Leaving heart broken

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Serena pov- I had just finished presenting all my sketches they all loved it Alejandro was impressed they all where which made me feel incredible that all my hard work paid off.
Now I can go and celebrate with two people I love more than anything in this world Gio and Emilio, I can't wait to tell him the good news.
As soon as the driver pulled up to his building ai got out and swipe my card so I could get up to his penthouse.
As soon as the elevators opened all I could hear was the music pumping, my first thought was what is going on then I heard the screams and cries of Gio so I ran toward the bedroom but not before I saw a sight that tore my heart apart even more then those fake photo now I am seeing it first hand Emilio's eyes where half shut and this woman was removing his pants, not wanting to see anymore I ran straight into the bedroom picked up the crying Gio who I notice had a bump on his head and I run right out not before bumping into Emmanuel, he saw the tears in my eyes and didn't need to ask he just gave me an apologetic look and let me go.
The first thing I did when I got home was to put some ice and cream on Gio head then put him to bed then started packing my bags I called Mr Alanzo Mencheti  he was on of the investors and absolutely love my work he even offered me a job in Italy I of course didn't take it cause I have Emilio well I had him and he well he can't let go of his playboy ways so I gave him a calling praying it wasn't to late and to luck he answered and was happy I was taking him up on his offer, he said Gio and I can go with him on his private plane back to Italy but it will leave at five in the morning I I happily took his offer the quicker I get out of here the better, I don't want to hear his excuses, I mean I didn't see her doing it with him but she definitely was going for it and he wasn't doing anything to stop it.
I gabbed all our suitcase and started packing all the central stuff the rest of it can just stay here whatever I need I can get over there.
I woke Gio up and hour before Mr Mencheti would be here so I could give Gio a bath and something to eat before we go he can sleep on the plane.
I made another phone call while waiting to Alejandro a part of me didn't want to because well his Emilio's brother but he is also my boss.

Alejandro- Serena, why are you calling me so early I thought that you Gio and Emilio where going away for the weekend, is everything alright.

Serena - you can ask your brother that, I just wanted to thank you for everything for the job the opportunity to prove my worth and my work , But I took a job opportunity with Mr Mencheti, I wasn't going to tell you but it isn't your fault your brother's a lying pig, give everyone my love and thank you again for everything.
( end call )

I ended the call before he could reply but, I just have to leave because I know if Emilio gets to me before I can, I probably won't go that man has an affect on me like nobody else ever has, he breaks me down that I have no will to fight but just to submit to his every wishes, my mind says run but my body , my heart, my soul all belong to him, as long as he is near me I would always come back to him so this is why I must be as far away as I can.
I know it is really cowardice with me just to run away every time something bad happens, every time he hurts me every time I think he's been with another woman, I know I may not have physically seen them doing the dirty but I know it was going to happen, I believe him when he said he loved me and only me.
The only thing that is going to kill even more is I now how sad Gio will be, he see Gio as his papa his only know Emilio I hope I am doing the right thing.
God am I doing the right thing or am I just thinking about myself.
Please send me a sign something anything.


Emilio pov- I woke up feeling like shit, I looked at the time it was 6 I quickly had a shower through on some clothes and headed out, I had to see her, I have to tell her nothing happened I may have been drunk and a little high but when I notice what she was doing I stopped it.
But apparently I didn't stop at fast enough.
I just hope she can forgive me, she has to she has no choice I can't lose her and Gio and I won't she can never leave me I told her this she and Gio are mine only mine forever and always.
As soon as I pulled up to her building I went up and let myself in I went straight to the rooms only to see things scattered around, I looked in her walk in most of a close world one I ran to Gio's room to only notice the same thing.
"NO......"NO!!!   They can't be, she can't I swear when I find her she will be locked in our room for the rest of our lives, I told her she is mine and she can never leave me "NEVER!!!!!

Don't worry Bambolina I will find you and take you back home and punish you will not walk for weeks months however long it takes me to find you is how long it will take you to walk properly again.

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