Emilio's revenge

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Emilio pov- it's been three long weeks and I have been going crazy cooped up in this room, normal I don't follow orders but when my mama is making them I am compelled to listen the only ray of light that I've had in his past three weeks is Serena and Gio.....
I am more and more tightly wound up should I say and I'm in need of a release....
But I can't do it here my mama would kill me she literally would do that she's not a woman to be messed with.
But thank god I get my stitches out Jeremy is on his way then once he has done that I will make my way to the basement and that all my frustrations on Luciano..... I will get my answers they haven't touched him since mama laid into him they wanted him to heal so I can break him all over again....
I want to know why...... is he after Serena
And I will get my answers After all I am known as the Devil in this family for a reason...
I never hold back.... I will keep you barely alive but I will not stop.....
My thoughts are interrupted as a door opens and Jeremy walks in..

Jeremy- hey Emilio ready to get your your stitches out( I say smirking at him knowing that it's going to piss him off he's been on edge ever since his mama said he couldn't leave this room haha )

Emilio - shut up Jeremy, " what the hell do you think huh? Just hurry the fuck up and get them out so I can be on my way...

Jeremy- relax I am just joking with you lighten up
( I remove the stitches they have healed nicely
I continue to place another gauze on it so it doesn't get infected )
You will need to replace the guys with a fresh one every day for the next two weeks other then that everything looks good .

Emilio- thank god I don't have to stay here any more thanks bro but I swear you better leave those stupid jokes to mio fratelli not me you already know I don't play that way..

( I walk out of the room and straight for the basement I am even more pent-up anger in me I'm a better way to release it to them to beat the shit of Luciano, I have to find the reason I have to protect Serena and Gio.
On my way there I spot mio fratelli and papa they give me the look they know exactly where I'm going so they call follow me probably to make sure that I don't kill him I come on I'm better than that I know how to give long painful torches without killing them I mean I would leave them with an inch of their life left but still they won't die I will send him back to his father barely alive, hopefully this will teach if not the next time I won't give a fuck about what mio fratelli and papa says I won't give a fuck who is papa is I will end his life in the worst way possible.
I am going to even drop him to see papa and tell him what I will do if he doesn't put his son in line )

Junior- Fratello ricordati di non ucciderlo, so che sei arrabbiato ma ricorda di controllare quell'ira tortura ma non ucciderlo devi riportarlo da suo padre vivo è quello capito

( remember not to kill him i know you are angry but remember to control that anger torture but don't kill him you have to bring him back to his father alive is that understood )

Emilio pov  - he may be my brother but he knows better then to order me around, he knows have the time I will never listen, I love and respect him and my older brother and the king but I will not when it comes to the piece of shit bastard, I won't kill him but if he crosses the line again then nothing will stop me , I chose to no my brother and continue walking to where the basement is they all follow behind me but I get stop once again only this time it is my papa..

Miguel- figliolo basta fermarsi ora, so che sei arrabbiato e vuoi la tua vendetta ma lei mostra comunque il dovuto rispetto per tuo fratello, almeno lo riconoscerai.
mi senti, non ucciderai Luciano ha fatto torturare e picchiato ma tornerà vivo da suo padre e tutto intero è quello capito.

( son just stop now, I know you are angry and you want your revenge but she still shows due respect for your brother, at least you will recognize it.
you hear me, you will not kill Luciano he was tortured and beaten but he will come back alive to his father and all in one is that understood.)

Emilio- ( I internally groan but I still turn around) si papa capisco, prometto che non lo ucciderò, lo riporterò personalmente da suo padre tutto intero ma ricorda le mie parole papà, fratelli se ci riprova se fa del male a Serena oa Giovanni lo rimanderò indietro a suo padre a pezzi questa è una promessa.

( I understand, I promise I will not kill him, I will personally bring him back to his father in full but remember my words dad, brothers if he tries again if he hurts Serena or Giovanni I will send him back to his father in pieces this is a promise. )

Miguel- molto bene, ma i tuoi fratelli sono su di esso Serena e suo figlio non saranno sempre senza protezione nessun danno verrà a loro te lo prometto figlio

( very well but there are your brothers Serena and her son will not always be unprotected they will not harm them I promise you son )

Emilio pov - I send a nod of acknowledgement to my papa and brothers and we silently make our way down the steps into the basement cells.
I can already hear Lucianos cries. " god he is such a little bitch and he thinks he is Mafia king material Ha that's laughable.
As soon as he see me is eyes widen in fear probably because he thought he killed me successfully.
Sweat dripping off him, ah the sweat of fear I love it not it's time for the torture to begin
And for me to get answers.

Emilio- bene bene bene se non è la puttana del mondo mafioso, ahahah credevi davvero di potermi uccidere.
ora sai che la tua tortura è inevitabile, quindi puoi renderla più facile o più difficile dipende da te.
Potrei lasciarti andare a malapena illeso o gravemente dipende da te.
rispondi a tutte le mie domande sinceramente andrò piano con te non mi rispondi e dimentico chi è tuo padre e loro ti manderanno da lui e a pezzi invece perché so che non creerà mai una guerra contro la mia famiglia perché sa che lo è una battaglia che non vincerà mai proprio come tu non la vincerai mai, quindi quale sarà.

( well well well if she's not the whore of the mafia world, hahaha you really thought you could kill me.
now you know that your torture is inevitable, so you can make it easier or harder is up to you.
I could barely let you go unscathed or seriously it's up to you.
answer all my questions sincerely i will go easy on you don't answer me and forget who your father is and they will send you to him and tear you apart instead because i know he will never create a war against my family because he knows it is a battle that he does not will never win just like you will never win it, so what will it be )

Emilio pov- he doesn't say anything trying to be tough he even spat on my shoe. Well I guess I have my answer the hard way it is hahah just the way I like it .

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