Coffee with the boss goes wrong

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Serena pov- I was seating with my boss Having a coffee we shared a few laughs he seems so genuine and down to earth I don't know what people are talking about, they where even shocked when I called him by his first name but Julius saw my expression and I guess read right threw me , I thought Emilio was the only one that could do that, he told me that, I am the first person that works for him that he allows to call him by his first name and that gave me a weird feeling.
I was so deep in my own thoughts I must of drifted away, I snapped out of it when he was waving his hands and snapping his fingers to get my attention.

Serena -sorry for that I must have zoned out, I've had a lot on my mind lately, so what was your question.

Julius- It's okay, it is understandable, so I read in your file your were born in Italy then moved here when you were six then moved back again right after graduation for college.
May I ask why?

Serena - um well that is a bit of a long story
And I don't exactly have time for that.

Julius- hahah fair enough how bout a short version we still have 20 minutes left.

Serena- umm okay I moved here when I was six after my parents died and lived with my Aunty.
( I looked down even though it has been many years the memories of my parents and the fact that they are not here still breaks mg heart when I think about them, I feel a hand brush the hair of my face I could help but smile and blush )

( I looked down even though it has been many years the memories of my parents and the fact that they are not here still breaks mg heart when I think about them, I feel a hand brush the hair of my face I could help but smile and blush )

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Emilio pov - I had a trace on her phone to a cafe so I headed straight there, As soon as I got there my blood was boiling all I saw was red this Bastard was touching her and she was not only smiling but she was blushing too.
I made my way two them and I was unable to control my anger so I punched him in the face he fell back on his chair which made Serena scream and jump up.
My breathing became so rapid I could hear my heart it felt like it was going to pop out of my chest any minute.
Rage still fuel me I threw the table and started smashing the chairs and punching the walls and this bastard Julius had the audacity to try and lunged at me I quickly moved out of the way and knocked him out cold.
I turned my attention to Serena who was huddled in the corner with tears in her eyes, which soften and calmed me a bit.

Serena pov - I didn't see it coming, I didn't even here anyone close by, I am so gunna lose my internship now and poor Julius is lay on the floor unconscious God I hope he's alright , I Focus my attention back on Emilio, I could see him slowly calming down a bit but not a lot, I know he would never really hurt me but he is the scariest man I know even more so when he is mad.

Emilio- alzati ora è ora di andare, puoi spiegarmi ogni cosa quando arriviamo a casa, lasciare fuori qualsiasi cosa e non ti permetterò di trasferirti nel tuo nuovo appartamento la prossima settimana, spostalo ora Serena!!
( get up now it's time to go, you can explain everything to me when we get home, leave anything out and I won't let you move into your new apartment next week move it now Serena !! )

Serena pov - I didn't say anything I just got into the car running what am I going to say to him over and over again.
Crap I have work, I can't miss it.

Serena- I... Will.... Tell you when I get back...I have to go to work... so um can you please take me there...

Emilio- ( I took deep breath trying to calm myself down ) what work.... You have your internship isn't that work if not then what where you doing with that bastard.

Serena - umm it is but it doesn't really pay a lot cause it is just for a few hours and I got a jump at a Diner as a Waitress, Gio and I have other expenses and I need to take care of it.

Emilio- I told you that I will take care of you and Gio, it is why I gave you your own card, you don't have to worry about anything you have me.

Serena - but it is wrong, I can't take your money we are not your responsibility, I'm ...( cutoff, Emilio slams on the brakes and grabs me by the hair pulling me onto his lap )

Emilio- I am trying to be calm with you but you are making it hard, don't ever say that to me again do you understand, when we get home you you will call them and tell them you will not be working there not now not ever.
I don't want to here another word about this, ( I push her back to her seat and start driving again )


Serena- AHHHH!!!! ' what was that..... ( I look behind me and there is a van can't see who is inside because the windows are tinted all I see if a gun )

Emilio - "Fuck, Serena stay down okay, I need you to stay low for me and don't get up until I tell you too ( I call mio Fratello and tell them was is happening they are in there way ) I look into the rearview mirror to see the turning away, but not before they throw something which shatters my back window.
I look to see what it was, I saw a brick with a note attached to it, I will look at it later, right now I need to get Serena home. )
You can get up baby doll are you okay, look at me your okay you know I will never let anything happen to you right.

Serena pov - I give him a slight smile and nod, I am still shaking what just happened who where those people that did that.

Emilio pov- I decided to go to the Cruz Mansion it will be safer and Serena can talk to her Zia and Camila and the rest of the ladies can occupy her, Gio is here to so he will be able to occupy his mama better then anyone.

Emilio- alright baby doll you go inside I got to call someone to fix my car.
( I watch her go inside, once she is in there I take the brick and head inside straight to juniors office, my papa and other Fratelli are there too )

Junior- Emilio I thought you wanted us come we where geared up and ready to go.
What happened.

Emilio- this happened, ( I shower them the Brick, I opened the note )
( Time is ticking and very soon,  you will pay with your blood and the blood of the ones you love as you tortured and ended the one I love the most there blood is on your hands, soon the blood of the ones you love the most will be on mine , you will never see it coming)

Carlos, Markus Voglio che questo figlio di puttana venga trovato Voglio la sua testa su una Picca, voglio prosciugare la vita dal suo corpo a mani nude.
( Carlos, Markus I want this motherfucker to be found I want his head on a Pike, I want to drain the life out of his body with my bare hands )

Junior- calmati fratello, andremo fino in fondo, troveremo le persone dietro a tutto questo e le finiremo nel modo più doloroso.
i ragazzi li seguiranno
giù ma per ora, vorresti dirci perché hai causato una scenata e eliminato Julius Hernandez, non hai bisogno di altri titoli.
( calm down brother, we will find the people behind all this and finish them in the most painful way.
the boys will track them
down but for now, would you like to tell us why you caused a scene and knocked out Julius Hernandez, you don't need any more headlines)

Emilio - L'ho perso bene, lui la stava toccando, stava flirtando con lei e non mi piace, non è un grosso problema che la figa non oserebbe provare nulla, quindi non è un problema per quanto riguarda i media Me ne occuperò io stesso.
( I lost it well, he was touching her, he was flirting with her and I don't like it, it's not a big deal that pussy wouldn't dare to try anything, so it's not a problem as far as media is concerned I'll take care of it myself. )

Miguel- ( I had enough, he maybe my son but he needs to learn to handle things better and if he must go Mafia he should do it and make sure there are no witnesses )
Enough Figlio per ora rimarrai basso, potremmo avere molte persone nelle nostre tasche ma i media sono diversi non hai bisogno di più attenzioni.
sono stato chiaro
( for now you will stay low, we may have a lot of people in our pockets but the media are different you don't need more attention.
I've been clear )

Emilio- va bene papà mi tengo sotto controllo, non darò la caccia a Julius almeno non per ora.
( alright dad I'm keeping an eye on me, I'm not going to chase Julius at least not for now. )

Emilio pov - I say goodbye to everyone and leave to get Serena and Gio, my mind still racing going through the letter  over and over again
Which isn't helping but only fuelling my angry.
When I get my  hands one the people responsible
It will be furtherest from a Quick death.

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