.
I let the hot water pour over me and I just break down and cry all the emotions building up, I tried my best to hold it and not let it out I can't any more the thought of  losing  him is completely broken down.
I just want to hold him tight and scream at him to wake up that he can't leave us.
I took a few minutes to calm myself down before I got dressed and headed downstairs.
As soon as I got to the dining room all the girls rushed to my side.

Miracle- Serena ( I just hugged her tightly I know there will never be any words to say that could make this any better )
Come eat Maria just put the food out.
He will be fine you know that right, my stubborn brother would never leave you.
You have to have faith, you will see but until then you need to eat properly and get a good night sleep cause you know if he finds out what happen while he was out he will blow a fuse.

Serena - I know... I know and just so we are on the same page he will never know about anything that happened while he was out.

Camila - don't worry we got you now let's eat girls before the men come back and eat everything.

Serena -where is Gio and Aria is there enough enough for her do I need express any more.

Camila - they are perfectly fine and you can relax there's enough milk they are in the playroom with the rest of the kids.
You are family relax you got you and your little ones so just seat back and eat and take a breather.

Serena pov- I sat back quietly eating I didn't really hear to much of what they we're talking about because I just keep drifting back to  too Emilio.
I just( crying)
( I left arms wrapped around me whispering sweet nothings in my ear the familiar comforting warmth I got from the hug had me instantly turning around and once I saw who it was I started crying holding him tighter)
Wait when... I mean ( smack ) you shouldn't be out of bed what is wrong with you.

Angel- I did try to tell him but the only thing he cared about same was you Gio and Aria.

Emilio- bambolina please don't cry you know how much it kills me when you cry, I am
Perfectly fine,  I have things I need to take care of  and you need to eat and yes I know about everything we will talk about that later.

Serena - what do you mean you need to take care of  something , you just woke up , you got shot you should be resting nothing else.

Emilio - baby stop I do have a lot to care of  and I Will  and you know dam well it will take a lit more then one bullet to keep me down Now I will be the basement taking care of it.
( I  walked down into the basement as soon as I got there every one rushed to my side )

Miguel- figlio ( I hugged  my son tightly thanking god that he is alright)  should you be up and about right now .

Emilio- I am fine guess you know , I have to take care of this, we need to end this scum.
( I turn to face a bloody looking Luciano )
Judging by the look on your face you thought you killed me ha you would have to be a good shot for that to happen.
( this had my fratelli and papa laughing )

Let the games begin.

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