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David pov- when I heard Serena keep the baby I was so pissed of that she didn't listen to me but when I also learnt she went back home I was relieved that means my wife will never know.
A week after Serena left with her baby Was the same time my wife and I found out from the doctor that she can't have any kids so I told her about Serena at first she was mad the she calmed down and became happy she said this was better she wouldn't have to ruin her body carrying a baby she said we will take Serena's baby  since she is a collage student she can't afford to take care of a baby and her father is wealthy and I have money so we could easy get full custody and Lianna would become his mother so we contacted a lawyer and took the first flight out.
I found out where is living but they said she doesn't live here and she moved out our lawyer said they will track her down and serve her with the papers he told us it won't take long and given her background we will win custody and they will terminate her parental rights, she has no prove that I said I wanted nothing to do with the baby, but considering Lianna can't have any and she wants one but more importantly her father said he wouldn't handover the company unless I give his daughter a child he knows she can't have any so we told him about my son that this woman has , he was mad to but all he said was he talk to a lawyer and to bring his grandson home.
So we are here, we are waiting at the hotel for the lawyer to come back with good news that he found her and we can get a quick court date then leave.
We are both snapped out of our thoughts by a banging on the door Lianna opens the door and this men come barging in with guns next thing I know there is now a bag over my head then I feel a slight pinch and everything is black .

( Emilio arrive just when David and his wife wake up along with there Lawyer )

Emilio -  ( I could see all three of them where still pretty out of it so I grabbed a bucket of ice water and threw it on them they all gasp and open there eyes and immediately start freaking out which instantly gives me pleasure )
Well good to see you all awake,now you are properly wonder why you are here....

David- who...are...you let us go..... I will have you all thrown in prison for this

Lianna - Do you have any.....Idea who I am....my father will have all your heads release us at once

Shawn- This is illegal  you all are going rot in prison, I am there lawyer you better let us go....why are we here

David - who are you assholes let us go.....

Emilio- hahaha do you here that Fratello, Luca  haha, now David tell me since you spend a lot of time in Italy do you know who theCruz family is

David - ( I have heard of them Everyone there has  but I have never meet them in person they are  the most riches and most powerful family in the world and they are also Mafia royalty, I need to save my ass , I will tell them I know them and they will kill everyone of them if they don't let me go ) of...course I have .....in fact I know them very well so you better let us go or you all will be dead..

Emilio- hahaha you really are funny, stupid but funny..... I will tell you who I am and what you are doing here and why we took you.
I am one of the younger son of  Miguel and Angel Cruz.... So basically you lying bastard you are in the web with a Mafia prince I am Emilio Cruz

Lianna- what......but....we have done nothing to you guys ....... We have no ties to any mafia ( crying )

Luca- quit your crying bitch and let the man finish talking...

David- I....m sorry I ....onl..( cutoff )

Emilio- shut up.... you may only talk when I ask you a question directly lie to me and you won't like the out come.
Your lawyer here is pretty stupid if he did a proper check of Serena he would now that she grew up in the Cruz  property and is under the protection of our family and now so is her son and it is my family's job to keep all threats to them away and eliminate them.
( My blood was already at it boiling point all I keep seeing is him with my Serena , I punched him in the face a few times until her started spitting out blood )
You wanted nothing to do with her or the baby, you wanted her to get rid of it did you not ( punch )
You only want him now cause your wife can't have a baby so you thought you could just come here and take her's ( punch )

David - Stop......please.....( coughing blood )
She is ......lying I ....did want it......she took him and left....once I told her I was married ......

Lianna - stop( crying ) leave him alone......his telling the truth.....that slut seduced him poor low class girls do it all the time ( I felt a sting on my face , blood started pouring out if my mouth I looked up to see the man Emilio who had us brought here , his eyes where jet black )

Emilio- you just heard me right, say who I was tell you that Serena is under my family's protection and you want to call her a slut she is the most innocent girl in the world, if you husband was loyal and faithful and actually loved you he wouldn't have conned his way with Serena .
Speak one more bad thing about her and I will hang you by your toes and slit your throat, you pathetic  stuck up bitch.

Shawn- he is telling the truth, there is no proof that he said that the girl is clearly lying the child is better of with parents who can afford to give him the best life.

Emilio- because you have nothing really to do with this I will end you really quick.
But before that I will tell you this , that boy has everything because I provide it for him.
And the last time I check my family is more richer and more powerful then her father's now if I did let you all go and we went to court what do you think the outcome will be huh...
( I pulled out my gun and shoot him in between the eyes before he could get a chance to respond , which made this bitch squeal  like a pig )

Lianna - Please just let us go we won't tell any body about this and we will leave Serena alone we won't take her baby.....( crying ) just please let us go....

David- we promise we will fly back home right away....I will leave them in peace I swear....

Emilio - sorry I don't work that way, maybe if you got one of my brothers but me I am known for my temper, I don't give any chances to anyone.
You fuck with what is mine and I will end your fucking life and right now I am feeling like going old school Mafia on you both.
Luca , Boston fit these two bitches with a pair of cement shoes.
I am gunna take you for ride out to the sea, your gunna go have fun swimming with some sharks hahahaha.....

Emilio pov- we decided it  would be better to make it were we where out there in open water it would be easy to transport them with out the added Weight of the cement.
When we made it to the yacht we started to drive out further into the sea, these bitches where giving me a fucking headache with all there dam screaming and crying even with a gag in they still so dam loud.
When we where fully out enough we put both there feet into buckets and started pouring the cement in  then we waited for it to dry while hearing there cries and pleas.

Lianna - please.....( crying) you don't......have to do this.......I will do anything you want and I mean anything, just please let me go( at this point I didn't care about David anymore we are I
In this mess because he messed with the wrong girl how the hell didn't he know that she is associated with Mafia royalty )

Emilio- sorry....I got plenty of whores at my disposal and even if  I didn't you wouldn't make the cut ( her face was shock and mad when I said that I couldn't help but laugh.....,,

Luca- okay the cement is all set. I think there ready for there finally swim hahah.....

Emilio- perfect ( I grabbed David my the neck and throw him over and watch as he sunk down deeper and deeper we put some shark bait into the water I watched as the sharks started to make there way , I grabbed His bitch and threw her into water and moved the yacht a bit we watch as the blood from there bodies came up to the surface )
Alright now that is taking care of , let's get out of here and no body better tell Junior or my parents I don't need them on my ass anymore.
That means you too Fratello

Emmanuel- when have I ever told on you, you know dam well they find out on there own, you are the one that makes all the head lines and they are the ones that clean it up.

Emilio- whatever hurry up and get us back Boston I am hungry.
( that was only half true I was hungry but I also just wanted to see Serena, I am still contemplating whether I should tell her the truth about tonight )

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