Bonding with Gio / Pampering Principessa Aria

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Emilio pov - I decided to spend some time with Gio before taking Aria out.
I know he is still upset about what happened and it kills me to think that he thinks I don't love him I swear I wanted to choke the little bitch out she is lucky she is a kid or she would be dead, maybe I can just get Marcela to deal with her again only this time I will make sure Massimo won't hold her back.
I am taking him by the lake for some finishing it will be the perfect bonding time for us and hopefully he will know how much I love him and that he is my son.

Emilio- Ciao figlio , have you had breakfast yet , after you finish We can go to the lake and fish.

Gio- umm If you want to Mr Cruz ( I looked down, he may still call me figlio but I still feel that he only nice for mama and my baby sister )

Emilio pov - felt my heart shatter in my chest as he called me Mr Cruz, his only ever called me papa, and that is the only thing I want him to call me, I picked him up and started walking to the back of the house where the lake is, I sat him on the dock.

Emilio- Figlio look at me please ( when he looked up at me ) I am only going to say this once and only once you are my son and I don't ever want you to call me Mr Cruz okay it is just papa, you know I had your birth certificate changed my name is put down as your father, so in the eyes of the law and in my heart as well as every one in the Cruz family you are one of us, you are my son just as much as Arianna is my daughter, ( I sat him on my lap and hugged him tightly to me in a comforting manner. ) I love you okay don't ever think that I don't it breaks my heart to think that you think That I don't love you.

Just because I want to spend some alone time with your sister doesn't mean that I don't love you anymore okay

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Just because I want to spend some alone time with your sister doesn't mean that I don't love you anymore okay.
After we finish fishing you will keep your mama company while I spend time with your sister.
Now are you ready to catch some fish.

Gio- ( I clung on to him tightly and started to cry no matter how hard I tried I didn't want him to see me cry, I wanted him to see I am strong )
I am ready papa.... , I'm sorry I made you sad....

Emilio- it's okay figlio as long as your happy then I am.

Gio pov- Papa took me on his fishing boat and he helped me with my fishing rod.

Gio - papa I did It , I got one papa....., I got one ....( papa helped me reel in the big fish that I caught )

Emilio- buon lavoro figlio ne hai uno grosso.
( good job son you got a big one)

Emilio pov- we spent a two hours out on the lake before we went back.
As we got to the garden closer to the back entrance to the mansion, I stopped Gio.

Emilio- figlio I am going to be taking Aria out today but remember what I told you, tell me.

Gio- your my papa and I'm your Figlio and you love me.

Emilio- good always remember that, no let's go inside, maybe Zia Camila will cook the fishes you caught and if she can not we will get one of the chefs to cook it for dinner how does that sound.

Gio- sounds good to me.

Serena- there is my little man did you have fun with papa.

Gio - the best I caught so many fishes, I caught this many ( I held up 5 fingers to show her ) and papa didn't catch any.

Emilio - haha come on figlio lets go wash up for lunch( I grabbed Serena by her waist and brought her closer and kiss her lips passionately )
Bambolina after dinner tonight you are mine.
Since I am giving our children some one on one Quality time it is only fair that you get yours too, I just hope your ready and you save all your energy to keep up what I have planned for you.

Emilio pov- I watched her go red as she walked into the kitchen I went upstairs with Gio and gave him a bath then he got himself dressed and went down stairs while I had my own shower and got dressed.
I went into the nursery to check on Aria to find her wide away just laying quietly in her crib, she is such a chill baby Gio was nothing like this he cried all the time well unless he was in my arms it use to drive Serena crazy she hated it because she would have a hard time dealing with him when I was not around.
I picked her up and changed her diaper and her clothes walked down stairs to the dinning room where everyone was waiting for us.
Before I could put her in her swing my papa comes straight to me.

Miguel- passami mia nipote ora, come sta la principessa, quando invecchierai come tutte le altre ragazze il nonno ti comprerà un pony e un castello da principessa poi un cavallo, ti darò quello che il tuo cuore desidera.

( pass me my niece now, how is the princess, when you get old like all the other girls grandpa will buy you a pony and a princess castle then a horse, i will give you what your heart desires)

Emilio- se ho una scelta papà, non mettermi a mio agio con suo padre perché la sto portando fuori solo io e lei.

( if i have a choice dad, don't get comfortable with her dad because i'm just taking her out. )

Emilio pov- my papa just glares at me causing mama to laugh, papa is like this with all his granddaughters, he loves his grandsons to but because they will be more in the Mafia and spend more time learning about the Business for him your fathers and uncles as they get older, they will end up spending more time with the boys. That and well girls are a dime in a dozen in our family we are mostly all boys.

I just finished eating then kissed Gio and Serena then walked to my papa who still had a sleeping Aria in his arms her little head was on his chest when I reached to take her he smacked my hand away.

Emilio- papa I told you I was taking her out, so take it easy old man.

Miguel- old man huh, keep talking figlio and This old man will kick your ass, ( I reluctantly hand Aria over , which made Emilio chuckle so I smacked him on the side of the head )

Emilio- Ahh!! Papa....I was just joking.....
Alright everyone We will be back by dinner
I put Aria in her carseat and headed to the waiting SUV , I didn't want to drive since if she needed something I wouldn't be able help her so I climbed in the back and securing her seat.
My little principessa has never taken her eyes of me.
I know she is just a baby by I am taking her for a spa day first then straight to baby gym no idea what that is but there aren't many options she's just a baby, we will have a lot more and I am just enjoying it now cause I know as soon as she can talk she will definitely tell me what she wants to do.

When we got to the spa all eyes where on us, I I thought she would be the only baby there but I was
Wrong they do baby massages so we both got a massage.
Just as we where relaxing in the spa bath some nosy bitch trying to cut in on my special time with my principessa.
If she wasn't with me, I would seriously cut this bitch in 1 million pieces.
I Signal to Johnny to take her out of this dam spa.
I turned my attention back to Aria and just started talking to her about any and everything mainly one thing, I told her that her and Gio have to help me when I proposed to their mama .
It is definitely a long time coming I should've asked her ages ago , better late then never right.
I just hope she will say yes, well she has no choice but to say yes.

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