Raining down in Luciano

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Junior- Emilio, Emmanuel take Carlos and Luca and go to the back I want 6 of you to go with them( I pointed to 6 of my guards instructing them on what to do ) Alejandro, Mateo And Markus ( I pointed again to 6 more of my guards ) and you guys will follow us in the front the rest of you ( talking to my best snipers ) stay up here, I need your eyes on all of us at all times and you are to take down any threats , okay lets move.

Emilio pov- we all move out, I start heading to the back my AK-47 in hand ready to do some damage if I have to, I know I can't kill Luciano but I'm certainly going to beat his ass so bad that every step he takes through his whole life his going to feel that pain.

Emilio- Fratelli stop ( I said towards Emmanuel and Carlos as I heard footsteps approaching, we all hide behind the wall as soon as the three man approach your step in front of them guns pointing at them the snipers laser point on them.)
Yield and drop your weapons or drop to your death the choice is yours.
( they all drop there weapons and drop to the ground well two of them did, the third as he was dropping his weapon hidden think I saw you pulled glock from behind his back but before he could fire I shot him in between the eyes and he hit the ground.)
So how about you two, you want try something stupid, ( they both shake there heads and I instruct two of the six guards to stay with them but before we moved inside I turned to the two men ) where is Luciano, we know that he is here tell me exactly where he is and I will spare your life in the life of your family I see you have a wedding ring on wouldn't want anything to happened to her now would you ( no I wouldn't go after his wife, well only if she tried to bring her to my family then and only then will I have no problem taking her life )

- please.. kill me if you want but leave my wife of this, she is innocent, I ...will tell you...
His in the bedroom, it's the room on the top of the stairs , there is a Hidden door with a bookshelf yes he would be there.

Emilio- if you are lying, I will be back, I won't kill your wife but I will make her watch as I torture you slowly before I end your life right before her eyes.

Emilio pov- we end right inside, there are some of his guards they seem really young and i'm not experience as soon as they see us they drop to the ground and start shaking as soon as they see us tears streaming down my face, I call The guards through the earpiece telling them we go two more heading there way.

Emilio- get up you bunch of little pussies and head out the back I have some guards out there you are to stay there, I will check in 2 minutes if I find out you boys aren't there I will hunt you down and kill you both you got that ( they both nod there and turn around and run to the back , they are definitely not built for our world )
Lets go there is the stairs going up, I think that is where Luciano is hiding.

Junior - Fratelli you all good, any trouble

Emilio- nothing that we couldn't handle Fratello, I got one of them to spill it he said Luciano is up the stairs in the room there is a secret passageway for the bookshelf is that is where he is hiding or so one of his guards said and if he is lying then he already knows that he is dying.

Junior - good alright men lets move stay close.
( we all end up the stairs we opened the door and it is completely quiet too quiet that's when 5 guards jumped out of nowhere, giving me a cheap shot ha they faces pale as soon as they see the rest of us but before he can come at me again one of my snippers take him out. )
I advise the rest of you to get down on the ground and Yield before me, yelled before the Cruz family.
Alejandro Fratello open that dam bookshelf and get that Stronzo out here now, I had enough of these games he will learn his lesson, he will learn it the hard way why we are mafia royalty.

Alejandro- si Fratello ( I motioned Matteo to help me to move the bookshelf as soon as it came open there sitting with bloodshot eyes was Luciano pointing a gun in our direction but before he could even fire Emilio comes out of no where
And tackles Luciano gun goes off can you look down at them shocked blood pooling around around them, don't know where it is coming from the only thing I can see is my little brother pounding into Lucianos face.
I looks to Junior to see what he wants us to do.

Junior- fratellino basta che pagherà per quello che aveva fatto e per quello che aveva intenzione di fare, lascialo per ora aspetta che lo portiamo nel seminterrato
( little brother enough he'll pay for what he did and what he intended to do, leave him for now wait for us to take him to the basement )

Emilio- ( I lost every last bit of patience that I had and I launched for him and started pounding my fist into his face screaming at him I felt a sharp he's in pain in my stomach It didn't stop me I kept on going )

figlio di puttana pensavi di poter davvero dare la caccia a Serena che è stata sotto la protezione della nostra famiglia praticamente per tutta la sua vita e pensavi che non ti avremmo fatto niente per via di chi è tuo padre ah , pensavi di meritarlo sii il re di tutte le mafie, vuoi anche abbastanza degno di essere un Don della tua stessa mafia per non parlare del re
( motherfucker you thought you could really hunt down Serena who has been under the protection of our family pretty much all her life and you thought we wouldn't do anything to you because of who your dad is ah you thought you deserved it be king of all mafias, you also weren't worthy of being a Don of your own mafia not to mention the king )
My fist kept coming down I not only could smell the blood I could taste it his blood and drove me to want to do even more damage to squeeze the life right out of them to look him in the eyes and watch as his life slowly left his body but I was quickly pulled back by the sound of my brothers voice ordering me to let him go, normal I listen to no one but him been my brother, I pulled back out of respect )

Junior- ( when Emilio finally stopped and got of him that is when I noticed blood seeping through his shirt, shit his been shot ) I told Markus , Carlos and the guards to get Luciano out of here.
Alejandro call Jeremy and tell him Emilio has been shot ( As soon as I said that all my brother's rush to his side Worried looks on there faces )

vai, l'ho preso e basta andare Emmanuel può aiutarmi con lui
( go, I got him and just go Emmanuel can help me with him )

Emilio- Sto bene, non ho bisogno di aiuto posso camminare andiamo via di qui.....
( I'm fine, I don't need help I can walk let's get out of here ..... )

Emilio pov - just as I said that a wave of dizziness hit me I start to see black-spots and before I new it I hit the ground and everything went black the last thing I heard where my brothers screaming my name.

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