A date to remember

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Serena pov- As the party died down and everyone started to leave I took Gio and headed up stairs so I could get him ready for bed and by the looks of things so is he. He can barley keep his eyes open lol I don't blame him after all he didn't have a nap he was far to excited and just wouldn't sleep, but I guess in a way it is a good thing it means his going to be out like a light.
After I put him down I kissed his forehead and slowly walked out of the room.

Once I got into our room I jumped into the shower so I can start getting ready for our date
I was trying to calm my nervousness, I didn't know what I was going to expect, is this date the first date he will make public or is it one like all the others where he books the hole place out in order to hide what we have I let out a deep sign suddenly scared about tonight.
Once I got dressed I headed downstairs putting on my best smile trying to hide my fears.
As I got downstairs I saw Emilio standing with his back to me yelling at some unfortunate soul on the phone who ever it is I feel sorry for them.
I walked up to him Tapping him on his shoulder to let him know I'm here.
He turned around and hang up his phone then turned to me with the biggest grin.

Emilio- you look absolutely beautiful, shall we go bambolina ( baby girl )

Serena- si ( I kiss his jaw and he kiss my forehead before wrapping his arms around my waist and we headed to the waiting SUV )

Emilio pov- she is truly my heaven on earth and it's driving me crazy, I am been a selfish man right now claiming her would have a target on her and Gio's head but I will make it my life's soul purpose to protect them with my life.
Looking at her now her face full of happiness fills me with  joy I never though I would have and I know it will be Worth it after all if my fratelli  and papa can do it so can I at least I hope I can.

Emilio- bambolina where here, ( I put the blindfold on her and got out of the car opening her side to help her out, I held her hand and put the other around her waist and lead her Inside as soon as we got in I took the blindfold off )
So what do you think, I hope you like the restaurant I have chosen )

Serena- Is... this that restaurant that has the big tanks with all the sea life, it is right 'it's perfect, it's beautiful..

Emilio- yes it is( I kissed her cheek as we reached the front where the hostess was, I could see the desperate whore unbuttoned her blouse as soon as she saw me)

Hostess- Mr Cruz it's an honour to have you at our restaurant My name is Marla we have your table waiting
( I lead the hot and sexy Emilio Cruz the Emilio Cruz along with the slut he brought with him agrrr he could do so much better she is not even pretty )
Here is your table Mr Cruz ( I leaned over so he had full view of my perfect breast no man can resist believe me I would know, I touched his shoulder) what would you like to order Mr Cruz

Emilio pov - This bitch is starting to piss me off she actually had the nerve to touch me, I looked at Serena who looked like she was going to cry I could see her body tense up from this crazy woman, all I wanted to do was reach up and choke this bitch out but I don't want to make a scene especially not in front of Serena and of course these people I would never hear the end of it from my family, I ignored the desperate attempts of this woman and Focus on my woman.

Emilio - ( I reached over and grabbed her hand kissing it ) bambolina you can order first what would you like, ( I saw her face light up )
Take my baby girls order first

Marla- ( Arggg!!! I guess I will have to turn it up a  notch, I rolled my eyes and looked to this bitch who thinks she is worthy enough of being with a man like Emilio Cruz 'Ha I think not)
What do you want to order?

Serena- ( I don't know what this woman's problem is with me , well I have a feeling, I mean how can I not the way she looked at Emilio, I am surprised you didn't reciprocate her attempts, which man me feel better, it makes me feel that he is truly changing and he wants me only me for the hole world to see. )
I would like the sirloin steak with mash potatos and gravy ( man I am starving, I have been craving for steak, this woman writes it down and mutters under her breath, I was about to say something when Emilio Grabs her by the back of her neck and brings her down slamming her face on the table making every one in the restaurant jump a little but no one said anything, I mean why would they )

Emilio - You want to repeat what you said to her whore, ( she remained quite and didn't say anything which just pissed me off further I came closer to her ear )
You have two seconds to repeat what you said  to my woman or I won't hesitate to slit your throat and end your life right here right now.

Marla- I...I....said she...shou...ldn't eat that much, cause....she's......already.......fat......AHHHH!!!! Please.......

Serena- Emilio....Emilio just let her go it's fine...
( I rubbed his arm trying to calm him down )

Emilio- ( I didn't want to let her go after what she said to my baby but Serena asked me to let her go so I will, well for now I will, I turned to one of my men and he already new what I wanted )
You are lucky my queen wants to set you free you should be thanking her if it was up to me I would kill you on the spot.
( I let her go  and she ran off crying I smirked a little knowing that my man are waiting all around waiting for her, I turned my attention to my bambolina )
Don't listen to her baby you are absolutely breathtakingly sexy.

Serena- thanks but it didn't bother me

- sorry ....to interrupt Mr Cruz  I am your new waiter Max may I finish taking your order.
Yes I will have the same as her..
( I took there order and got away as fast as I could I can believe Marla did that is she crazy )

Serena- this place is truly beautiful, I am glad that you took my here this thank and these fishes are beautifully it's perfectly sculpted the design is flawless.
I wonder who designed it.

Emilio- I new you would appreciate it and as far as who the designer is well it is actually Alejandro he designed it.
That is the reason he wants architecture firm because our papa new he would only hire the best architectures to keep the Company at number one.

Serena- wow I had no idea, He truly is talented.

Emilio- Serena Look at me, I love you with all my heart both you and Gio, I know I have always kept the both of you at a bit of a distant but that ends today no more hiding the both of you.
( I grabbed her and pulled her close to me )
I promise to keep you both save nothing will ever happen.

Serena -( I couldn't help the smile on my face as he said those words that I have been waiting to hear for so long, I just pray he doesn't change his mine, I was lost for words and did the only thing I could think of I leaned in and kissed him, thank god the waiter came back with our food )
Everything looks delicious

Emilio- I can't think of something else that looks even more delicious ( she went as red as a tomato and looked down at her plate and started eating I couldn't help let out a chuckle)

Serena- stop starring at me like that and eat your food before it gets cold.

Emilio- haha alright bambolina how does it taste.

Serena - so good ( he just kept looking at me , probably because I am stuffing my face like a pig  but I can't help it I am so hungry)
I know ...I know I am eating like a pig sorry it's just th...( cutoff )

Emilio- hey bambolina it's fine I could care less how you eat I am looking at you because you look so cute ( she rolled her eyes at me and continued to eat )
Hey don't roll your eyes at me.
Alright you finished shall we go, we can stop and get you your favourite ice cream on the way how does that sound.

Serena - mmmm sounds good lets go, I want triple choc ship and mint chocolate ice cream.

Emilio- anything for you want...

Emilio pov - I kissed her lips and we both left after of course she admired the architectural details of the restaurant.
After we got the ice cream and headed back home I got a call from Neil saying that there is an emergency at my club. I told him I would be there soon.
I help Serena out of the car and we both headed inside and checked on Gio who was still sound asleep we gave him a kiss on both his cheeks and headed up to our room, I had to get changed before heading to the club.

Serena - are you going ( I was suddenly feeling upset , I didn't want him to go )

Emilio- ( I could see the sadness in her eyes and it was the last thing I ever want to see. )
Look at me bambolina  I won't be gone long there is just something I have to take care of at the club.
Don't be sad ( I let out a sigh )
How about I stay until you sleep huh we can cuddle and watch a movie I promise I won't go till you sleep.
Sound good, will that make you happy

Serena - yes ( I got dressed and climbed in bed and cuddling next to him )

Emilio pov- she must of been so tired because she fell asleep almost instantly.
I slowly got up carful not to wake her.
I gave her one last kiss before leaving.

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