Missing them

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Emilio pov- I got back few hours ago, I have barley slept how could I.
I was contemplating weather I should call her back, she has been calling me non stop for the last three days, it's not like I was ignoring her I was just busy that and the events of what happened kept playing in my head, I have never felt weak and helpless in my life but Serena she makes me feel week and helpless especially when she thought so little of me, that she thought I would treat her of al people the way I treat other women.
She is different she should know that.
I looked at my watch to check the time, it's 4:30pm she should be finish work.
I took a deep breath getting ready to call her but she beat me to it, I answered the phone and heard her sweet voice which I have been dying to hear again.

Serena - Emilio...... I'm ( crying) I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.... Or to make you think I don't trust you because I do.....
( crying)
I love you with all my heart......
( deep breath ) I know you are still mad at me and probably don't want to talk.... Um I wouldn't have ask if I had any choice but um......I was ( cutoff )

Emilio -bambolina I could never stay mad, I am sorry , I didn't get back to you but I was busy taking care of Business.
You don't need to be scared or nervous to ask me for anything, now tell me what you need.
( I hated nearly the fear in her voice as she tries to ask for something)

Serena- well Um I have to go on the sight to show my renovation plans, I am a-bit behind I just finished them but I Can take Gio home my neighbour that watches him for me doesn't have a car and she can't get him so I was worried if you could pick him up and take him back to my apartment, my neighbours name is Kelia she ( cutoff )

Emilio- "No I will watch him myself, I got some paper work to do so he will stay with me at my place and beside I miss him, I miss you both...

Serena- We miss you too, his been crying for you, I didn't know what to tell him.

Emilio- then it's settle I will come get him now and when you finish, I want you to come to my place so we spend some time together.
Maybe the three of us should go away for the weekend for family time, what do you say.

Serena- okay that sounds good, I guess I will see you soon , love you.

Emilio- love you more....
( end call )

Emilio pov- As soon as I ended the call with Serena I jumped into the shower to have a quick wash, I new their day care would close soon so I sent a text to Alejandro so he could watch him for a few minutes which of course be agreed to.

I pulled up to Alejandro building heading to the top floor to his office.
Once I got there and opened the doors Gio turn and as soon as he saw me his face lit up and ran to me screaming the one thing I had miss hearing and it completely filled my heart with the warmth something I don't think I will ever be able to explain.

Gio- Papa.......Papa......PAPA!!!!!!
( I ran straight into papa's arms, I miss him so much)

Mi manchi papà dove sei stato, mamma è stata triste, anche a lei manchi...

( I miss you dad where have you been, mum was sad, she misses you too ... )

Emilio- ( The look of sadness of his little face broke me, even worse he was sad because I wasn't there )

Mi dispiace figliolo, papà aveva un lavoro importante da sbrigare ma ora sono qui, infatti questo fine settimana noi tre andremo via, andremo al lago e ti porterò a finire, come suona.

( I'm sorry son, dad had an important job to do but now I'm here, in fact this weekend the three of us are going away, going to the lake and I'll take you to finish, as it sounds. )

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