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Emilio pov- We where in the car diving in silence I kept stealing glances at her she kept twiddling her fingers, I could tell she was nervous cause she does that whenever she is nervous or uncomfortable, that thought alone got to me, I never want her to feel uncomfortable around me, is she scared of me because she she shouldn't be I have never once hurt her and I never will , I have only protected her and made sure no one messed with her, but I think that is only the boys at her school, I have a feeling that she is getting picked on by the girls there I will have to look further into it.
I don't want anything or anyone hurting her, she is far to sweet and innocent and I will do anything to keep her that way.
When we pulled up to the mall I parked the car a few guards followed closely behind us, there only here because Serena is with me and I don't want to risk anything.

Emilio- you ready baby doll, we have to get you ready for prom, only the best for you. ( took her hand and we walked into the mall I took her to the boutique that sells my sister dresses , I would have gone to my sister directly but I can't have anyone find out, they will look how I am with her and now that I feeling for her, hell I have more then feeling I love her, but like I said before I can't be with her the way I want to because I won't let her go through what all my sister in laws and my mama went through.)

Serena- yep I'm ready, I hope I find a perfect dress, I want to look like a princess.

Emilio- haha don't worry baby doll you will.
( we reached the boutique and her eyes widen and her jaw practically hit the floor I knew why because she knows it's expensive in here , but she doesn't need to worry about that.)

Serena- I....I can't go in there, all those dresses are very expensive, I don't have enough for one of those Emilio so let's go to another store, I am sure I will fine something beautiful that is within my price range.

Emilio- baby doll we are going in here, you said you wanted to look like a princess and a princess you shall look like don't worry about the price I will be paying for everything from your dress to your shoes and accessories, I will have someone come to your house to do your hair and makeup but on the day of your prom.
Now come on let's go find you that dress that makes you look like a princess.

Serena - 'No !!! Emilio I can't let you pay it's not right, I will just get a dress in another store( I went to walk out but I was pulled back and dragged back in the store.

Emilio- Don't are you baby doll I said I was paying for the dress and everything else and that's exactly what I'm going to do, so wipe your angry Pouty look off your face and start looking for a dress.

Serena pov -I gave up arguing with Emilio, there is no winning with him so I gave in and started looking around.
The ladies that work there came running to us once they saw Emilio, 'agrrr I hate that, the way they look at him and completely ignored me when I asked a question.

Sales girl 1 . Hello Mr Cruz it's so wonderful to have you in our store how may I help you, just ask away and I will do anything to help you out ( I run my hand along his strong masculine shoulder , that's when I saw a young girl with him, I know it's not his sister his only got one and I have seen her she owns this store, no she can't be with a man like Emilio there is just no way just look at her, she is not woman enough to have a man like him, I will just shoo her away so I can get back to Emilio, this will be my chance I know many have tried to tie him down and where unsuccessful but I won't be I am every man's dream )
Little girl what are you doing in a store like this, you couldn't possibly afford anything here why don't you go to the second floor that is where poor people like you shop hahaha, I apologise Mr Cruz I don't know how this thing even came up to this level she must of snuck in or who knows she probably slept with one of the security guards just so she can get on this floor but no to worry I will have her removed and alone with the security she slept with then I will come right back to you( I looked at him and smiled sweetly I when to touch him again but he grabbed my hand tightly his eyes went pitch black, oh god is he mad because Someone of this little girl statue is in front of him, god This stupid poor girl will be the death of me)
Mr Cruz I....I am sorry please....give me another chance I will have her removed ( I turned to girl )
Get out you ugly poor sea Urchin you don't belong here look at what you have done you have made Mr Cruz Mad by your presences.

Emilio- "shut up!!! Listen here you ( I looked at Serena who is now in tears because of this woman, I see the other workers shaking in fear, good they should be no one and I mean no one makes my baby doll cry and lives to tell about it. )
Baby doll why don't you go look around, Luca stay with her, baby doll make sure you stay beside Luca I need to talk to this woman okay, do not leave this store ( once she nodded her head and wiped her tears she began looking at the dress the other woman that worked there were now doing there job and helping her they don't want the same fate as this bitch in front of me.
I called Chucky over, yes we call him Chucky when you see him work you will now why he got the name it's not just cause of how he look too. )
Listen here you stupid whore be lucky I don't kill you right here right now you can thank her for that, but you will die just not today, Chucky take her to the north side warehouse give her a nice cell hahaha, I will deal with you later.
I walked back over to where Serena was, she was in the changing room. When she came out I swear my jaw dropped she was absolutely beautiful, she took my breath completely away )
"You look breathtaking simply beautiful, I think this is the one, why don't you go back and change
( I watched as she enters the changing room the smile on her face has not left her since she showed me the dress. I turn to face the other sale girl who is shaking)
Pack the dress and shoes along with all the accessories, she grabbed the dress and everything else and run to the register, my sister may own this establishment but I will still pay because it's still her Business and I don't want to lose money.
Once I pay I see her coming out walking towards me, she takes out her wallet and hands me 500 dollars, I just stare at her like she has lost her mind )
Baby doll put that away, when are you going to learn that when I want to do something or buy anything for you I will, so don't try and argue or change my mind you know that will bot work.
Now let's go get some lunch, I am sure you are hungry.

Serena- okay...( I new there was no point in arguing with him well I new before hand but hey I had to try one last time , I looked around and didn't see that mean lady from earlier )
Emilio what happened to that rude lady from before.

Emilio- nothing never mind about her, lets go.
( I took her hand and we walked out of the store and back to my car, thank god she didn't ask any more questions, I know she is not stupid she now who I am and what I do she grew up around it basically.
But she is still an innocent soul....
Her prom is in two days, after that I will distant myself from her then she will be busy with collage, I will let her go only looking out for her from a distant )

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