What happen to Serena?

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Serena pov - The last thing I can remember is seeing Jeremy and Emilio flying into Panic mode.
My head started to spin even more until complete darkness filled my vision.
When I woke up I was back at the Cruz Mansion to Emilio punching several holes into the wall cursing.

Serena - Emilio..... ( I softly cried out )

Emilio- bambolina thank god your awake you scared me, I...I thought I was losing you..
( I kissed her forehead and caressed her cheek , resting my forehead to her's )

Serena- The baby....The baby... ( I whispered slowly over and over again..) is the baby...( I stopped talking when I saw the look of sadness and heartbreak through his eyes )
No.... Please....tell me....( cutoff )

Emilio- they where twins but...( I looked down taking deep breaths willing myself to be strong for her ) Jeremy was only able to save one of them, I don't know how he did it but it's doing fine and Jeremy is hopeful it will pull through to full term.

Serena - w...what do you mean...
And how long have I been out for..

Emilio - 5 months you have been out for 5 months ( I couldn't help the tears that pour from my eyes as I said that, I broke down and held her and just left the tears flow through me )
Just seeing you awake, hearing your sweet voice once again is slowly repairing my shattered heart.
( I kissed her lips softly holding her face in my hands )
Amore mio....Amore mio.....

Serena - 5 months....( crying) ... Gio, Aria my babies where are they are they okay( crying) I have to see them... and if I am 5 months why am I ...( cutoff)

Emilio- calm down baby they are fine, Camila took them out for the day.
I take them to see you every day and Aria calls out to you, I taught how to say Mama and Gio our Tough little man puts a brave face on for his sister but I know he is hurting the most inside.
And baby the reason you not showing is because the baby is growing outside of your womb still in the amniotic sac when you are feeling better I will take you but you just woke up and you need to heal. But here I will show you a Picture.

( just imagine it smaller couldn't find one )

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( just imagine it smaller couldn't find one )

His been monitored closely.

Serena - ( crying) he....it's....a boy......
( crying) what....have....I done.........( crying)

Emilio- No don't you dare do that, it is not your fault, Jeremy said it was poison and looking at the timeline it was a dinner at the reception before we left that did it.
It's slowly eats away and attacks or vital organs, he said it was lucky that you threw up so much so the thanks weren't as  damaging as it could have been.
It was a long shot but he said if we wanted a chance for own son to survive he had to come out, it's only experimental where they keep them in there amniotic sac and supplement them as a mother was in the womb and he also has him in a special incubator to mimic the mothers womb.
So far it is working and he has high hopes that he will see it through term.
So please don't you blame your self okay.
We will find out who poisoned your food.

Serena - ( I talk deep breaths trying to calm myself down, trying to remember anything from that night that might help, then it hit me I don't know if it is anything but hopefully it will be )
I....I remember something from that night.
I didn't want the beef so I switched with Cay she had the chicken and if no one else was sick then that means that maybe someone( cutoff )

Emilio - someone was targeting Cay and only poisoned her food which you ate. So if we find out who that is then there life is definitely going to be cut short.
I will not rest until I drain there blood from there body it will be a slow and painful death.
"Shit I hate to tell Manny...
( I kissed her lips slowly and wipes away her tears )
I am just going to be outside okay Bambolina
I have to call Manny.

Emilio- Fratello I have news both Good and bad...
Good Serena  is awake and she remembered what happened she said she switched food with Cay because she couldn't stomach the beef and since no one else got sick that means Cay was the real target...
But the question is who... her background is completely clean so who would want yo hurt her maybe one of your One nighters is after her.

Emmanuel-  one That is great news Fratello , two what the fuck do you mean Cay is the real target , "shit I will tell Carlos to go back over the footage of the hole day when they  were preparing the food.
How she anyways with everything, did you tell  her about the baby.

Emilio- she knows she is still crying and worse she was blaming her self for it,
Do me a favour after Lunch can you bring Gio and Aria here, I think seeing them will lift her spirits up even more.

Emmanuel- will do fratello and I will let everyone know she is awake.
Talk soon Ciao..

Emilio- Ciao Fratello...

( end call )

I walked back into the room to see Serena looking out the window crying I walked over to her and picked her up in my arms she wrapped her legs around my torso and I carried her over to the bed once I sat down I tried moving her off me but she just hang on tighter bearing her face in the crock of my neck which made me chuckle.

Emilio- bamolina please stop crying, I have good news after Lunch Gio and Aria will be here and I know you wouldn't want them to see you so sad.
I promise you everything will be okay, we will find out who tried to kill Cay but ended up seriously hurting you and putting our baby in danger.
We will find them and they will suffer that is a promise.
( I held her face in my hands and made her look at me )
You believe me right.

Serena - I believe you, I just hope this won't affect Cay we are her first real family she has since she lost her parents when she was little.

Emilio- she will be fine and she has Manny and you know how possessive and overprotective we are about our woman so you dam well she is in good hands.
No it's been 5 month and you haven't had any solid food so Jeremy told me we have to take it slow so we start with soup okay.
I also have some Jello or yoghurt .
Come I will feed you, I am not ready to let you leave my arms.
( I kissed her cheek and began feeding her she didn't eat a lot but that is understandable her body isn't used to it so it will take some time. )


1 per - I can't believe you, how stupid can you be?

2 per -  how was I suppose to know she would give her food to someone else.
But it is fine we will find another way then when Cay is dead I can Swoop in weeping at the loss of my foster sister.
Then we will get close and I can be a member of the most richest and powerful is family in the world.
Then we can get rid of all this foster brats and live a life of luxury who would've thought that ugly useless bitch Would land a man like Emmanuel Cruz to bad this fairytale she think she landed won't last for long cause his about to get a up Grade.

1 per- I don't care how you do it just has long as you remember who gave you everything, now it's time to pay it forward to your foster mother.
Once Cay is Dead all they will see is a grieving foster mother and sister and they will welcome us then you seduce him and make him fall in love with you and then we will never have to lift another finger again.
We just need a new plan.

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