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Emilio pov - we finally touched down in Italy and I was anxious, I had all this pent-up anger in me I needed to release it I just want to get to the site and take care of these assholes that thought that they could steal from the Cruz family.
There are two sights we need to go and collect and deal with a few if not all of them.
Emmanuel is going to the one with Hector and Marco along with some of or men here and me I will have Dominic and Johnny and a few guards we will meet up at our private island here after it is done.
Dominic and Johnny where annoying me about being hungry so to shut there mouths up we stopped at a cafe to get something to eat.

Dominic- ahh boss you might want to look but keep your cool.

Emilio- keep my cool about what?
( I turned my head in the Direction of the cafe and to my surprise I saw her, I saw them my Serena my son Gio and she has a baby she was nursing her then she handed her off to someone that's when I lost it , I know damm well that is my baby my Principessa and she let some man hold her "Hell No

Johnny - boss you to calm down a bit Gio is there you don't want to go of the railings with the two of then there do you.
Let us take the kids in the car then you can deal with them.
I will tell the guards to take that man to warehouse.

Emilio- fine lets go.
( I walked right up to them snatching up my principessa and handing her to Dominic )

Andrew- what the hell is wrong with you man give me..( cutoff) punch

Emilio- I will cut you off there because she is mine they all are..( cutoff )

Gio - papa...papa ( I ran to papa would punched the butthead Andrew I new he would come god answered my prays , I quickly jumped into his arms and held me tightly kissing my cheek )
I new you would come, I prayed to god for this to happened you stopped the stronzo for taking mama and your place with Aria

Emilio- ( I couldn't help but chuckle when he said stronzo ) I will always come we are family you are my heart.
Gio go with Zio Johnny ( he gave me one last hug and went with Johnny , I turned my Attention to Serena who looks frozen stunned on the spot )

Andrew - I don't know who you think you are but you better bring back our children I will call the police and have you arrested on the spot and thrown into jail.
Look at what you have done to her she isn't moving.

Emilio- hahah it's clear you have no idea who I am and you can call the police but they won't do anything I am Emilio Cruz I am one of the mafia prince's I am Mafia royalty my family runs this Country no one will do anything not even if I kill you on the stop.
She is just stunned a little, she is my woman they are my children and I have been searching for them for a year now only to fine she is hiding another child from me.

Niko take this stronzo away I am done talking to him.
( I looked to the stunned Serena, trying to hold back all the anger I have pinned up since I couldn't take it out on those assholes Who owe me money I don't want to take it out on her )

Serena Non voglio perdere la pazienza perché in questo momento sto facendo fatica soprattutto dopo quello che ho visto che avevi mia figlia da me, mi hai portato via mio figlio e te ne sei andato.
So che eri sconvolto, non c'è motivo di andartene.
Ti spiegherò di più in seguito, ora alza il culo e sali in macchina ora.

( I don't want to lose my patience because right now I'm struggling especially after what I saw that you had my daughter with me, you took my son away from me and you left.
I know you were upset, there is no reason to leave.
I'll explain more to you later, now get your ass up and get in the car now. )

Serena -( I swear it was like I was frozen in time, his here he is really here he found me and he is pissed well he is more then pissed, I am afraid he will kill Andrew I can't let him do that, I have to try and explain myself and let him no I have no feelings for this other man, I nearly died when he said that I was his along with the kids, thank god they where there or he would have killed Andrew on the stop for saying that )
Emili...( cutoff )

Emilio- Non voglio sentire una sola parola dalle tue labbra finché non ti dirò di parlare.
Ti porterò qui a casa nostra finché non mi occuperò di alcuni affari che non proverei a scappare se fossi in te, non che potresti se ci provassi è su un'isola privata.

( I don't want to hear a single word from your lips until I tell you to speak.
I will take you here to our house until I take care of some business that I wouldn't try to escape if I were you, not that you could if you tried it's on a private island. )

Emilio pov - I grabbed her by the hand and drag her to the waiting car, the feeling on her hand in mind calm me down a bit even if I was mad at her.
When we where seated in the car Dominic passes me and my daughter il mio principessa, she is so Beautiful just like her mother , it upset me that I missed her been born I still could barely wrap my head around that Serena didn't tell me that you kept it for me.
But as mad as I am I still love her and need her but you better believe she will be punished for this.
My thoughts where interrupted by Gio

Gio- her name is Arianna papa but we call her Aria, I promise I will protect her papa and make sure no boys go hear her cause that's my job right papa

Emilio- ( he may not be my son by blood but he certainly acts like everyone in my family are men he knows we Lay our life on the line for the woman in our family they are our true treasures which we hold high )
Si figlio I know you will do whatever it takes to protect her ( I leaned over and gave him a hug kissing the side of his head , then I turn my attention back to Aria my principessa )

Principessa Sono tuo padre, mi dispiace vederti solo sapere che qualcuno ci ha tenuti separati ma ti prometto che nessuno ti porterà mai più via da me, mai più.
quando torniamo a casa hai una grande famiglia che so che sarà così felice di vederti non appena li avrai, sarà una grande festa.

( I'm your father, I'm sorry to see you just knowing that someone has kept us apart but I promise you that no one will ever take you away from me again, ever again.
when we get home you have a big family that i know will be so happy to see you as soon as you have them, it will be a great party. )

Emilio pov- I had Gio leaning on my right side I had my arm wrapped around him and in the left is where my principessa lays down peacefully sleeping.
I look over to Serena to see the tears that haven't stopped falling since we got into the car.
I am guessing my words to Aria sunk in deep that she is the one that kept us apart, she is the one that never told me.
But despite all that I just want to reach up and pull her on my lap and wipe away all her tears and let her know I am not mad I am just happy to have my family back.
That she is and always will be my always and forever till my last breath leaves this earth.

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