Tracking down David

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Emilio pov - I am currently sitting with Serena who had been quite she knows what I want to hear but she won't tell me which is starting to piss me the fuck of I decided to break the silence because I want her to start talking before I lose it.
I took a deep breath trying to calm down if I start shouting at her in Italian she will close up and not tell me, I don't know why she is protecting this asshole, does she love him, she better not besides her son I am the only man that will ever be in her life again.

Emilio- Serena, I am trying to be patient with you, but you are wearing whatever little patience I have real thin.
Tell me his name now...
I won't ask again, I swear I will skin the bastard and his family alive in front of you if you don't give me his dam name.

Serena- ( I new he would do just that but still I don't want him to kill anyone for me, I just want him to let it go like I have ) please.....( crying) Emilio just let it go and let him be I am over it I don't care anymore

Emilio- you don't care, you want me to let it go after him leaving you with a baby are you fucking kidding me, you know dam well I won't forget nor forgive you are under our families protection, so for the last time give me a name or I will track and kill ever member of his family.

Serena ( I didn't want his family to suffer because of him so I decided to just tell him, I new he could find out if he wanted and the results would be far worse ) okay....okay I will tell you....
His name is David Muller he works for a contractor firm in Switzerland the current Ceo is his father in law Mr Bachmann
( I looked down the feeling of guilt that I have sealed David's fate , even though he lied to me and through me aside like I was nothing once I told him I was pregnant, I still feel bad )

Emilio- father in law this bastard was married , did you know?

Serena- 'what of course I didn't know how could you ask me that ( crying)
When I first meet him I was sitting at a cafe close to the site and for the awhile he would just look at me and smile then after seeing me all week he ..., he asked me out so I agreed and then we started seeing each other he always had to go back home though which now I know why but at the time I didn't so I agreed to do the long distance think I saw him maybe for a week sometimes two every month or two it depends
When I told him I was pregnant....( crying ) he threw money at me and told me to get rid of it that he has a wife and if his father in-law finds out then....he won't get his company when he retires... ( By now I couldn't stop the tears....I have push this memory out of my mind, I didn't want to remember when I was so stupid to fall for another man's lies , suddenly I feel my body been pulled, I look up and see Emilio pull me close to his chest rubbing my back, all the comfort he once brought me came flooding back, why can't I be mad and hate this man, why am I so weak )

Emilio- baby doll calm down okay.... Deep breath your gunna be okay... you have me back and I don't plan to ever let you leave again.....
Why don't you get some sleep okay, I have some Business I need to take care of...

Serena - yeah that sounds good I am a little tried I will go to sleep in the other room with Gio....

Emilio- no you will not your sleeping here in my room there is a Monitor over there so you can see and hear him, I will be back late try and get some sleep.

Emilio pov - I kissed her temple and walked out of the room, I sent a text to Luca to look up the name David Muller and give me a full report and I expect to have it by the time I get there which will take about an hour , we are going after this bastard and he will pay and I will enjoy watching the light leave his eyes as I slowly and painfully end his life.
I jump into the my car and I speed of to the club since Luca is there he could access at using my office.
By the time I get to my club Sasha and Denise are all over me I don't mind though, call me an ass hole a pig but like I said I have to keep up my appearance cause I know they are watching if they see me stop fucking with these whores they will suspect I'm in a relationship and I don't need any of my enemies finding out about Serena and now also Gio.

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